ch 21 biotechnology Flashcards
the use of living organisms or materials they produce in the development of products or processes that are beneficial to humans
genetically modified organism (GMO)
an organism that has received genetic material via recombinant dna technology
transgenic organism
an organism that has dna from another species incorporated into its genome via recombinant dna techniques
a gene from one species that is introduced into another species
biological control
the use of microorganisms or products from microorganisms to alleviate plant diseases or damage from environmental conditions (eg frost damage)
the use of living organisms or their products to decrease pollutants in the environment
the conversions of one molecule into another via cellular enzymes
the breakdown of a larger molecule, such as a pollutant in the environment, into a smaller molecule via cellular enzymes
gene modification
an alteration in the sequence of a gene
gene addition
the insertion of a cloned gene into a site in a chromosome of a living cell
gene knockin
a genetic modification in which a gene of interest has been inserted into a particular site in a genome
genetically modified zebrafish that glow in different colors due to the introduction of genes that encode fluorescent proteins
gene knockout
in the case of diploid species, the condition in which both copies of a gene have been altered to an inactive form
gene redundancy
the phenomenon in which one gene compensates for the loss of function of another gene
mouse model
a strain of mice that carries a mutation that is analogous to a disease-causing mutation of a human gene; such mice often have disease symptoms that are similar to human symptoms
the transplantation of cells, tissues, or organs from one animal species to another
molecular pharming
the use of biotech to produce medically important proteins inthe mammary glands or livestock in agricultural plants
reproductive cloning
biotech methods that produce two or more genetically identical individuals and may involve the use of genetic material from somatic cells
stem cell
a cell that has the capacity to divide and to differentiate into one or more specific cell types
describes a stem cell that has the genetic potential to produce an entire individual; a somatic plant cell or a fertilized egg are examples
embryonic stem cell
(also called ES cell) a type of pluripotent stem cell found in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
describes a stem cell that can differentiate into any or almost any type of cell found in the adult organism
embryonic germ cell
(also called EG cell) a type of pluripotent stem cell found in the gonads of the fetus
a type of stem cell that can differentiate into several types of cells
describes a stem cell that can differentiate into only a single type of cell
T dna
- during conjugation, the strand of F-factor dna that is transferred to a recipient cell
- a segment of dna found within a Ti plasmid that is transferred from a bacterium to an infected plant cell
T-DNA vector
vectors that carry t dna and are used to introduced cloned genes into plant cells
biolistic gene transfer
the use of microprojectiles to introduce dna into plant cells to produce transgenic plants
the use of microscopic-sized needles to inject a substance, such as dna, into cells
the use of electric current to create temporary pores in the plasma membrane of a cell to allow entry of dna