Ch 13- Self And Personality Flashcards
6 per chapter - 90
Asking yourself who you are / SELF concept
Psychical body and conscious awareness of being unique from others
Everything you think about yourself pertaining to these
Gen z :
Gender and age
Student status
Interpersonal style (shy, firenlcy)
Personal characteristics (Optimistic, mood)
Self schema (quick!)
What you use to conceptualize yourself
COHESIVE beliefs, memories, and generalizations
Ego!!! - we fixate especially on things that pertain to us and feed our ego
Concepts most related (family schemas) overlap with the “self”
Those related but not that much to yoru sense of self is farther away - solid line
Dotted - weak
No line - no relation to self
Brain and self (self schema)
Middle of frontal lobes -> think about self
Damage -> limit self awareness
Working self concept (short and limited !)
Its being active in the moment
When a certain aspect of yourself is standing out, those will be working more in the moment
(Brown in white crowd- suddenly youre all aware of it)
(Shy in loud girl group- yeah)
Social comparisons
Downward (high self esteem- its down because they mainly compare to those lower than them)
- Temporal comparison- form of downward - current self is better than former self (internal and no peasants hurt in this process)
Upward (low because they mainly compare to upper beings- they COULD follow downward behavior and gain that outlook, then they’d be self confident too)
Cultural on SELF (not personality )
(Eastern) Collectivist- Collective self of social roles and relationships : ethnic groups, family, CONFOMRITY to societal norms and overall group cohesiveness
(Western cultures - New Zealand) - individualist - self expression and diversity
Sigmund Freud - psychodynamic theory of personality
Unconscious forces determines behavior -> infleucnce personality
Factors that play into bCEOMING conscious level
ID- operates to pleasure principle and LIBIDO - most basic level
super ego- breaks id - reflect internalization of societal and parental standards of conduct !!! Think about socially acceptable things to fulfill you, but not rationalizing !! - preconscious as content that isn’t currently in awareness but CAN be
Ego - mediates between these 2 - responsive to rules of superego and id - relies on reality principle - rational thought and problem solving HIGHEST conscious level
Humanistic approaches
Your unique goodness, growth and self understanding on personality through self actualization
Rogers - person centered approach (therapy)
Sociocognitive approaches (Julian rotter)
Expectancy theory - behaviors result from how we think about two different thinsg (personality)
- values we assign to reinforcers
- reinforcements (expecting them !!)
WO4- x personality tendencies are not behaviors that can predict peronality here
Locus of control
External locus - you have no control over yoru rewards and punishments
Internal locus- you do
Albert bandura - peronslaity and situation - behavior (!! How you act )
3 - current environ on hwo you act
Multiple person factors (self confidence and expectations
Hwo behavior affects current envir.
Since personality is explained by all 3 INTERACTING -> reciprocal determinism
Five factor theory of traits
Continuum - MOST in middle and MOST at extremes
Perosnatu (no order)
O Openness to expir.s
C Conscientiousness
E Extraversion
A Agreeableness
N Neuroticism
Eysenck’s trait theory- same as this pretty much but not as important
Behavior importance
We rely on this because ppl think peronsality translates to this which makes sense because even if you’re introverted in public - you still act in ways at home that define your insides
Reticular activiikng system
Arousal -> processing in reticula activating system
Affects alertness cuz it STARTS and it terminates different stages of sleep
Eysenick arousal
Extroverts- low levels
Introvert- chronically over aroused -highER levels of arousal and so they , they look for different ways to calm down