Ch. 11: Death and Dying Flashcards
When death is expected or a possible outcome
Anticipatory grief
Extends for more than a year following the loss
Complicated grief
Describe parental grief
- Intense, long lasting, complex
- Secondary losses r/t death of child (ex: absence of hope and dreams, disruption of the family unit, loss of identity as a parent)
Infants/toddlers: What kind of concept of death?
Little to none
Infants/toddlers: What prevents their [mainly referring to toddlers] understand death?
Egocentric thinking
Infants/toddlers: How are their emotions?
Mirror parental emotions
Infants/toddlers: How do they react?
In response to changes brough about by being in the hospital
EX: Change of routine, painful procedure, immobilization, less independence, separation from family
Infants toddlers: May regress to an _______
Earlier stage of behavior
Preschool children: Do they have egocentric thinking?
Preschool children: Why may the child feel guilt and shame?
Magical thinking allows for the belief that thoughts can cause an event such as death
Preschool children: How do they interpret separation from parents?
As punishment for bad behavior
Preschool children: How do they view dying?
Temporary because of lack of a concept of time and because the dead person may still have attributes of the living (eating, sleeping, breathing)
School-age children: Start to respond to ____ or ____ explainations
Logical or facutal
School-age children: What kind of concept of death do they have? What age specifically [since school age ranges from 6-12..what age specifically out of here]?
Adult concept of death–inevitable, irreversible, universal
Applies to older school age children..9-12
School-age children: What kind of fears do they experience?
Fears of the disease process, death process, the unknown, and loss of control
School-age children often have fears of the disease process, death process, the unknown, and loss of control. How do they display this fear?
Uncooperative behavior
School-age children may be curious about _____ and what happens to the ____ after death
Funeral services and what happens to the body after death
Adolescents: What kind of concept of death?
Adolescents: Why may they have difficulty accepting death?
Because they are discovering who they are, establishing an identity, and dealing with issues of puberty
Adolescents: Who do they rely more on: peers or parents and what may this result in?
Rely more on PEERS–may result in the reality of a serious illness cause adolescents to feel ISOLATED
Adolescents: May be unable to relate to ____ and ____ with parents
Unable to relate to PEERS and COMMUNICATE with parents
Adolescents: Why may they become increasing stressed?
By changes in physical appearance due to medications or illness than the prospect of death
Adolescents: What may they experience?
Guilt and shame
What is the last sense to go?
Is it okay for the nurse to attend the funeral of the child who died?
Is it okay for the nurse to maintain contact with the family of the child who died?
How should the nurse refer to the deceased child?
Still refer to the child by their name
A nurse is caring for a child. Which of the following are physical manifestations of impending death? (SATA)
A. Height sense of hearing B. Tachycardia C. Difficulty swallowing D. Sensation of being cold E. Cheyne-Stokes respirations
C, E
A: Decrease in senses of SMELL, SIGHT, and HEARING are physical manifestations of death
B: Patient would have BRADYcardia, not tachycardia
D. A clients sensation of HEAT when the body feels cool is sign of approaching death
A nurse is teaching a parent about complicated grief. Which of the following statements by the nurse is appropriate?
A. It is considered complicated grief if you are still grieving 6 months after your loss
B. Personal activities are affected when experiencing complicated grief
C. Parents will experience complicated grief together
D. Complicated grief self-resolves in 12 months
A nurse is teaching a parent of a preschool child about factors that affect the child’s perception of death. Which of the following should be included in the teaching?
A. Preschool children have no concept of death
B. Preschool children perceive death as temporary
C. Preschool children often regress to an earlier stage of behavior
D. Preschool children experience fear related to the disease process
A= what toddlers do
B. CORRECT bc they perceive it has temporary
C= what toddlers do
D= what school age children do
A nurse often cares children who are dying. Which of the following is an appropriate action for a nurse to take to maintain their effectiveness? (SATA)
A. Remain in contact with family after their loss
B. Develop a professional support system
C. Take time off work
D. Suggest that a hospital representative attend funeral
E. Demonstrate feelings of sympathy toward the family
A, B, C
D= nurse should be encouraged to go to funeral as an act of support for family E= a nurse should develop the ability for EMPATHY when dealing with dying clients
A nurse is caring for a child who has terminal illness and review palliative care with an assistive personal (AP). Which of the following statements by the AP indicates understand of this review?
A. I’m sure the family is hopeful that the new medication will stop the illness
B. I’ll miss working with this client, now that only nurses will be caring for him
C. I will get all the clients personal objects out of his room
D. I will listen and respond as the family talks about their child’s life
How should nursing personnel be staffed for caring for the client/family of the dying client?
Provide consistency among nursing staff caring for the client/family
How should lighting in the room be for the dying client?
Soften lights