ch 14 Flashcards
what are the five stages of pathogen infection
- incubation
- prodromal
- acute
- decline
- recovery
this stage last from the time a pathogen enters the body until it multiplies to the point where the signs and symptoms of a disease begins to appear. this stage last from a few hours to many months ( during this stage the host may be infected but not infectious)
incubation stage
during this stage the pathogenic agent continues to multiples and the host is capable of transferring pathogen to a new host. the patient should be isolated
prodromal stage
in this stage the disease reaches its greatest development and the likelihood of transmitting the disease to others is highest
acute stage
in this stage the first signs of recovery appear signaling that the infection is ending
decline stage
this stage is characterized by apparent recovery from the invading pathogen
recovery stage
true or false
the HBV is stronger and more durable than HIV and can spread easily via sharp objects, open wounds and body fluids
where does the HBV attack and what does it result in
attacks the liver and results in lifelong infection, cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, and death
how is HBV spread
having unprotected sex with and infected person and sharing needles
true or false
people who received a HBV vaccine are at no risk to develop it
what are the signs and symptoms of HBV
flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and dark urine
what is the likeihood that a patient will recover from HBV
85% by 6-8 wks
how long can HBV survive on open surfaces
up to one week
true or false
the HBV vaccine is given in 3 doses over 6 months
what are the two drugs used to treat HCV
inferfernon and ribavirin
HIV is a __________ that combines with a host cell
how is HIV transmitted
by exposure to infected blood or other body fluida and by intimate sexual contact
what are the signs and symptoms of HIV
fatigue, weight loss, muscle or joint pain, painful or swollen glands, night sweats, and fever
Individuals with ____ has no protection against event he simplest infections and thus is extremely vulnerable to developing a variety of illness
after how many years does a patient with AIDS die
after 2 years
is there a vaccine for HIV
is there treatment available to cure patients with AIDS
which type of food can lead to HAV
milk, shellfish, salad, and sliced meat
a waterborne disease and contaminated water and food supplies have been implicated in major outbreaks and foreign countries
true or false
athletes infected with HIV can not be discriminated against and may be excluded from participation only on a medically sound biased
true or false
mandatory testing for HIV should be used as a screening tool
false due to Americans with disability act and HIPPA
at what temperature should contaminated laundry be washed and how long
160F and 25 minutes