Ch 10 - Sex And Gender Flashcards
Development and expression of gender
Dev: happen similarly in everyone (cis and trans) - naturally
Expression: evidence that binary concepts of gender are inadequate because gender literally cant be determined through brain, hormones, or cognitive processes, JUST HOW YOU SOCIALLY FEEL
Porn on peopel
When women -> better relational well-being
When both equally-> higehr sexual communication and closeness
When man -> bad sexual and relational well being
When teens-> casual sex, violence, misconceptions on sexual anatomy and behavior and expectations
Remember (biology)
Brain region for sexual stuff- hypothalamus
Gonads- secrete sexual hormones
Estrogen testosterone
Sexual fluidity
Females have greater sexual fluidity (more bis and pans )
Identify as BETWEEN male and female
Legally considered a third gender in India and Bangladesh
Conversion therapy
Banned for minors in US and Canada
Interesting fact on clothes
Gender schema (all teh different “gender definitions”
Sexual dysfunction
Loses motivation through low libido, anatomical dysfunction during sexual response cycle, or actually getting no pleasure, not just low libido
Severity (regular sexual dysfunction): impair daily functions
More in MEN (especially OLD MEN) - premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction
Women - lack of desire and arousal - but women are affected at all ages simultaneously
Low sexual education
Psychological factors, nOT EVEN medical ones (STRESS and trauma)
Menarche (FIRST period)
First release of an egg cell from one of the ovaries (start of periods)
Obesity doesn’t affect t when it starts — thats level of boy fat and nutrition intake
Occurs earlier today than 50 years ago
Yeah youre smart, but check inquiz question 10.2 apa
Paraphillic disorder
Paraphillia is kink to non sexual objects is fetishization
Dangerous territory is when it disrupts daily functioning (stress) and hurts someone else (non consensual)
Sex in men
Increases testorone levels
But when it doesn’t -»
Men with age-reductions in testosterone get supplements (risks included)
Decrease causes: reduced sex drive, fatigue, function, shrinking testes, infertility
Sex drive is consistent as opposed to women hormonal cycles
Hormones on sexual orientation
Sexual attraction is