ch 14 clinical judgement Flashcards
clinical judgment
the result or observed outcome of critical thinking & decision making
*** can never be delegated!
clinical reasoning
a specific term usually referring to ways of thinking abt pt care issues (determining, preventing, & managing pt probs); for reasoning abt other clinical issues (e.g. teamwork, collab, & streamlining work flow); nurses usually use critical thinking
cognitive load
term used to reference the amt of into a person can hold in their memory at one time
legal statement of the plaintiff’s claim; once filed, it initiates legal proceedings
critical thinking
evidence-based descriptions of behaviors that demonstrate the knowledge, characteristics, & skills that promote critical thinking in clinical prac
situational awareness (SA)
from Endsley (1995): “the perception of the elements in the environment in a vol of time & space, the comprehension of their meaning & the projection of their status in the near future
Tanner’s Clinical Judgement Models
-reflecting (in action, on action)
** simple, came first, circle diagram
Lasater clinical Judgement Rubric (look over pic)
-prioritizing data
-making sense of data
-calm, confident manner
NCSBN models - clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM)
-new focus of NCLEX updated in 2023 (also called next-gen NCLEX)
-rainbow section
NCSBN models - clinical judgement action model (CJAM)
-aligns the 6 cognitive operations from layer 3 w specific situational factors from layer 4
nursing process
-mental model: organized way of thinking that assists in understanding complex aspects of a situation & guides assessments & behaviors
-how to think like a nurse
Competency Outcomes Performance Assessment (COPA) Model:
-Assessment & intervention skills
-Communication skills
-Critical thinking skills
-Human caring & relationship skills
-Management skills
-Leadership skills
-Teaching skills
-Knowledge integration skills
Professional Guidance
-AACN Essentials Competency Domains
-NLN Competencies
-ANA Scope and Standards of Practice
-QSEN Competencies
-IPEC Competencies
Clinical Decision-Making Theories, Models, & Frameworks
-Humanistic-Intuitive Approach
-Info-Processing Model
-Cognitive Continuum Theory
-Rest Framework