Ch. 16 Nasal Cavity Flashcards
Tip of the nose
Base of nose where it attaches to the face
Superior aspect of the nose covered by skin.
Upper part of the dorsal is termed the ___
bridge of the nose
inferior aspect of the external nose contains two openings, the ___ or ___
nares or nostrils
Nose consists of skin termed the ___.
In the upper half of the external nose, the composition is ___ and ___ covering the ____ bone.
skin and muscle (procures) covering the nasal bone.
In the lower half of the external nose, the composition is ___ and ___
skin and muscle (nasals)
Cartilages of the external nose
Septal cartilage
Lateral expansion of the septal cartilage
Greater alar cartilage
Several smaller cartilages
The greater alar cartilage is so bent that it forms the _____
medial and lateral walls of the nares.
Space just inside the nares bounded medially and laterally by the greater alar cartilage
The vestibule is bounded medially and laterally by the ________
greater alar cartilage
Skin located inside the nares contains ___ and ___
hair and sebaceous glands
Curved elevation limiting the vestibule superiorly
limen nasi
A ridge formed by the lateral expansion of septal cartilage
limen nasi
Skin of the vestibule gives way at the _______ to the mucous membrane of the ______
limen nasi; nasal cavity
The part of the nasal cavity just above the limen nasi
Space between the cranial cavity superiorly and the oral cavity inferiorly
nasal cavity
Nasal cavity is divided by a median ____ into two symmetrical chambers : ___
nasal septum, right nasal cavity and left nasal cavity
Nasal cavity opens anteriorly via the ___
The nasal cavity is open to the _____ posteriorly via the ___
nasopharynx; choanae.
The nasal cavity opens to the nasopharynx posteriorly via the
The choanae is a bony aperature formed posteriorly by the following:
Palatine bone
Medial pterygoid plate of sphenoid
Body of sphenoid
The Coach and VP of the Medical Body
Bone forming the choanae medially
Bone forming the choanae inferiorly
palatine bone
Bone forming the choanae laterally
Medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid.
Bone forming the choanae superiorly
Body of the sphenoid
When the cartilage softened the external nose are removed the dried skull presents another bony aperture called the ____
Piriform aperture
The piriform aperture is bounded by the ____ superiorly
nasal bones
The piriform aperture is bounded by the _____ laterally and inferiorly
Bones forming the superior boundary/roof of the nasal cavity is formed by four bones (anterior to posterior)
Nasal Frontal Ethmoid(cribriform plate) Sphenoid(body) NFES CB
Bones forming the inferior boundary/floor of the nasal cavity are formed by the
Maxila anteriorly
Palatine bone posteriorly
Lateral boundary of the nasal cavity is formed by
Nasal Lacrimal Ethmoid Inferior nasal concha (turbinate) Palatine Medial pterygoid process Maxilla
Lateral border of the nasal cavity is characterized by the presence of the three conchae (or turbinates)
Superior nasal concha (part of ethmoid)
Middle nasal concha (part of ethmoid)
Inferior nasal concha (bone of it’s own)
The space inferior to each concha
Space below the superior nasal concha
superior meatus
Space below the middle nasal concha
Middle meatus
The middle meatus contains an elevation or bulge of bone called ___
ethmoidal bulla
The ethmoidal bulla is bounded anteroinferiorly by a semilunar slit known as
hiatus semilunaris
Medial boundary of the nasal cavity
nasal septum
Nasal septum is formed by three structures
Vomer (posteriorly and inferiorly)
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid (superiorly)
Septal cartilage (anteriorly)
Covers the surfaces of the bones and cartilages forming the boundaries of the nasal cavity
mucous membrane
mucous membrane in the upper third of the nasal septum and the superior concha
olfactory region of the mucous membrane
mucous membrane in the area that the filaments of the olfactory nerve are disturbed, mediating olfaction.
Olfactory region of the mucous membrane
Lower two thirds of the mucous membrane of both the lateral and medial walls
respiratory region of the mucous membrane
mucous membrane functioning in dust removal from inspired air as well as the process of warming and humidifying incoming air
respiratory region of the mucous membrane
True cavity within bone
The sinus itself is lined with mucous membrane and will communicate with the nasal cavity via a canal or space termed
Four types of paranasal sinuses
Maxillary sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinus Sphenoid sinus PM-FES
Largest of all paranasal sinuses located within the maxilla
Maxillary sinus
Maxillary sinus is ___ in shape
Base of the maxillary sinus is ___ while the apex is ___
medial, lateral
Floor of the maxillary sinus adjacent to the _____
upper teeth
maxillary sinusitis is often accompanied by -____
a tooth ache
Maxillary sinus opens into the nasal cavity in the _______.
Middle meatus
Single sinus on each side of the head contained within the frontal bone and the supraorbital area
frontal sinus
Frontal sinus opens into the ___
middle meatus
Sinus consisting of numerous air cells
Ethmoidal (labryinnthe) sinus
numerous air cells within the ethmoidal sinus located within the lateral mass of the ethmoid
ethmoidal sinus
Anterior ethmoidal air cells open into the
middle meatus
posterior ethmoidal air cells open into the
superior meatus
Single sinus on each side, both contained within the body of the sphenoid
sphenoid sinus
Sphenoid sinus opens into the _____
sphenoethmoidal recess
The area above the superior nasal concha
sphenoethmoidal recess
Opening of the maxillary sinus
hiatus semilunaris
meatus/space of the maxillary sinus
middle meatus
opening of the frontal sinus
hiatus semilunaris
meatus/space of the frontal sinus
middle meatus
opening of the anterior ethmoidal sinus
ethmoidal bulla
opening of the posterior ethmoidal sinus
unnamed opening
meatus/space of the anterior ethmoidal sinus
middle meatus
meatus/space of the posterior ethmoidal sinus
superior meatus
opening of the sphenoid sinus
sphenoethmoidal recess
meatus/space of the sphenoid sinus
posterior to superior meatus