Ch 26: Urinary System Flashcards
Functions of urinary system
-excrete waste products
-Regulate blood volume and pressure
-Regulate blood solute, red blood cells, synthesis, vitamin D
What does urine consist of?
Water,ions ,urea, and toxic substances
Does not contain glucose unless diabetic
Regulation of red blood cell synthesis
Is EPO produced in red bone marrow
False, by the kidney to increase production of erythrocytes
What systems regulate vitamin D?
Integumentary system, urinary, and digestive system
Once urine leaves the kidney can it get changed or altered
Bean shaped organ
-Produces urine
Tube that drains from kidney
Urinary bladder
Hollow muscular organ that holds urine
Illuminates urine outside of body
Organs behind Paritoneum
Which kidney is lower
Right kidney
What is the root of the kidney?
Renal hilum
Adipose tissue
Engulfs renal capsule in acts as cushioning
Renal capsule
Surrounds each kidney
Renal facia
Anchors kidneys in surrounding adipose to abdomen wall
What exit renal hilum
Ureter, renal vein
What enters renal hilum?
Renal artery and nerve
Renal column
In between renal pyramids
-Also an extension of renal cortex
Renal pelvis
From major calyx merging
-Will turn into a ureter
Flow of urine
Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
Basic functional unit of kidney
Peritubular capillary
Second set of capillary
Efferent arterial
Blood vessel, that drains
Afferent arteriole
Blood that moves into Bowmans capsule
Renal corpuscle structure
Bowmans capsule: outermost structure
Bowman space : space in between
Glomerulus: first net work of capillaries
Podocytes: saw that has many foot processes
What is the first net work of capillaries?
What is proximal convoluted tubule
Tubed structure
Contents of loop of Henle (nephron loop)
-thick and thin descending loop
Thick and thin, ascending loop
Distal convoluted tubule
Moves close to Bowmans capsule’s
Path of filtrate/urine produced by nephron
Renal corpuscle, PCT, filtrate, loop of Henley, DCT, CD urine, minor, calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
Will the afferent arterial give rise to Paritonium, capillary directly?
False it’s glomerulus first
- then efferent
Collecting duct
Descending thin loop
Ascending thin loop
Renal corpuscle
Proximal conveluted tubule
Definition of medulla
All ends up as you’re in and extreted out of the body
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Near the cortical medullary border
-Extends deep into medulla
Cortical nephrons
Near the cortex, not in the medulla
Microscopic processes
Renal corpuscle, that filters, part of the nephron
What is the deepest layer in the renal corpuscle?
Tubular secretion
Not in renal corpuscle
-Occurs in between peritubular, capillary and renal tubular structure(4)
How does the kidney detect body fluids?
Through macula, densa cells
⬆️ osmolality
⬆️ solute ⬇️ solvent
⬇️ osmolality
⬇️ solute ⬆️ solvent
⬆️ osmolality does…
Decreases blood volume/pressure
-Also produces renin
Which is found around the glomerulus
Photo site
What cells produce renin?
What detect osmolality
Macula, densa
What three processes form urine
Filtration, reabsorption, secretion
Definition of filtrate
Fluid after being filtered until it reaches collecting duct
Renal artery
Enters the renal hilum
Segmental artery
Renal pelvis toward minor calyx
Interlobar artery
Travels along the renal column
Actuate artery
Branch and arch over the base of the pyramids
Interlobular artery
Cortical projects into renal column
What gives rise to glomerulus
Afferent arteriole
What gives rise to efferent arteriole
Efferent arteriole
What’s it called when filtrate exits the collecting duct
Tubular reabsorption
Tubular secretion.
Moving blood through kidney
Interlobular vein -> actuate vein-> Interlobular vein-> segmental vein-> renal vein-> inferior vena cava
What is the highest pushing pressure
Glomerulus capillary (50mm hg)
What is the smallest pushing pressure
Capsule pressure
What is the second highest pulling pressure
Colloid osmotic pressure due to albumin protein
30 mmhg
What is net filtration
Renal corpuscle
10 mmhg
Renal fraction
Total cardiac out put padding through kidney m
Renal blood flow rate
Renal plasma flow rate
Glomerlular filtration rate
Vasoconstriction causes in afferent arteriole
Blood flow: decrease
Filtration rate: decrease
Efferent arteriole vasoconstriction causes
Blood flow: decrease
Glom filtration rate: increase
Vasodilation in afferent arteriole
Blood flow: increase
GFR: increase
Vasodilation in efferent arteriole
Bf: increase
GFR: decrease
What gets reabsorbed in PCT
65% occurs in PCT
- water, amino acids, nutrient and solutes
What % of glucose occurs in PCT
PCT is considered..
The work horse of nephron
Water being reabsorbed causes
Concentrated nutrients
Is filtrate diluted at the top of loop of henle
Name a region nephron can reabsorb water
What do hormones control
Late DCT and collecting duct
What does ADH do
Retains water
Transitional epithelium that’s associated to urinary system
Changes shape based on conditions of organ
Trigon or urinary bladder
- 2 ureter opening
- 1 urethral opening
3 portions of the bladder
- base: prostatic urethra
- membrane urethra
- spongy urethra
Female urethra muscle type
Internal: smooth
External sphincter: skeletal muscle
Empty unstretched bladder
Stratified cuboidal
Stretched full bladder
Stratified squamous
Affects of aging urinary system
Less responsive to ADH and Aldosterone
- reduced vitamin D synthesis and ca2+ deficiency