14 - Psycholological Disorders Flashcards
The thing about disorders - psychopathology
Distinguishing between natural UNIQUE responses (emotions, thoughts and behaviors) and underlying problems that are led by those patterns of response is hard
Rule of thumb - when its chronic and disrupt life
Psychopathology is sickness of the mind
WO4- its leading cause of disability OVER cancer and heart diseases
Context and systemic
Women, poor people, cultures
“Odd” behaviors from our view of things are confused with psychopathy
Some ppls personalities are just “crazy”
Religion does not equal hallucinations
Diagnosing criteria
These are all flawed -> use rule o.f thumb
1. Deviate from cultural norm
- clearly they think that social norms are embedded in our brain and we cant simply be influenced by our environment or personality??!!
2. Maladaptive- acting in ways impaired and compromising your safety
- sane ppl do this all the time
3. Personal distress and harmful to others - no empathy or remorse
- but sane ppl get personally distressed about a lot of identity things (dont harm tho)
4. Causes discomfort to others - acting in strange or mean ways
- mean ppl are just mean sometimes
4 perspectives for proper diagnosis
Etiology -what led to development of disordered traits
Identity and assess symptoms to understand it fully
Group these symptoms into meaningful categories
This then leads to possible treatments
Nature v nurture, or disorder
Diathesis-stress model and Biopsychosocial model
Diathesis stress model
2 factors to explain
- diathesis is vulnerability to disorder though genes or childhood trauma (environment) diatheisis doesn’t create disorder on its own
- at least one disorder in fam history leads to POSSIBILITY
- stress- overpowers persons current ability to cope with it
This model implies that good mental health and coping with stress manages the effects of stressors
WO4- self control is not important to disorders
WO4- this doesn’t cover cultural things like Biopsychosocial
Biopsychosocial factors
Vulnerability, stress ANDD biological, psychological and sociocultural factors
Biological (BPS)
Physiological - brain deficiencies (neurotransmitters imbalances, genetics, Brian functions)
Twins and adoptees show importance of genes
Gut microbiome abnormalities in digestive tract contributes (eating unhealthy foods too)
Psychological (BPS)
Thoughts, emotions, personality and learned expiriences
Inability to regulate emotions, personality that is disinterested in that, emotional expiricnes in daily lives (stressors), how ppl think about themselves (SOCIAL CONDITIONING)
Sociocultural (BPS) * several factors combined are at play
Situational -> family relationships, socioeconomic status, natural disasters, cultural context
Cultural context = being goth, being a college student, being in a culture with strict oppressive values (personality can come into play here _ of your desire to break from these, while others wont want to)
Cultural - social media is a huge enforcer of stress that can develop into disorders (imposes so many negative social norms)
- being a minority or underrepresented group _ of lack of attention and non specialized health care or any health care at all
Interviews, self reports, observations, psychological testing for mental functions and actions -> categorizes persons thoughts emotions and behaviors to make diagnosis
Possible outcome of condition = prognosis
Prognosis depends on the particular category diagnosed ( what traits are pulled from the category)
Ongoing assessment
Self report (assessment method 1)
Interview the client for context
Loss of family member or homing situation ‘
Observations (assessing method 2)
Observe behavior during interview (eye movement, chest movement)
Especially good when observing kid interact with other kids because of their limited vocab
Depressive disorders
Mood disorder that impairs life and LASTS and is pervasive and COMMON
Depressive disorders category
Major depressive disorder (DSM- 5)- very depressed (irritable) mood or no interest in pleasurable activities FOR 2 WEEKS OR MORE
Persistent depressive disorder - same symptoms but less intense (every other day for at least 2 years)
- lead king rims factor for suicide and is “common cold” for psych disorders, but many dont seek treatment _ of stigma of having psych disorder -> show how common these are, educate about effective treatments
Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder (DSM- 5)- very depressed (irritable) mood or no interest in pleasurable activities FOR 2 WEEKS OR MORE
- ALSO appetite changes, sleep problems, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating, feelings of self-guilt and suicidal thoughts (or death in general)
- severity = lasting months and years
More in women
Persistent depressive disorder
Persistent depressive disorder - same symptoms but less intense (every other day for at least 2 years)
Mostly 5 to 10 years
Biological in depressive disorders
Depression is genetic
Involves neurotransmitters that regulate emotions
Brain structures- prefrontal regions in processing info loses connect toon to limbic regions of reward
Alternations in biological rhythms _ they sleep more and enter REM more
Psychological in depressive disorders
The cool girl in movies who has a friend group but is depressed- its because those friends don’t have a special connection to her
This support plays into hwo ppl deal with major life stressors
Cognitive biases- unconscious emphasis of negatiev stimuli (biological? No cuz its under psychological) and maladaptive stretches for controlling emotion (being taught or being accustomed to ruminating)
