Ch 12 The Auditory System testbank ?s Flashcards
- A human’s perception of pitch corresponds to the _______ of a sound wave;
perception of loudness corresponds to the _______ of a sound wave.
a. frequency; amplitude
b. amplitude; frequency
c. waveform; amplitude
d. amplitude; phase
e. phase; waveform
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: Sound
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- For which sound energy would a Fourier transform be most useful in breaking down
the frequency spectrum into its component waves?
a. Wind
b. White noise
c. Running water
d. Rain
e. A duet
Answer: e
Textbook Reference: Sound
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- Which of the following would cause conductive hearing loss?
a. Damage to the auditory nerve
b. Genetic predisposition to hair cell damage
c. Ossification of the middle ear bones
d. Frequent exposure to gunfire sounds
e. Attending many loud concerts
Answer: c
Textbook Reference: Sound
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- A father notices that his daughter does not respond to him when she isn’t facing him,
nor does she turn her head toward loud noises. After several appointments with doctors,
the family is informed that the girl has malformed hair cells, but has fully functioning
auditory nerves. What type of hearing loss does this girl have, and what would be the best
treatment option?
a. Conductive hearing loss; traditional hearing aid
b. Conductive hearing loss; cochlear implant
c. Sensorineural hearing loss; traditional hearing aid
d. Sensorineural hearing loss; cochlear implant
e. Sensorineural hearing loss; brainstem implant
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: Sound
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- Which frequency would be detected by a 23-year-old female with normal hearing, but
not be heard by a 72-year-old man with normal hearing?
a. 10 Hz
b. 300 Hz
c. 5 kHz
d. 20 kHz
e. 40 kHz
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: The Audible Spectrum
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- Where does central processing first occur along the auditory pathway?
a. Tympanic Membrane
b. Cochlear nucleus
c. Concha
d. Superior olivary complex
e. Inferior colliculus
Answer: b
Textbook Reference: A Synopsis of Auditory Function
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- Which structure is not part of the external ear?
a. Tympanic membrane
b. Concha
c. Pinna
d. Auditory meatus
e. Cochlea
Answer: e
Textbook Reference: The External Ear
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- Hearing loss in the range of _______ is most detrimental to speech recognition.
a. 20–50 Hz
b. 100–400 Hz
c. 700–900 Hz
d. 2–5 kHz
e. 15–20 kHz
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: The External Ear
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- What is the main function of the ossicles?
a. Reduce energy transfer to the cochlea from loud noises
b. Reduce pressure in the middle ear
c. Transfer vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window
d. Convert sound vibrations into neural impulses
e. Provide cues for elevation of high frequency sound sources
Answer: c
Textbook Reference: The Middle Ear
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- The _______ allows _______ to flow between the chambers on either side of the
_______ membrane.
a. round window; helicotrema; basilar
b. perilymph; helicotrema; basilar
c. round window; perilymph; tectorial
d. oval window; helicotrema; tectorial
e. helicotrema; perilymph; basilar
Answer: e
Textbook Reference: The Inner Ear
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- Why is the flexibility of the round window vital for proper functioning of the
a. It is responsible for the differing flexibility of the basilar membrane.
b. There must be a space for liquid to move after displacement from the oval window
because liquid does not compress.
c. It gives rise to the topographical mapping of frequency in the cochlea, which allows for
the decomposition of sound.
d. The traveling wave in the fluid produces a shearing motion of the hair cells, which
causes a voltage change in the round window.
e. It allows for a traveling wave to reach a point of maximum displacement based on its
Answer: b
Textbook Reference: The Inner Ear
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- Which structure(s) connect(s) adjacent stereocilia?
a. Tip links
b. Kinocilium
c. Inner hair cells
d. Outer hair cells
e. Microtubules
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: Hair Cells and the Mechanoelectrical Transduction of Sound Waves
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- A student who is working on a cure hearing loss develops a hair cell MET channel
agonist. Would you expect this drug to be effective? Why?
a. Yes; it would increase the flow of cations into the hair cell.
b. Yes; it would open the MET channel without sound stimuli.
c. Yes; it would induce a second messenger cascade that will hold MET channels open
d. No; the MET channel can only be altered by mechanical means.
e. No; it would decrease the flow of cations into the hair cell.
