Ch 7 Flashcards
If an athletic trainer modifies a piece of equipment and the individual sues what is this a case of?
a case of tort
what are examples of off-the-self equpiment
things that can be bought in the store such a; neoprene sleeve, shoe inserts, protective ankle braces
what are the steps to properly fitting a football helmet
A)check snugness of cheek pads B)helmet should cover base of skull C)two finger widths above eye D)ear holes line up E)three fingers width from face mask F)helmet should not shift on head E)Check chin straps
true or false
the helmet should fit snugly so a credit card is firmly when the head is moved
do coaches and athletic trainers prefer two-snap, four-snap, or six-snap chin straps
four-snap chin straps
how many times can a cycling helmet protect against impact
1 time
true or false
womens lacrosse requires only protective eye guard
what are the four types of face protection
face guards throat protection device mouth guards ear guards eye protection device
what type of lens should athlete use for eye protection
polycarbonate lense
the corneal type of contact lens covers what?
covers just the iris of the eye
the scleral type of lens covers what?
covers the entire front of the eye including the white
a strap that extends from the front to the back of the shoulder pads that cause the shoulder pads to arch above the tip of the shoulder
cantilever pads
these pads do not restrict as much motion as the cantilever pads
non cantilever pads
what positions should use cantilever pads and what position should use noncantilever pads
cantilever(players tackling and blocking such as O-lineman and D-lineman)
non cantilever (quarterback and wide-recievers)
a bra that hold breast to the chest and prevents stretching of the ligaments prevents against what
Cooper’s ligaments
what is the most recommended type of bra
compressive pullover
how much space should be available in the toe box
1/2 to 3/4 inch from the longest toe to front of shoe
people who run on the inside of their foot and are flat footed are called what?
people who run on the outside of their foot and have high arched feet are called what
what are the two measurements needed to properly fit a shoe
the distance from the heel to metatarsalphalangeal and distance from heel to longest toe
what conditions can heel cups be used for
planatar fascitiis, heel spur, achillies tendinitis, and heel bursitis
what type of foam is preferable for sports
closed-cell type
what type of plastic is used for casting
heat-forming plastics
velcro that is used when a device must be continually put on and removed is called what
fastening material
true or false
athletic trainers is capable of designing splints