CH 3 Flashcards
skin structure disorders and diseases
what is the integumentary system
organ system - skin, hair nails and exocrine glands
where is skin the thinnest and thickest
thinnest - under eyes, around eyelids
thickest- plasma of hands and soles of feet
what are appendages of skin
hair, nails, sweat/oil glands
how is a callus formed
repeated pressure causing to thicken.
what are the three layers the skin is composed of
epidermis, dermis subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis)
what is the epidermis and its 5 layers
outermost/thinnest. doesn’t contain blood vessels. reliant on dermis for nutrition for cell renewal . 5 layers start with stratum (latin for later)
top layer to deepest layer:
stratum corneum
stratum lucidum
stratum granulosum
stratum spinosum
stratum germinativum
5 layers of epidermis
stratum corneum- (horny layer) first line of defense (UV rays, pollution, allergens, viruses, bacteria, topicals) can access skin type, skin conditions ect. from this layer) scalelike cells constantly being replaced with cells full of keratin ( fiberous protein)
stratum lucidum-clear transparent under skins surface. small oval shaped cells (light can pass thru) most abundant in palms and soles of feet) gives traction so we don’t slip. fingerprints are dependent upon lucidum layer.
stratum granulosum- (grainy layer) cells look like small granules. dying cells pushed to surface and will replace dead skin cells as they shed. process of keratization complete with this layer
stratum spinosum-(spiny layer) layer just alive basal later (deepest layer) as cells rise to surface, form cogs/spot welds between cells. this is where langerhans (immune support cells) live. these cells protect body from infection by identifying harmful substances (antigens)
stratum germinativum- (basal layer) deepest layer. produces new epidermal skin cells thru mitosis to replace kerinized skin cells that are shed by daily cleansing / metabolism.column shaped cells produce cells called melanocytes. those cells produce melanosomes containing melanin
what is keratinization
chemical conversion of living cells to dead cells. skin renewal process takes 25-28 days. keratinized cells combine with fats, minerals, salts, water. makes up outer layer of skin (barrier function. protective and water resistant
what are the 2 types of melanin
pheomelanin and eumelanin
pheomelanin-red to yellow in color (light skin)
eumelanin- deep brown to black (dark skin)
what is the dermis
(true skin) underlying/ inner layer of skin. highly sensitive. 25x thicker than epidermis.
what are the 2 Layers that the dermis is made of
Papillary layer and reticular layer
papillary- upper layer located directly beneath epidermis. where u will find dermal papillae (small cone shaped containing large amounts of gel) this layer accounts for 10-20% of dermis
reticular- deepest layer of dermis. supplies skin with all its oxygen and nutrients. (home to: sweat glands, blood vessels, hair follicles, lymph vessels, arrestor pili muscles, oil glands, nerve endings. collagen fibroblasts, elastin)
what is the subcutaneous layer
fatty layer below dermis, varies in smoothness/ contours body. acts as emergency source of food for use as energy, serves as cushion for skin
what surface endings of the skin are nerve fibers covered with
motor nerve fibers- cause goosebumps
sensory nerve fibers- react to head/cold/touch/pressure/pain. send messages to brain
secretory nerve fibers-distributed to sweat and oil glands of skin.control flow of sebum to surface of skin
what layer of the dermis houses nerve endings with sense of touch
papillary layer. registered basic sensations (touch, pain, heat, cold pressure) most abundant in fingertips (needed most)
what 2 structures does skin get its flexibility, strength, and form from
collagen and elastin. both consist of flexible protein fibers in dermis. (make up 70% of dermis)
collagen- gives skin form and strength. 16 types. type 1 and 3 are most abundant in skin. interwoven with elastin
elastin- makes up 15% of collagen fibers. gives skin flexability.
what are the 2 duct glands that extract materials from blood to form new substances
sudoriferous glands (sweat glands) and sebaceous glands (oil glands)
sudiriferous gland (sweat gland)
excrete sweat from skin. most numerous on palms, soles of feet, forehead, genitals and armpits
what are the 2 types of sweat glands in bodies
apocrine and eccrine
apocrine- hair follicles, scalp, underarms, genitals. fatty sweat. when we are emotional, stress can stimulate apocrine glands. combines skin bacteria creates odorous fatty acid
eccrine- major sweat glands of body found all over skin. excrete to surface of skin. regulates body temp, eliminate waste from body
what is wicking
evaporation of sweat cools skin surface. increased by exercise , heat emotions and drugs. controlled by nervous system
what is sebum
semi fluid. triglycerides and fatty acids make up 57.5% sebum. ester waxes=26% of sebum. squaline=12%. cholesterol=least abundant lipid in sebum. glands secrete sebum to lubricate skin and preserve softness of hair. these are found in all parts of body EXCEPT palms of hands and soles of feet. larger and more abundant on face and scalp.
what are sebaceous glands responsible for
determining skin types (oily, dry, combo, normal.)
what happens to sebum with healthy skin vs bad skin
healthy- sebum flows thru oil dicts to opening at top of hair follicles. mixes with sweat and forms acid mantle/barrier function
bad- sebum hardens and ducts get clogged from pollution/bad hygiene. pore impaction/comedo can occur. could lead to acne papule or pustule.
what is acne
skin disorder chronic inflammation of sebaceous gland from hardened secretions, bacteria and gaseous sacs.
what does lymph do
bathes the skins cells and removes toxins. clear fluid supplied from lymph nodes
what are the 6 primary functions of the skin
protection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion, secretion, absorbtion
explain 6 primary functions of skin
protection- outermost layer of epidermis is covered with thin layer of sebum , mixture of water, salts, minerals, fatty lipids found between cells produced in cell renewal process. helps make the skin chemical and water resistant
sensation- skins response to things
heat regulation- keep body temp 98.6
excretion- sweat glands
secretion- sebum is an oil secreted by sebaceous glands. lubricates skin keeping it soft. keeps hair soft and shiny
absorption- products designed not to penetrate past epidermis.
