cell structure Flashcards
cell size
Cells vary in size. Most cells are very small (microscopic), some may be very large
(macroscopic). The unit used to measure the size of a microscopic cell is micrometer (µm).
→ 1000 µm = 1 millimeter
cell shape
Cells vary in shape. Variation depends mainly upon the function of cells. Some cells,
like Euglena and Amoeba, can change their shape, but most cells have a fixed shape.
red blood cell
Human Red Blood Cells are circular and
biconcave for easy passage through
human capillaries.
Microscopy – The science of using microscopes to view samples or objects.
* The development of the microscope in the 1660s increased our understanding of the
human body and led to the discovery of cells.
– There are a variety of microscopes, each displaying a varying degree of
structural detail.
microsope-transmission electron
A transmission electron microscope is the most accurate
microscope in existence. Certain cell structures can only be seen with its use
microscope-compound or light
The compound (or light) microscope is the most commonly used microscope
cell membrane
Organelles are specialized structures in a cell (like an organ in your body). The
existence of organelles enables the compartmentalization of a cell into different
biochemical environments each responsible for a particular cell function.
– The formation of organelles is due to Biological Membranes.
what is a cell membrane,cell membranes( semipermeable),membrane(interco
what is a cell membrane
- A Cell Membrane is a barrier that encloses spaces within a cell into compartments,
creating a boundary between the entire cell and its outside environment (extracellular
space). These membranes control the flow of materials into and out of the cell.
Cell membranes are semipermeable, which means they allow certain
substances to pass through but not others with the use of proteins.
- These membranes form a system of interconnecting channels within the cell that
function in the transport of substances and communication from one part of the cell
to another.
why do theses advance protons walk
it has a negitive and postive charge that makes then moves
Centrosome is an organelle located near the nucleus that organizes the cell’s microtubules
Golgi apparatus/mail room
what are proteins
Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They
do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and
regulation of the body’s tissues and organs
where are proteins created in ?
proteins are created in ribosomes
what are proteins made up of?
They are made up of hundreds or
thousands of smaller units called amino acids, which are attached to one another in
long chains. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein’s unique
3-dimensional structure and its specific function.
Proteins are the molecules that perform tasks in the body. Those tasks are:
Enzyme – carry out chemical reactions
Antibody – bind to viruses and bacteria to mark them
Messenger (Hormones) – transmit signals to coordinate
biological processes
Structural Component
what are the function of the cell membrane
Cell Membrane
– Maintains shape & size of the cell
– Protects internal contents of the cell
– Regulates entry and exit of substances
in and out of the cell
what does the centrosome matrix consist of
- The centrosome matrix consists of two structures called centrioles, which are hollow,
cylindrical structures made up of microtubules, surrounded by a complex of proteins
that help additional microtubules to form. Found only in animal cells.