Care of The Infant Flashcards
The entire first year of life is one of extremely rapid growth, so a ______________ intake is necessary
high-protein, high-calorie
commercial formulas and breast milk contain __ calories/oz
Calorie allowances: ___ per kilogram of body weight (at birth), _____ per kilogram of body weight (at the end of the first year)
120 ; 100
Infants are not ready to digest complex starches until amylase is present in saliva at approximately _________ months.
2 to 3
Biting movements begin at approximately _____
3 months
Chewing movements do not begin until _____________ . Therefore, foods that require chewing should not be given until this age
7 to 9 months
Breastmilk: most complete diet for first _____________ ; may require supplementation
6 months
Iron supplement: needed by _________
4 to 6 months
Fluoride supplementation: started between _____________________ but not before 6 months
6 months and 3 years
Whole cow’s milk: should not be introduced until after ___ year of age
Introduce small amounts of a new food (__________) at a time
1 or 2 tsp
Remember that the _____________ is present for the first 4 to 6 months of life, so any food placed on an infant’s tongue will be pushed forward.
extrusion reflex
Extrusion Reflex fades at
3 to 4 months
Newborn’s stomach can hold approximately
2 tablespoons (30 mL)
Ideally, children should eat infant cereal until age
3 or 4 years
Meat is usually introduced at __ months
Egg yolks are offered by __ months of age
Infants are capable of approximating their lips to a cup so they can drink effectively from one at about ___ months of age
At approximately _____ months of age, infants become interested in handling a spoon and beginning to feed themselves. Their coordination, unfortunately, has not developed enough for them to use a spoon without a great deal of spilling, so they are much more adept at feeding themselves with their fingers
a vaccine used against tuberculosis
BCG Vaccine (Bacillus CalmetteGuerin)
when should BCG be adminstered
at birth
when should Hepatitis B Vaccine be adminstered
At birth to 1 month
a vaccine that contains five antigens (diphtheria, pertussis,
tetanus, and hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b)
Pentavalent Vaccine
Pentavalent Vaccine three doses:
1st at 6 weeks after birth, 2nd @ 10 weeks old, 3rd @ 14 weeks old
a mixture of live attenuated poliovirus strains of each of the three serotypes; produces antibodies in the blood and protects the individual against polio paralysis in case of infectio
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) three doses:
1st at 6 weeks after birth, 2nd @ 10 weeks old, 3rd @ 14 weeks old
Also called as Salk vaccine , IPV consists of inactivated (killed) poliovirus strains of all three poliovirus types.
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
provides protection against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria, specifically those which can cause most of the severe pneumococcal infections in children and older adults
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) four doses:
1st at 6 weeks after birth, 2nd @ 10 weeks old, 3rd @ 14 weeks old, 4th @ 12 to 15 months of age
MCV 1 (dose 1): ___ months where attack rates high and risk of serious disease among infants ; ________ months where risk of infant infection is low
9; 12-15
MCV 2 (dose 2): may be given as early as _____ month following 1st dose
MCV: Two doses, at __ and ___ months, for HIV-infected infants
6; 9
Live attenuated vaccine
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR)
1st dose of MMR:
minimum of 12 months of age
2nd dose of MMR:
between 4-6 years of age
Rotavirus Vaccine(RV) Three doses:
2, 4 and 6 months of age