Cell Division Prt 1 Flashcards
One purpose of cell division is_______. In this process, a preexisting cell divides to p roduce two new cells.
asexual reproduction
Original cell
2 new cells
Mother cell
Daughter cells
is how bacterial cells p roliferate. In addition, certain unicellular eukaryotes, such as the amoeba and baker’s yeast ( Saccharom y ces cerevisiae ) , can reproduce _______
Asexual reproduction
Another purpose of cell division is __________ Species such as p lants, animals, most fungi, and some p rotists are derived from a sin g le cell that has under g one repeated cell divisions.
process of cell division requires the
distribution of the chromosomes.
Prior to cell division, bacteria duplicate their circular chromosome ; the y then distribute- a copy into each of the two dau g hter cells. This process, known as_______
binary fission
the circular chromosomes of bacteria are in direct contact with the ______
Prior to cell division, bacterial cells __________ their chromosomal DNA. This p roduces two identical co p ies of the g enetic material
Copy or replicate
A p rotein called_____ assembles into a rin g at the future site of the septum. ____ is thou g ht to be the first protein to move to this division site.
FtsZ recruits other p roteins that produce a ______, which is a new cell wall between the dau g hter cells
FtsZ is evolutionaril y related to a eukaryotic p rotein called_____.
It is the main component of microtubules, which p la y a key role in chromosome sortin g in eukaryotes.
As a result of binar y fission, a bacterial cell called the_________ has divided into two dau g hter cells. Each dau g hter cell receives a co py of the chromosomal g enetic material. Except when rare mutations occur, the dau g hter cells are usuall y g eneticall y identical because the y contain exact co p ies of the g enetic material from the mother cell.
mother cell
The common outcome of eukar y otic cell division is to produce _______ that have the same number and t yp es of chromosomes as the ori g inal mother cell.
two daughter cells
Eukar y otic cells that are destined to divide advance throu g h a series of p hases known as the
Cell cycle
Cell cycle
G1, S phase, G2, M
Phases are collectively known as interphase
G 1, S, and G 2
May remain permanently , or for lon g p eriods of time, in a p hase of the cell cycle called ____. A cell in the ___ G0 phase is either temporarily not advancin g throu g h the cell cycle or, in the case of terminall y differentiated cells, such as most nerve cells in an adult mammal, will never divide a g ain.
is a nondividing stage
G0 phase
Durin g the ___ phase, a cell ma y p re p are to divide.
____ phase ma y accumulate molecular changes and reach a restriction p oint and thereby be committed on a pathway that leads to cell division
After a cell has reached a______, it will advance through the remainder of G1, and then proceed through the S, G2, and M phases to complete the cell cycle.
restriction point
Once past the restriction point, the cell then advances to the_____ during which the chromosomes are replicated.
S phase
After replication, the two copies are called______.
They are joined to each other at a region of DNA called the_____ to form a unit known as a pair of sister chromatids, or a____
A single chromatid within a dyad is called a_____.
An unreplicated chromosome can also be called a____.
When____ phase is completed, a cell has twice as many chromatids as it had
chromosomes in the ____phase.
The______ is a group of proteins that are bound to the centromere. These proteins help to hold the sister chromatids together and also play a role in chromosome sorting, as discussed later.
During the _____, the cell accumulates the materials that are necessary for nuclear and cell division.
G2 phase
Finally, the cell advances into the M phase of the cell cycle, when _____ occurs.