Ch 30 Key Terms Flashcards
an individual, ages 13–18 years; focus shifts from parents to peers; decision making, abstract thinking, and complex memorization skills develop.
child abuse
any act or failure to act on the part of a parent, a caregiver, or any adult that results in serious physical or emotional harm or imminent risk of harm to a child.
child neglect
a failure to act on the part of a parent, a caregiver, or other responsible adult to provide for the physical, emotional, educational, safety, or social needs of a child to the extent that emotional, developmental, or physical harm may occur.
decompensated shock
shock that results from the body’s inability to compensate for low blood volume or inadequate tissue perfusion.
an inflammation and swelling of the epiglottis, the small, leafshaped structure that covers the larynx when a person swallows and prevents food from entering the trachea.
an unfused suture between the bones of the skull of a newborn that allows expansion of the growing brain; the fontanels close at approximately 18–20 months of age.
a child ages 2–12 months.
an inflammation of the membranes covering the spinal cord and brain; may be caused by viruses or bacteria.
a child in the first month of life; children in this stage are also said to be in the neonatal period.
pediatric assessment triangle
an assessment tool that utilizes a pediatric patient’s appearance (mental status, body position, and muscle tone), work of breathing (visible movement, effort, and audible sounds), and circulation (skin color) to assess the patient’s well-being.
preschool period
the period of childhood during ages 3–5 years; a time in which a child gains fine motor skills and greater independence.
the condition in which muscles pull in between the ribs and above the sternum upon inhalation.
school-aged child
a child, ages 6–12 years
shaken baby syndrome
a condition in which an infant or toddler is picked up and violently shaken, causing a traumatic brain injury.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
the sudden, unexplained death of an infant in which a postmortem examination fails to determine the cause of death.
a child ages 12–36 months; the stage at which a child begins to explore, climb, and speak simple words or phrases.
tripod position
a position in which a patient sits upright and leans forward onto outstretched arms; the head and chin are thrust forward in an attempt to keep the airway open.