Care of The Infant - Social Development Flashcards
Watches face intently interaction with others
1 month
Utters small throaty sounds
1 month
Smiles in response to person or object
2 to 3 months
Cries less
2 to 3 months
Laughs aloud
2 to 3 months
Enjoys social interaction
4 to 5 months
Coos and gurgles when given attention
4 to 5 months
Vocalizes displeasure when an object is removed
4 to 5 months
Begins to differentiate between strange and familiar faces
6 to 7 months
Beginning stronger stranger anxiety
6 to 7 months
Definite social attachment (eg, stretches arms toward loved ones); stranger anxiety (eg, turns or pushes away and cries)
8 to 9 months
Responds to own name; begins separating self from caregiver
8 to 9 months
Reacts to adult anger; cries when scolded; peak of stranger anxiety
8 to 9 months
Exhibits emotions (eg, jealousy, affection, anger)
10 to 12 months
Enjoys familiar surroundings; explores away from caregiver
10 to 12 months
Fearful in strange situations or with strangers; clings to caregiver
10 to 12 months
Fearful in strange situations or with strangers; clings to caregiver
10 to 12 months
May develop attachment to security object
10 to 12 months