Care of Preschoolers Flashcards
3-6 years
Initiative vs Guilt
PRESCHOOL STAGE Cognitive Development::
Preconceptual Preoperational (3-4 years old)
* Preconceptual Intuitive (5-7 years old)
learn by asking questions
Preconceptual Intuitive (5-7 years old)
focused on the characteristic of an object or person and based their decision
on that one characteristic
not aware of the Law of Conservation
Preconceptual Intuitive (5-7 years old)
Moral and Spiritual Development
- Level 1 Preconventional: Individualism & Exchange
- determines right and wrong based on their parents’ rules
Mutilation and castration
Associative Play, Imitation Play
simple jigsaw puzzle, dolls, coloring book, pencils, pens & crayons
PR= __ bpm, BP= ________ mmHg
85 bpm, 100/60 mmHg
bladder – easily palpable at _____________ (___________ voiding daily)
symphysis pubis; 9-10 times
Slight weight gain (___________ kg/ year)
4.5 lg or 2
Height gain- minimal (__________ inches or _____ cm)
2-3.5; 6-8
____ deciduous teeth by 3 years old
undress self
3 years old
stack tower of blocks
3 years old
draws a cross
3 years old
3 years old
alternates feet on stairs
3 years old
rides tricycle
3 years old
stands on one foot
3 years old
can do simple buttons
4 years old
constantly in motion
4 years old
4 years old
4 years old
can draw a six part figure
5 years old
laces shoe
5 years old
throws overhead
5 years old
vocabulary of 900 words
3 y.o
vocabulary of 1500 words
4 y.o
vocabulary of 2100 words
5 y.o
able to take turns; very imaginative
3 y.o
pretending is a major activity
4 y.o
roughhousing and imitative play
4 y.o
ikes games with number or letters
5 y.o
interested in group games and reciting songs they have learned
5 y.o
perceiving that ones thoughts and needs are better or more important than those of others
what age children enjoy participating in mealtime conversation & can describe an incident from their day in great detail
4-5 years old
like to explore because they have discovered that learning new things is fun
develops when children are punished/ criticized for attempts at initiative
strong emotional attachment a preschool boy demonstrates toward his mother
Oedipus Complex
attachment of a preschool girl to her father
Electra Complex
___ year-old children may be involved in arguments because of their awareness of their role in the group
___-year-old children begin to develop best friendship on the basis of who they walk to school or who lives closest to them
refuses to sleep at night due to
fear of the dark
Common Fears
Fear of the Dark
Fear of mutilation
Fear of separation or Abandonment
stretching stories to make them seem more interesting
Telling Tall Tales
assure parents that this normal and that they just have to ensure that the child has exposure to real playmates and imaginary friends should not prevent the child from socializing
Imaginary Friends
already have a concept that some things are theirs, some belong to others and some can belong to both
Difficulty Sharing
in relation to stress, revert to behavior they previously outgrew
repeating words or syllables; repetition and prolongation of sounds, syllables and words (secondary stuttering)
Broken Fluency