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: Hair Cells and the Mechanoelectrical Transduction of Sound Waves
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- Which of the following is responsible for the biphasic receptor potential of hair cells?
a. Differing ionic properties between the surrounding perilymph and endolymph
b. Transduction channels that are open at rest
c. Increases in intracellular calcium causing transmitter release
d. Ion-pumping cells in the stria vascularis increasing intracellular potassium stores
e. Gap junctions along the apical and basal surfaces
Answer: b
Textbook Reference: The Ionic Basis of Mechanotransduction in Hair Cells
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- How does ionic composition of endolymph differ from most extracellular fluids?
a. It is K + -poor and Na + -rich.
b. It is Ca 2+ -poor and Na + -rich.
c. It is K + -rich and Na + -rich.
d. It is Ca 2+ -poor and Na + -poor.
e. It is K + -rich and Na + -poor.
Answer: e
Textbook Reference: The Ionic Basis of Mechanotransduction in Hair Cells
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- In the inner ear, evidence suggests that the _______ is(are) an essential component of
the cochlear amplifier.
a. tectorial membrane
b. stria vascularis
c. outer hair cells
d. endolymph
e. scala media
Answer: c
Textbook Reference: The Cochlear Amplifier
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions can cause which of the following auditory
a. Deafness
b. Tinnitus
c. Presbyacusis
d. Ossification of the ossicles
e. Auditory nerve damage
Answer: b
Textbook Reference: The Cochlear Amplifier
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- A scientist studying auditory transmission of low frequencies would take a recording
from nerves at the _______ of the cochlea and look for _______ firing in response to a
a. base; constant
b. base; phase locked
c. apex; constant
d. apex; phase locked
e. apex; out of phase
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: Tuning and Timing in the Auditory Nerve
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- Which of the following could a human ear transduce most optimally?
a. A conversation
b. A thunderstorm
c. A dog barking
d. A plane taking off
e. A computerized tone
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: Tuning and Timing in the Auditory Nerve
Bloom’s Level: 4. Analyzing
- The auditory nerve connects the _______ of the cochlea to the _______ in the
a. spiral ganglion processes; inferior colliculus
b. cochlear nucleus; inferior colliculus
c. spiral ganglion processes; cochlear nucleus
d. cochlear nucleus; spiral ganglion processes
e. inferior colliculus; cochlear nucleus
Answer: c
Textbook Reference: How Information from the Cochlea Reaches Targets in the
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- A 500-Hz signal from a speaker located to the left of a study participant will reach its
target neuron in the ______ superior olive from the left ear _______ compared to the
same neuron from the right ear.
a. medial; sooner
b. medial; later
c. medial; at the same time
d. lateral; sooner
e. lateral; later
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: Integrating Information from the Two Ears
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- The lateral superior olive uses which of the following properties of interaural sound
for localization?
a. Time
b. Frequency
c. Waveform
d. Period
e. Intensity
Answer: e
Textbook Reference: Integrating Information from the Two Ears
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- Which statement about the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus is false?
a. Their output converges at the pons.
b. They receive input from the cochlear nucleus.
c. They respond to monaural sound.
d. They process duration of sound.
e. They process onset of sound.
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: Monaural Pathways from the Cochlear Nucleus to the Nuclei of the
Lateral Lemniscus
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- Which part of the brain precisely maps sound tonotopically?
a. Belt region
b. Parabelt region
c. Medial geniculate complex
d. Core region
e. Inferior colliculus
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Cortex
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- The auditory cortex is located on the _______ gyri within the _______ sulcus.
a. fusiform; lateral
b. superior temporal; lateral
c. inferior temporal; lateral
d. transverse temporal; central
e. fusiform; central
Answer: b
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Cortex
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- A woman has a stroke that damages her secondary auditory cortex. Which sounds
will she have the most trouble making sense of?
a. Sounds of nature
b. Computerized tones
c. Speech
d. Car horns
e. White noise
Answer: c
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Cortex
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- Which of the following best supports the notion that the auditory cortex is influenced
by nonauditory information?
a. Electrophysiological recordings reveal that primary auditory neurons have decreased
response to sounds played in reverse.
b. Neural responses to speech spread from posterior to anterior regions of the superior
temporal gyrus.
c. Alternating patches of EE and EI neurons are found near the tonotopic map.
d. Auditory cortex activity decreases during speech production.
e. Damage to the auditory cortex reveals an inability to discriminate temporal differences
in speech.