Cognitive triad- how we think of ourselves in relation to social situations, our roles and our futures
- overgeneralize reasonings, exaggerate their logic
- blame themselves and think good things are luck
Learned helplessness
WO4- OCD is affected by operant conditioning, not depression
Learned helplessness
Theory of depression
They believe they have no effect on their lives (everything is out of their control and they are the result of one of the duds in gods life giving machine)
Like animals, they will lack motivation even when given opportunities
Logic stems from unchanging personal factors (all my fault) and not realistic situational factors
Sociocultural in dperessiev
Stigma around “being depressed” deters treatment seeking in developing countries
They also may not believe it
Or have no resources available to treat
Women internalize feelings and men externalize through drugs and violence
Blinded by the options that “aren’t there”
The cognitive fog that restricts us from knowing where we are or what we can do, or that we can DO
Bipolar disorder
Manic episodes- vary _ some ppls are more negative (restlessness and agitated) than others
Episodes : abnormal or long time elevated mood, energy level and psychical activity, no sleep, grandiose ideas, racing thoughts and distractibility
These last one week or more
Excessive involvement in pleasurable but FOOLISH activities (out of character things they’ll regret after)
Bipolar I disorder
DSM - 5 need: extreme mania fro 1 week, major depressive episodes NOT NEEDED for diagnosis but they are still there within ppl with this
Hallucination, thought disturbances, reality distortions from hallucinations
Diagnosed earlier than II
Bipolar II disorder
Hypomania = Less extreme mood elevation
- more pleasurable creativity and productivity
DSM -5 - must last 4 consecutive days and be there most of that period
- NEEDS at least one episode of major depressive disorder of 2 weeks
Doesn’t cause severe impairment of daily functions or hospitalization (like I)
Bipolar facts
3 to 4% will have it in lifetime
Equally in women and men
Mostly during late adolescence or early adulthood
Strong genetic component - not linked to just one gene
Family inheritance is severe and at younger ages in next gens
Extreme changes in thought patterns and consciousness -> psychosis (distorts reality)
Same in women and men
Cognitive, behavioral abnormalities that impair social, personal and occupational functioning
Schizophrenia diagnosis
DSM - 5- symptoms : delusions 2, hallucinations 3. Disorganized speech. 4. Disorganized behavior 5. Negative symptoms
NEED: show two or more. At least one must be from the first 3 symptoms
Symptoms in categories: positive symptoms - ADD unusual behaviors or experiences
Negative symptoms- DEFICITS in functioning
Schizophrenic delusions (positive)
They are delusional _ their cognitive processes misinform them about reality
Different across cultures _ of the different values that are embedded in one’s mindset and unconscious cognition.
Japanese man is delusional - worries ppl slander him
German man - worry of religious guilt
Types- persecution (others are out to get you) grandiose (you have great power), referential (stop sign has a personal message 4 u), identity ( think you’re the president) guilt , and control (you are being controlled)
Schizophrenic hallucinations (positive)
Auditory with accusatory voices - danger and humiliation
Brian activity in areas that engaged when ppl hear external sounds or talk in their heads, so its a mix up
They are talking to themselves but associating it with outside noises
Schizophrenic disoriganize speech (positive)
Loosening of associations - change topics
Clang association - strong words that rhyme with no link
Display strange emotions while talking
Disorganized behavior (positive)
Walk along muttering to themselves or do crazy shit
Negative symptoms (schizophrenia)
Avoid eye contact, no emotion when discussing emotional things, speech is slowed, say less, speak monotone
Dont answer question
Slow movements, dont initiate behavior or socialize
More in MEN
Schizophrenia biological
Ppl inherit predisposition, not disorder itself
Other factors play in that’s why the chances of getting it are not 100%
Brain disorder - cavities filled with ventricles (fluid) are ENLARGED
- this enlargement causes less brain tissue in frontal lobes and medial temporal lobes
- no connection between Brian regions - not changed functions in any particular brain region
- develops over life but obvious symptoms at late adolescence
Schizophrenia environmental
Household not dysfunctional = no risk of triggering the predisposition
Environment can never give schizophrenia to anyone that doesn’t have the genes
Raised in urban area, air pollution, inflammation of illness during pregnancy
WO4- contacting virus anytime also
Personality disorders
How the person interacts with others
Cluster A of disorders: odd behavior (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal) - isolated and suspicious, no personal relationships _ of this
- same as schizo but less severe
Cluster B: dramatic or erratic behaviors (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic,)
Cluster C: maladaptive ways of interacting or responding than anxiety disorders (avoidant, dependent , obsessive-compulsive) - OCD isn’t OCD personality disorder _ its not fixation on one thing, just have certain lifestyles but aren’t aware of it/ get upset when ppl interfere with their behavior (OCD hate themselves)
Borderline personality (peronsalitY)
