Ch 15- Psych Treatment Flashcards
eclectic approach
Mixture of techniques for one particular client
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Specific phobia- systematic desensitization
- do we let kids go awry because we dont put more focus into certain triggers (emotion regulation is extreme indicator of violent behaviro and depression because they’ll be too caught up in emotions)
Systematic desensitization for phobias (CBT)
When ppl develop phobias without any root cause (observing or experiencing) _ of internalized societal influences probably -> behavior techniques
Exposure for 3-hour periods solves it all- makes sense because phobias are less of complex psychological mess than those with disorders
- fear hierarchy (Emily’s exposure levels) + HAVE to be teaching relaxation WHILE being exposed !!
- relaxation technique first!! -> relaxation training : alternate muscular tension with muscle relaxation, THEN imagination THEN exposure
KIM (keep in mind)- this is cross cultural
Types of psychotherapy
Psychodynamic - subconscious conflicts and defense mechanisms awareness (dreams)
Humanistic - personal growth (unconditional positive regard)
Behavior - replace bad behaviors (rewards and Ps, behaviro modfi,exposure, social skills, modeling, token econ.s)
Cognitive - distorted thoughts to realistic ones (restructuring, rational-emotive therapy
CBT - distorted thoughts and maladaptive behavior (mix of cognitive and behavior treatments)
Group- social skills (eclectic approaches)
Family- family healing (systems approach, eclectic
Dialectical behavioral therapy (BPD)
** specific treatment approaches to any disorder is because traditional therapy approaches will NOT work
Basically for those who are chronically self destructive/ suicidal (wholly “gone” ppl in negativity and psychological structures? Or thought processes?)
Using logic and reasoning (overthinking overthought or maybe under thought!!)
Behavior, cognitive, psychodynamic, AND mindfulness
1. Behaviro replacement (when angry, angrily deep breath, and if its personal obligation to hurt yourself, break that down with logic, and if theri reasoning is fatigued and broken, meditation and clearing brain fog helps immensely before PROBLEM SOLVING)
2. Clear traumas
3. BDP ppl- self dependence and self respect (not relying on others anymore)
KIM- SSRI antidepressants also prescribed with this
Radical acceptance
Accept mental illness, not as I’m crazy, but as everyone else is cray
Operant procedures (behavior therapy) - therapist reinforces for correct social behavior to replace maladaptive ones
KIM - this only works when patient has no choice but to attend therapy (inpatient) _ outside world may reinforce their antisocial behavior
Autism spectrum disorder context
Autism is like extreme social anxiety - interactions, communications, interests, but are structural cognitive alliances (NOT issues) instead of psychological
Psychical reactions they have -> must be gone 4 improvement on these (ETHICS?)
ST (sometimes) food is only reinforcer for positive responses to rewards (first stages)
Generalization of skills MUST be taught explicitly (detail-focusing skills)
Applied behavior analysis (ASD)
Operant conditioning- rewards fro certain behaviors to increase them and VV
Most success early in life
40 hours per week
After 2 years- 20 IQ points up (on average)
Better results- 40 hours, no less - better language skills alr
Drawbacks: expensive and too intensive (too much time)
Naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions (applied behavior analysis)
Builds on applied analysis
Developmental psych - I actually do love it when applied to teens, I mean its fascinating that they can’t function correctly
Joint attention between therapist and client 4 meaningful social engagement (imitate child, model appropriate behavior, play with theM)
All w/in their natural environment-> they learn everyday tasks in comfortable area
Reinforce correct behavior with allowing their play thing s
Drawbacks: expensive and too intensive
ADHD treatment
Central nervous system stimulants (affects dopamine NEUROTRANSMITTERS)
- Ritalin (methylphenidate) - dopamine deficits fixed
- adderall (amphetamine) - stimulate activity in frontal lobe regions that help them focus and calm down
They also improve LARGEEEE positive BEHAVIORS
KIM- happier, social, modestly more academically successful
Why APD is hard to treat
Rare they change their behaviors ESPCEILLY psychopathic
KIM- after 40, they do improve with OR WITHOUT treatment _ gain insight on their self-defeating behaviors , get worn out
KIM- but still have never lying egocentricity, callousness, manipulative ness And PSYCHOS remain oblivious to social norms
Stimulants, lithium, anti-anxiety drugs control some symptoms, but not effective in long run
Psychiatric social work could be a good way to outsource and do mental health campaigns and outreach and get ppl help
But are they overworked and underpaid too?
Also is it grim to not be able to help those with no insurance or too expensive, or do you work on getting rid of those issues?
OCD and anxiety treatments
Drugs help ST but are addictive and do not actually fix problem
CBT is best _ drugs have negative side effects like sexual interest and stuff
For OCD tho anti-depressantsare added benefits with CBT
Therapy - exposure and response prevention - exposed and not allowed to response immediately making the avoidance response to it cool off overtime _ this is what naturally occurs, but we’ve fed it immediately after so long (me making a response by shaking when angry)
Cognitive therapy - restructure thoughts because intrusive ones buzz in brain and aren’t yours
Lithium for mood swings
Panic disorders (CBT)
When they get logical about it, they will still biologically react (conditioned response)
Break connection between conditioned stimulus and the panic -> exposure treatment
Examine negative stimulus and analyze logically the REALITY of your mind realm from others’ , your body sphere from others
Teach new social behaviors, but I thought it was about changing cognition in order to chaneg behavior- there is a reward-punishment method, cognition/ thought process realm, and straight up this is hwo you act way - it depends on the persons issue
OMG also psychodynamic theory is apparently disconnected from CBT entirely (analyzing what causes the anxiety which can help in suggesting change of new behaviors)
O wait psychodynamic is apparently sourcing something outside of thoughts, emotions and behaviors - idk what then, maybe unconscious voodoo - o wait its maladaptive behavior thats the source
CBT sees maladaptive as underlying problem, but ONLY focuses o changing them, NOT understanding them - which seems a little under reaching and not enough
Electroconvulsive therapy (DD)
Only those that don’t respond to regular treatment
Works quicker than antidepressants - suicidal ppl benefit
Doesn’t hurt developing fetus for preggos, but drugs do
Limitations = memory impair (permenant loss)
High rate of relapse
Just as effective as anti-depressants
Identify, reevaluate, change negative thoughts associated with depression
Eliminate cognitive triad of negative thoughts
Recognize thought patterns - monitor - take on diff viewpoints on these
CBT + antidepressants is best
Only drugs- cant get therapy
Only therapy- afraid of negative effects of drugs
Atypical antipsychotic medications (second generation) work on DIFF neurotransmitters, fewer signs of tar dive dyskinesia, no health side effects
Used to do brain lobotomy to make them easier to MANAGE