what is the best way to support health of skin
eating whole sources of foods(fats, carbs and protein )
explain vitamins and its two categories
oil soluble and water soluble.
oil - A, D, E ,K (stored in fat tissue and used when we exert energy)
water- B, C Carotene (consumed quickly and flushed out thru sweat
explain what vitamins do
oil - ADEK
A- supports health of skin. aids in health function and repair of skins cells
D- absorb and use calcium. promotes healthy healing of skin
E- protects skin from sun rays. slows loss of elasticity. heals wounds.
k- helps body respond to injuries. regulates blood clotting. reduces bone loss
water- B,C
B- Helps body break down nutrients from proteins, fats and carbs. supplies energy to muscles, critical for red blood cell production.
c- needed for proper repair of skin/tissues. fighting aging process. produces collagen
what impacts how our skin ages the most
sun and UV energy. 80-85% caused by sun
what is the difference between UVA and UBV rays
UVB- shorter, higher frequency. more damaging to skin-penetrate epidermis, (burning rays) cause sunburns (not as deep as UVA ) POSITIVE THINGS- contributes to vitamin D, increases melatonin in brain
UVA- break down collagen and elasticity (causing loss of skin tone, cellulite, wrinkles,sagging) deeper than UVB
you should be in the sun for 10 mins per day
What is the Fitzpatrick scale
standard for determining how quickly a person may burn when exposed to UV light or heat
what are the two areas of concern for signs of diseases/ disorders
subjective and objective
subjective- things you feel (itchy, burning, pain)
objective- things you can see (blisters, scabs)
what are the 3 types of skin lesions
primary, secondary and tertiary (nail techs only concerned with primary and secondary
what are types of primary skin lesions
primary- different color than color of skin and are raised above skin surface.
ex: cyst, nodule, papule, tomorrow, vesicle, bulla, wheal
what are types of secondary skin lesions
secondary- piles of materials on skin surface. (crust of scab, depressions in skins surface such as an ulcer.
ex: crust, excoriation, fissure, keloid, scale, scar, ulcer.)
name disorders if sudoriferouis (sweat gland)
anhidrosis, bromhidrosis, hyperhydrosis, miliaria rubra
andihidrosis- deficiency in perspiration (result in fever)
bromhidrosis- foul smelling (armpits/eet)
hyperhydrosis- excessive sweating
miliaria rubra - prickly heat. small eruption of small red vesicles. burning itching skin causes by blockage of sweat glands
what are 4 types of skin inflammations
dermatitis- inflammatory - vesicles/papules
eczema- itching
cellulitis - swollen red area, hot and tender. spreads rapidly to other parts of body.
psoriasis-red patches solve scales (scalp, elbow, knees, chest, low back) causes by skin cells turning over faster than normal. can cause nail plates to develop pits, red spots.
name pigmentation disorders
affected by hereditary/hormones or exposure to sun
albanism- absence of melanin
cholasma- increased pigmentation/ dark flat surfaces.
lenitegenes- freckles
leukoderma- characterized by light. abnormal patchess destroys pigment producing cells (vitiligo/ albanism)
Nevus- abnormal pigmentation / dilated capillaries - BIRTHMARK
Port wine stain- brown or red circular/ irregular shape d/t presence of darker pigment. occur during aging (after lupus) and after disappearance of moles, freckles and liver spots
what are the 3 distinct forms of skin cancer
, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma
basal- most common, least severe. light pearly nodules, reddish patch
squamous - more serious. scaly red /pink. open sores crusty areas. can grow and spread
malignant- most serious. spread quickly, black dark patches on skin. uneven raised. may have surface crust or bleed.l least common but 100% fatal if left untreated.
people who do not receive regular sun exposure found on areas of body not regularly exposed
what is the ABCDE cancer checklist
ASYMMETRY- one half of mole doesn’t meet other half
BORDER IRREGULARITY-edges are ragged
COLOR-not the same all over, diff shades
DIAMETER- wider than 1/4”
EVOLUTION- may change. darkening, itch, change shape/ grow
name infectious skin disorders
herpes simplex- highly contagious blister clusters
verruca- wart caused by a virus- infectious. can spread - along scratch in skin
tinea manus- ringworm of hand. fungal infection. dark-pinkish color. can be spread
tinea pedis- athletes foot/ringworm of feet. cause is fungal. thrives in dark moist places. skin is itchy, peeling, blisters colorless fluids. appear in groups between toes and bottom of foot
what is contact dermatitis-
most common avoidable disease, caused by continuous contact with irritating substances. can be short or long term. histamine is an immune response to contact allergies and irritants. redness/ rash like. takes 4-6 months of repeated exposure.
what is the second most common reason for an allergy
improper product constancy. ex: too much monomer liquid. too wet and will harden with liquid trapped inside. liquid can work way into nail bed and cause allergic reaction.
can also be caused by : applying product too thick, too short cure time, dirty lamps, wrong lamp.
what is the difference between UV bulb and UV lamp
UV bulb- emits correct UV energy needed to cure UV gel
UV lamp- powers and controls UV bulbs to cure UV gel.
differences: number/type of lamps in unit, distance lamps are from bottom of unit where hand is placed, size
these differences will affect curing power
what do watts measure
how much electricity lamp consumes NOT how much UV energy lamps produce. (ex miles per gallon measures how much gas it will take to drive your car NOT how fast the car can go)
what is a third thing that can cause allergic reactions
under curing