Bordering normal and psychotic
More in women than men
Less sense of self - cant be alone - fear of it
Need manipulative relationship with someone to control it for sene of safety
Episodes of depression, anxiety, anger- hours to days
Impulsivity - higehr prison rate
Self mutilation (suicidal)
80% experienced abuse
Theories - caretakers were unavailable - no learning experiences on how to regulate emotions and understand emotional reactions
OR parents make kids too reliant on them - no sense of self and I rejected by others = reject themselves (emphasis on relationships all their life)
Antisocial disorder (personality) and psychopath
Focus on own pleasure and have IMPULSIVITY when kill (need external reason)
More in MEN
Improve on their own around age 40
Those with APD don’t become anxious with negative stimuli - since negative things dont affect them, they never learn from punishment
Psychopath = have APD but more extreme - lack of care for others, narcissi and Machiavellianism
Only highest level of psychopath are considered to REFLECT symptoms of personality disorders
- but show others not found in APD - grandiose, manipulation, and fearless
When kill it’s with internal INTENTION
Dissociative disorder from extreme stress - splits off a traumatic event to protect sense of self
Disaasociatiive amnesia
Forgets events AND awareness in large blocks of time
Way more extreme than meteors loss from drugs or alcohol
Extreme form of this = dissociative fugue - loss of identity which leads to assuming new ones in another location
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Formerly -multiple personality disorder
2 or more identities
In WOMEN who were abused as children -> cope with it by dissociating their mental state from their bodies and pretend that the abuse is happening to someone else
He coping identities form each one trauma
Diagnosis - difficulty accounting for large chunks of time
These identities are so elaborative and this is only cogitnitley possible because they have different organization of brain than others
Difficult to tell if ppl are e lying about having it after they lie about committing a crime
Eating disorders
Cross culturally and MEDIA
Chronic dieters -> depressed
Then more extreme -> drugs, purging, fasting, excesses Excercsie, purging (vomit)
Anorexia nervosa, builimia nervosa, binge eating disorder
Anorexia nervosa
FEAR of being fat -> restricted eating -> loss of energy -> body weight is lower than OPITMAL LEVAL of desire/ homeostasis
Think they’re much bigger than they actually are (psychological)
MEDIA affects more than race or class
DSM-5- objective measures of thinness and psychological characteristics leading to abnormal obsession with food and weight
Starve themselves and purge
Causes - heart disease, loss of bone density
Hard to treat and suicide and FATAL
Builimia nervosa
ALTENRAET between dieting, binge eating, compensating behaviors (purging)
Overestimate their size TOO
More in WOMEN
In both genders this is more common than anorexia
Anorexia - not easy to hide
Bulimia- easier to hide - hide binge eating and vomit quietly
Causes- dental and cardiac disorders - SELDOM fatal
Binge eating disorder
Binge eating for at least a week but DONT purge
Eat quickly EVEN when not hungry !!!
Guilt and embarrassment
Allen to hide behaviors and affected by obesity
Mostly in MEN
Nuerodevelopmental disorders
Specific learning disorders, communication disorders, or Austin’s ones
Impair social functioning, control of thought, action and emotion
Autism spectrum disorder and Asperger’s
Bad social interaction (deficits)
Impaired communication
Restricted, repetitive behaviors and interest
More in boys but may be since boys are stereotypically not expected to be so socially isolated
Symptoms = not responding to vocializations, reject psychical, no eye contact and dont use gaze to get attention
- 14 months of age - deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication
- restricted behavariors- dont notice ppl aroudn them or social interactions, only details of objects. Changes in daily routine upset, okay is obsessive which can be self harm (strange hand movements toO)
Vaccines in young kids doesnt cause it, autism just starts at young age (correlational) as does talking
Severity - mild to server social and intellectual impairments
Asperger’s syndrome (NOT DSM-5) - Normal intelligence BUT with deficits in social interaction _ of underdeveloped theory of mind (aware of others mental states and predict their behaviro )
Development of autism
Prenatal and early childhood
Need directions repeated and rules explained over and over to them
Social butterflies
Social anxiety
Different than regular anxiety - digestive probs + cant concentrate on things or RMEMEBR things
In kids with inhibited personalities
They say fear of netting new ppl, or speaking or eating in public but those seem specific to certain leanred phobias that happen to manifest in social settings
Mine is special in that way too but i guess they dont recognize it- debilitating IN THE MOMENT
WO4- guilt is for depression
Difficulty sleeping
You cant feel sad with anxiety i guess
Obsess in order to REDUCE anxiety/ get rid of intrusive thought
Classically conditioned
Generalized anxiety disorder
Constant anxiety not associated with one specific thing - but multiple specific things? Or non specific things?
Panic disorder
Chest pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness and tingling in hands and feet
Specific phobia
UnREASONably afraid of a threat
Fear of being in a situation from which one cannot escape