ap psych 2.2 Flashcards
periodic natural loss of consciousness
our biological clock, regular body rhythms
circadian rhythm
rapid eye movement sleep, sleep stage with vivi dreams
rem sleep
relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed awake state
alpha waves
non rapid eye movement sleep, encompasses all stages but rem
nrem sleep
false sensroy experiences suh as falling feeling
bizarre experiences, such as jerking or a feeling of falling of floating weightless
hypnogogic sensations
pair of cell clusters in the hypothalumus that controls circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus
sleep disorder that makes someonehave sleep attacks
sleep disorder having temporary cessations of breathong
sleep apnea
sleep disorder characterized by high arroussal and being terrified
night terrors
sequence of images emotions and thoughts passing through sleepers mind
freud, symbolic remebered story line of dreams
manifest content
frued, underlying meaning of dream
latent content
tendency of rem sleep to increase following rem for sleep deprivation
rem rebound
chemical substance that alters perception and moods
psychoactive drug
disorder that causes continued substance craving
substance use disorder
diminishing effect w regular use of the same drug dose
discomfort and distress following the stop of an addictive drug or behavior
drugs that reduce neural activity,(alcohol, opiates)
alcohol use marked by tolerance withdrawal, drive to continue problematic use
alcohol use disorder
drugs that depress cns activity, reducing anxiety but impairing memory/ judgement
opium and its derivitives such as morphine and heroin, depress neural activity, tempory lessing pain/ anxiety
drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions
stimulating and highly addictive drug in tobacco
powerful and addictive stimulant derived from coca plant producing temporarily increased alertness and euphoria
drugs such as methametaphine that stimulate neural activity causing accelerated body functions associated w mood changes
powerful addictive drug that stimulates the cns acclerated body funtiond and associated energy anfd mood changes reduce baseline dopamine levels
synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen produces euphoria and social intimacy
altered state of conciousness reported after a close brush with death
near death expperience
powerful hallucinogenic drug, known as acid
major active ingredient in marijuana triggers variety of effects
subjective awareness of ourselves and environmenty
social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions feelings thoughts or behaviors will spontaneously occur
suggestion made during a hypnosis session to be carried out after subject is no longer hypnotized
posthypnotic suggestion
split in consciousness which allows thoughts and behaviors to occur simultaneously
psychedelic drugs such as lsd that distort perceptions that evoke sensroy images in the absense of sensory input