Ch 2 (c) Research Methods Flashcards
To understand the unusual behavior of an adult client, a clinical psychologist carefully investigates the client’s current life situation and his physical, social-cultural, and educational history. Which research method has the psychologist used?
the case study
Which research method is typically used to examine one participant in depth, usually because the individual’s situation/behavior is rare or unusual?
case study
Which of the following researchers used the case study method, carefully observing one exceptional individual in depth to reach conclusions that might be true of all of us?
Jean Piaget
In 1953, H.M. underwent surgery to control his seizures. Doctors removed tissue from the hippocampus. As a result H.M.’s memory was severely impaired. Psychologists studied H.M.’s memory function until his death in 2008. Which research method did the psychologists utilize in this situation?
case study
In 1848, Phineas Gage, a railroad construction foreman, survived when an explosion drove an iron rod through his head damaging the functioning of the frontal lobes. This instance provided evidence that the frontal lobe plays a role in personality and behavior. Researchers have continued to study Gage’s brain to better understand this link. Which research method is being used?
case study
The biggest danger of relying on case-study evidence is that it
may be unrepresentative of what is generally true.
In which research method do we study one exceptional individual in depth and try to carefully draw conclusions about others based on the evidence?
case study
What is the primary limitation of the case study research method?
Individual cases can be misleading and result in false generalizations.
A researcher interested in investigating the attitudes or opinions of a large sample of people is most likely to use which research method?
A majority of respondents in a national survey agreed that “classroom prayer should not be allowed in public schools.” Only 33 percent of respondents in a similar survey agreed that “classroom prayer in public schools should be banned.” These divergent findings best illustrate the importance of
wording effects
Surveys indicate that people are much less likely to support “welfare” than “aid to the needy.” These somewhat paradoxical survey results best illustrate the importance of
wording effects
Which research method would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward abortion?
The complete set of cases from which samples may be drawn is called a(n)
In order to learn about the political attitudes of all students enrolled at Arizona State University, Professor Marlow randomly selected 800 of these students to complete a questionnaire. In this instance, all the students enrolled at Arizona State University are considered to be a(n)
Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population?
random sampling
To learn about the TV viewing habits of all the children attending Oakbridge School, Professor DeVries randomly selected and interviewed 50 of the school’s students. In this instance, all the children attending the school are considered to be a(n)
To assess reactions to a proposed tuition hike at her college, Ariana sent a questionnaire to every fifteenth person in the college registrar’s alphabetical listing of all currently enrolled students. Ariana employed the technique of
random sampling
After noting that a majority of professional basketball players are African-American, Ervin concluded that African-
Americans are better athletes than members of other racial groups. Ervin’s conclusion best illustrates the danger of
generalizing from vivid cases
Which of the following is most useful for helping survey researchers avoid false generalizations?
random sampling
Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method known as
naturalistic observation
To study the development of relationships, Dr. Rajiv carefully observed and recorded patterns of verbal and nonverbal behaviors among boys and girls in the school yard. Which research method did Dr. Rajiv employ?
naturalistic observation
To compare the pace of life in different countries, investigators measured the speed with which postal clerks completed a simple request. This best illustrates the use of a research method known as
naturalistic observation