Ch. 8- Psychological Disorders Flashcards
biomedical approach to psychological disorders
psychological disorders are physically-based conditions
biopsychosocial approach to psychological disorders
psychological disorders have important biological causative factors, but psychological factors also play a role
psychological disorder
mental or behavioral pattern causing significant distress to a person or impairing their ability to function within society
what entity is the current standard for classifying mental disorders?
the DSM-5
what are the 3 main types of depressive disorders?
major depressive disorder, dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder), and seasonal affective disorder
major depressive disorder (MDD)
at least one 2-week episode of major depression
dysthymia / persistent depressive disorder
less severe than major depressive disorder, but lasts for at least two years
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
depression that has a regular seasonal onset
what are the 3 main subtypes of bipolar disorders?
Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorder.
Bipolar I disorder
manic episodes; does not require depressive episodes to be classified
Bipolar II disorder
at least one major depressive episode and one or more episodes of hypomania
Cyclothymic disorder
less intense depressive episodes and hypomania
what are the 3 main subtypes of anxiety disorders?
generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and illness anxiety disorder
generalized anxiety disorder
extremely high levels of stress for routine, everyday aspects of life
social anxiety disorder
onset of intense feelings of stress in social situations
illness anxiety disorder
excessive concern about medical conditions in the absence of physical symptoms
obsessive-compulsive disorder
presence of obsessions (intrusive thoughts) that can only be quieted temporarily by compulsions (ritualistic behaviors)
body dysmorphic disorder
obsessive focus on a percieved flaw in appearance (negligible or not present)
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
caused by intense acute and/or chronic trauma. intrusive recollections (not necessarily visual), avoidance of stimuli related to trauma, negative mood/cognitions changes related to the traumatic event, altered patterns of reactivity and arousal
what are the 2 main types of somatic disorders?
somatic symptom disorder and conversion disorder
somatic symptom disorder
excessive preoccupation with a physical symptom
conversion disorder
impaired voluntary motor/sensory function with no apparent biological cause
what are the two main types of dissociative disorders?
dissociative identity disorder and dissociative amnesia
dissociative identity disorder
having different personalities at different times in the same individual
dissociative amnesia
retrograde amnesia in which people lose episodic memories of their own lives
depersonalization/derealization disorder
disconnection from own existence, as if observing yourself
what is the difference between positive and negative symptoms?
positive symptoms = add something that normal people don’t experience
negative symptoms = take away something that normal people usually have
prodromal phase of schizophrenia
a period of poor social adjustment and integration before the onset of full schizophrenia
positive symptoms of schizophrenia
hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thought and behavior, catatonia (abnormal movement patterns)
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
lethargy, diminished initiative, diminished levels of emotional intensity
proposed biological cause of schizophrenia
excess dopamine production and high heritability from parents
major ways to treat schizophrenia
antipsychotics, neuroleptics, and therapy-based approaches
Cluster A of personality disorders
paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders
Cluster B of personality disorders
antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, and borderline personality disorders
Cluster C of personality disorders
avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders
paranoid personality disorder
high level of distrust towards others, jealousy, and a tendency to interpret innocent actions as malevolently-intended
schizoid personality disorder
marked preference for solitude, tendency to form few relationships, overall tendency towards emotional aloofness, coldness, and a restricted range of emotions
schizotypal personality disorder
intense discomfort in social contexts, baby delusions
antisocial personality disorder
pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others, often violent and lacking remorse
narcissistic personality disorder
pervasive sense of one’s unique talents, brilliance, etc. fantasies about unlimited success and power, shallow and conflict-driven relationships with others
histrionic personality disorder
pattern of flashy, attention-seeking behavior, exaggerating but not always sincere emotional expressions
borderline personality disorder
tendency for extremely intense (but unstable) emotions and moods, splitting (people are either all good or all bad), risky and impulsive behavior
avoidant personality disorder
persistent sense of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to criticism, leading to avoidance of social situations
dependent personality disorder
profound need to be taken care of by others, even when it’s something they could do themselves. prone to being abused in relationships
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
NOT OCD. excessive concern with orderliness, rules, etc. tend to be perfectionistic, controlling, inflexible, stubborn.
Parkinson’s disease symptoms
tremors, slower/shuffling movements, loss of facial expressions, bent posture
Parkinson’s disease biological basis
cell death in the substantia nigra in the brain, leading to reduced dopamine levels. do NOT give medication that produces a bunch of dopamine (ie. meth) because you can start having schizophrenia symptoms
depression may be caused by deficiencies in what two main neurotransmitters?
serotonin and dopamine
what medications are used to treat depression?
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) = force serotonin to stick around in the brain longer