ch 2 lec Flashcards
early models of mental disorders thot they originated from
evil spirits
imbalances in the body (humors, yin yang)
the devil
views of abnormal behavior is influenced by
historical context, social attitudes and cultural standards
early treatments for mental disorders include
improved diet
peaceful activities
hippocrates and galen
greek and roman doctors
treatments based on medical knowledge
islamic doctor in middle ages
treatments based off medical knowledge (greek/roman)
frenchie doc
leader of moral treatment movement
biological model
nervous system controls all thot and behavior whether normal or abnormal
any event/substance that affects the nervous system also effects
thinking and behavior
biologicla treatments aim to change a clients - in order to change
physical condition
thinking and behavior
neruotransmitters cana be altered by drug to
produce complex physcological and behavioral effects
genes influence abnormality by
behavioral genetics such as family stuff idk
psychodynamic theories
normal and abnormal behav influecned by unconscious forces
focus of psychodynamic theory (3)
gain insight into unconscious origins of behav
help clinets understand reliance of defense mechs
repair early relations
behavioral theories abnorm behav casued by
learning and envrionment
behav therapy aims to
decrease maladaptive behavs and increase adaptive
cog theorie of abnorm
maladaptive info porcessing
operant conditioning
learn by punishment and reenforcment
classical conditioning
paired untrained stim with unconsious stim
observational learning
based on self efficacy
appraisals attribution and irrational beliefs
beck, seligman, ellis
idk flaws in cog or smth
cog therapy aims to
change the way ppl think about themselves/in general to mod maladaptive behav
humanistic theorie believes
human behav is determined by each persons unique perception of world
humanistic theory figures
carl rodgers abraham maslow
humaistic therapy aims to
see how expectations have restircted the client
need ture empathy to work
sociocultural theories soruce of abnorm is
external factors like environment, politics
sociocultrual treatment
changing broader social envrionmental/ climate to promo health
social justice
addressing issues of power, privilege and oppression can improve mental health outcomes
power threat meaning framework
mental ehalth a result of how we respond to internal and external challenges an dpwoer differentials
diathesis stress/ biosocial model abnorm behav from
itneraction of people withing specific envrionmetns
vulnerability for a disorder and a stressor