Ch. 10 Section 1&2 Flashcards
Popular sovereignty
A policy stating that voters in a territory (not congress) should decide whether or not to allow slavery there
Free-soil party
Several factions in favour of Wilmot Proviso, main goal was to keep slavery out of the western lands
Break away from the union
Compromise of 1850
California applies for statehood would be the 31st state /16th free
- California a free State
- popular sovereignty to decide slavery in Utah and New Mexico territories
- Washington DC slave trade abolished
- federal fugitive slave act
Fugitive slave act
Added stringent amendments to the earlier law, including the requirement that private citizens assist with the apprehending of runaway slaves
Wilmot proviso
All lands won from Mexico are free
Personal liberty laws
Nullified fugitive slave act and allowed the state to arrest slave catchers for kidnapping
Underground Railroad
Loosely organised network to help slaves escape to the north, hid slaves and led them out of the US
Harriet Tubman
Courageous railroad conductor, similar to Moses by guiding 100s of slaves
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Published an anti-slavery novel, uncle Tom’s cabin
Kansas-Nebraska act
1854, separated Nebraska to give opportunity for 1 free and 1 slave state to maintain balance
John brown
NY abolitionist who led execution of 5 proslavery settlers because they destroyed abolitionist property
“Bleeding Kansas”
Used to describe Kansas due to the complications and fights between proslavery and abolitionists
Election of 1848
Whigs- Zachary Taylor
1854 Douglas
Douglas introduced a bill to set up government in NB territory based on popular sovereignty
1856 p
Rade of Lawrence
Senate violence
Sumner is beaten by Brooks with a cane