Ch. 4 - Developmental Psychology (PART 4) Flashcards
Adolescent Egocentrism
Adolescents overestimate uniqueness of their feelings and experiences. Adolescents are overly sensitive to social evaluation.
Formal Operational Thought
Thinking that requires deductive and hypothetical thinking. Used to draw conclusions taking all variables involve in a problem into account
Why can adolescents deal with problems requiring formal operational thought better than children?
They have superior systematic thinking
Which of these is NOT true about adolescence?
A. Adolescents have more flexible and creative thinking
B. Memory becomes more efficient
C. Increase in abstract reasoning abilities
D. Adolescents understand that their thoughts are likely not unique
E. Attention span becomes longer
D. Adolescents understand that their thoughts are likely not unique
Post-formal operational thinking
Allows for new and more complex ways people can reason logically about opposing points of view. People can accept contradictions and unagreeable differences
Why is post-formal operational thinking not included in Piaget’s Stage Theory?
Piaget argued that adults do not develop new modes of thinking.
Which change in information processing in adults does NOT occur?
A. Decrease in spatial memory
B. Less clear prospective memory
C. More likely to retain information
D. Decrease in reaction time
E. Less likely to remember new information
C. More likely to retain information
What happens to crystallized intelligence during adulthood?
Crystallized intelligence peaks in middle adulthood and then declines
What happens to fluid intelligence during adulthood?
Begins to decline in early adulthood
What happens to wisdom as one ages?
Wisdom increases with age
How can adults preserve their mind and body?
“Use it or lose it”. Adults that engage in cognitively stimulating activities help to preserve cognitive activities in late adulthood. Same is true for physical activities.
Identity Diffusion
No identity crisis yet; uncommitted to a role
Adopting a role without going through identity crisis (eg. adopting parental values without giving values thought)
Current identity crisis (not resolved)
Identity Achievement
Gone through an identity crisis (successfully resolved). Emerged with a coherent set of values
Which of the following is NOT correlated with conflict between parents and adolescents?
A. Anti-Social Behaviour
B. Low Self-Esteem
C. Misconduct
D. Hopelessness
E. None of the above
E. None of the above
Why are adolescents more likely to lie to their parents than children
Peer relations increase in importance in adolescence. Peers can influence a teen’s values/behaviours. Hence, adolescents may lie about behaviours they believe their parents won’t tolerate
True or False: Research suggests that midlife crisis is a myth.
Happiness and general life satisfaction generally do not decrease throughout adulthood. Dissatisfaction occurs due to environmental factors, financial security, and relationships.
What factors impact whether a person chooses to retire voluntarily?
Physical health
Leisure interests
Financial security
Family relationships
Kubler-Ross’s Stages of Dying