Answer: d
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Cortex
Bloom’s Level: 5. Evaluating
- If a subject undergoes an MRI scan while listens to their favorite song, which area of
the brain would you expect to show the greatest activity?
a. Right belt
b. Right core
c. Left belt
d. Left core
e. All brain areas would show similar activity
Answer: a
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Cortex
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- Which perceptual qualities of sound waves are based on frequency and which are
based on amplitude?
Answer: The frequency of a sound wave corresponds to pitch, while the amplitude
corresponds to loudness.
Textbook Reference: Sound
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- What is the audible frequency range in humans (in Hz)? What is the approximate range of human speech sounds?
Answer: The audible range in humans is 20 Hz–20 kHz. The approximate range for
human speech is 2–5 kHz.
Textbook Reference: The Audible Spectrum
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- Describe the tonotopy of the basilar membrane.
Answer: The geometric structure of the basilar membrane allows a traveling wave from a
stimulus to reach a point of maximum displacement based on frequency. High
frequencies are detected at the base of the basilar membrane, while low frequencies are
detected at the apex. This gives rise to topographical mapping of frequency.
Textbook Reference: The Inner Ear
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- List the steps in stimulus transduction, from the physical sound stimulus to the
electrical signals of inner hair cells. Indicate which steps take place in the external,
middle, and inner ear.
Answer: Sound waves are gathered in the external ear, and cause the tympanic membrane
to vibrate. This vibration is transferred to the oval window of the cochlea via the ossicles
of the middle ear. The vibration is transferred to the endolymph in the scala media to
move the stereocilia of the hair cells against the tectorial membrane. This creates a
shearing force that induces tip links on the stereocilia to modulate the opening of
mechanoelectrical transduction channels. An influx of cations then depolarizes the cell,
increasing internal Ca 2+ , and releasing transmitter onto the auditory nerve.
Textbook Reference: The Ionic Basis of Mechanotransduction in Hair Cells
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- What is the function of the outer hair cells?
Answer: Outer cells are important in modulating basilar membrane motion, and studies
indicate that they are a component of the cochlear amplifier.
Textbook Reference: The Cochlear Amplifier
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering
- What two strategies does the auditory system use to code sound frequency?
Answer: The auditory system uses temporal coding for sounds up to approximately 3
kHz. It also utilizes label-line coding via the tonotopically organized basilar membrane.
Textbook Reference: Tuning and Timing in the Auditory Nerve
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- Where does the auditory nerve project?
Answer: The auditory nerve projects to the dorsal, posteroventral, and anteroventral
cochlear nucleus.
Textbook Reference: How Information from the Cochlea Reaches Targets in the
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understanding
- Compare the strategies for sound localization via by neurons in the medial superior
olive (MSO) versus the lateral superior olive (LSO)/medial nucleus of the trapezoid body
Answer: Sound localization in the MSO relies on interaural time differences for
frequencies below 3 kHz. In the case of frequencies above 3 kHz, interaural intensities
are responsible for sound localization via the LSO and MNTB.
Textbook Reference: Integrating Information from the Two Ears
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying
- Compare the functions of the inferior colliculus, medial geniculate complex (MGC),
and primary auditory cortex.
Answer: The inferior colliculus is important in integrative functions, such as the
processing of sound frequencies and integration of localization cues. The MGC is the
relay station to the auditory cortex and it is selective for specific frequency combinations
and time intervals of sounds. The auditory cortex maps sound tonotopically, and is
influenced by other nonauditory information, such speech production.
Textbook Reference: The Auditory Thalamus
Bloom’s Level: 3. Applying