Ch. 54 - An Introduction to Ecology and Biomes Flashcards
the study of the ways in which individual organisms meet the challenges of their abiotic and biotic interactions within their environment
Organismal Ecology
investigates how organisms are physiologically adapted to their environment and how the environment impacts the distribution of species
Physiological Ecology
how the behavior of individual organisms contributes to their survival and reproductive success
Behavioral Ecology
focuses on groups of interbreeding individuals (populations); understanding factors that affect a population’s growth and determine its size and density
Population Ecology
study of how populations of species interact and form functional communities
Community Ecology
systems formed by the interactions between a community of organisms and its physical environment
the flow of energy and the cycling of nutrients within an ecosystem, which, in turn, affects the production of biomass
Ecosystem Ecology
performing an experiment several times
a fairly narrow zone close to the ocean’s surface, where light is sufficient to allow photosynthesis to occur
Photic Zone
species that can tolerate higher salt concentrations in their cell sap than regular plants
precipitation with a pH of less than 5.6
Acid Rain
the prevailing weather pattern in a given region
areas of high pressure and are the sites of the world’s hot deserts, because the subsiding air is relatively dry, having released all of its moisture over the equator
Subsidence Zone
increasing elevation leads to a decrease in air pressure
Adiabatic Cooling
an area where precipitation is noticeably less
Rain Shadow
major types of habitat characterized by distinctive plant and animal life; subdivided into terrestrial and aquatic
rainfall > 230cm/year; avg. temp = 25-29; equatorial regions
Tropical Rain Forest
uppermost layer of tree foliage
rainfall ~ 130-280 cm/year; avg. temp = 25-39; equatorial regions where rainfall is more seasonal
Tropical Deciduous Forest
rainfall > 200 cm/year; winter temperatures seldom drop below freezing and summer temperatures rarely exceed 27 degrees celsius; coastal locales
Temperate Rain Forest