Ch 15: Morphology Flashcards
Engorged alveolar capillaries an intra-alveolar transudate with presence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages
Pulmonary Edema
Heavy lungs exhibiting inflammation, fibrin deposition, and diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membranes
Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Irreversible enlargement of airspaces with destruction of the bronchiole walls and fibrous deposition
Inflammation of airways and hypertrophy of mucus glands causing mucus plug formation and fibrosis
Chronic Bronchitis
Airway bronchoconstriction with presence of cuschmann spirals, Charcot-Leyden crystals, and airway remodeling
B/l lower lobe destruction of SM and elastic tissue by necrotizing infections causing dilation of bronchi and fibrosis
Inflammation and fibrosis of pulmonary interstitium
Restrictive/Interstitial lung disease
Patchy interstitial fibrosis with honeycomb fibrosis and cobblestone appearance of pleural surfaces
Interstitial Fibrosis (UIP)
Carbon-laden macrophages around a network of collagen fibers mostly affecting the upper lobes
Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis
Nodules in hilar LNs and upper lung zones with whorled appearance and eggshell calcification
Silicosis Pneumoconiosis
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis with presence of fusiform/beaded rods with translucent center, Ferruginous bodies, and pleural plaques
Asbestos-Related Pneumoconiosis
Fusiform rods = asbestos bodies
Non-necrotiing granulomas with varying stages of fibrosis and hyalinization and presence of Schaumann and Asteroid bodies
Large numbers of macrophages with abundant cytoplasm with dusty brown pigment in air spaces
Smokers’ macrophages
Intra-alveolar pink granular material, type 2 pneumocyte hyperplasia, interstitial fibrosis, and alveolar simplification
Surfactant Dysfunction Disorder
Infarct with areas of ischemic necrosis of alveolar walls, bronchioles, and vessels
Pulmonary Embolism/Infarction
Focal necrosis of alveolar walls with intra-alveolar hemorrhages and alveoli containing hemosiderin-laden macrophages
Goodpasture syndrome
Bilateral patchy consolidation of the lung gravitating to the lower lobes
Diffuse consolidation of a lobe of the lung
Lobar pneumonia
Vocal cord swelling with abundant mucus production with an interstitial inflammatory rxn involving alveolar walls
Suppurative destruction of lung parenchyma within central area of caitation
Lung abscess
Granulomas that undergo caseating necrosis and coalesce creating large areas of consolidation
Suppurative granulomas with possible miliary infiltrates
Thick-walled, non-budding spherules filled with small endospores in macrophages
Collar-button lesions with organoid, trabecular, palisading, ribbon, or rosette-like arrangements of cells
Carcinoid tumors
Nodules of CT intersected by epithelial cells
Lung Hamartoma
Proliferation of perivascular epithelioid cells that express markers for melanocytes and SM cells
Proliferation of spindle-shaped fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, lymphocytes, and plasma cells with peripheral fibrosis
Inflammatory Myofibroblastic tumor
Epithelioid type tumor with cells forming tubular/papillary structures resembling adenocarcinoma
Polypoid plugs of loose organizing CT (Masson bodies) in alveoli
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP)