Cell Cycle Check Points Flashcards
Meaning of Cancer
Cancer is a group of cells with abnormal genetic material that are dividing uncontrollably and can spread to other body parts
A benign tumor
•A benign tumor is a growth that does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body; they can be serious if they press on vital structuresNormal
Mutations can occur for no particular reason; however, most are
Cell suicide
Cell Suicide is an organized cell breakdown. Its contents are packaged and distributed so that other cells can use them
Malignant tumour
It is cancerous .tumour cells grow rapidly and spread to other parts of the body
A mutation that leads to cancer
Photosynthesis equation
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2.
Cell cycle check points that check normal growth and development
three checkpoints are:
1.There are not enough nutrients to support cell growth
2.The DNA has not replicated
3.The DNA is damaged (Mutations
Brain lifespan
Red blood
120 day
2 days
Stomach lining
Intestines lining
3 days
20 days
What is the cancer cells protein called
benign tumour
A benign tumor is a growth that does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body; they can be serious if they press on vital structuresNormal
The three domains
Archaea,bacteria, and eukarya
The six kingdoms
Is Bacteria and archaea prokaryotes
Is protists,plantae,fungi,and animalia eukaryotes
Phylum means
A symbiotic relationship where one organism lives inside the other.
Compound microscope
Maximum magnification 2000x
Transmission microscope
Maximum magnification:1000 000x
Cellular respiration
It cellular respiration it received this name due to reaction products that our body expels when we exhale
Cellular respiration formula