Ch 23 Key Terms Flashcards
ballooning of an artery that weakens it and predisposes it to rupture.
aortic rupture
development of a leak in the largest blood vessel in the body; results in massive bleeding that is usually fatal.
closed chest injury
a chest injury without penetration of the chest cavity.
commotio cordis
sudden cardiac death due to blunt thoracic trauma without any observable thoracic or cardiac damage.
flail chest
a condition in which two or more adjacent ribs are fractured in two or more places, causing a free floating segment of the chest wall.
coughing up blood.
an accumulation of blood in the pleural space.
myocardial contusion
a bruise of the heart muscle.
open chest injury
a chest injury that involves penetration of the chest wall.
paradoxical motion
inward movement of a flail chest segment upon inhalation.
pericardial tamponade
the accumulation of blood or other fluid within the pericardial sac.
air in the pleural space.
pulmonary contusion
a bruise of the lung tissue.
pulse pressure
the difference between the maximum (systolic) and minimum (diastolic) blood pressures during a single heartbeat.
sucking chest wound
a chest wound that penetrates the pleura or lung, allowing air to be “sucked” into the pleural space upon each inspiration.
tension pneumothorax
the accumulation of pressurized air within the pleural space; causes the displacement of the great vessels, tracheal deviation, distention of the jugular veins, and compression of the other lung.
traumatic asphyxia
the inability to breathe and hypoxia that results from the inability of the chest wall to expand due to external pressure or massive crushing trauma.