Care of a Toddler - Gross and Fine Motor Development Flashcards
Walks alone with wide-based gait
15 months
Builds tower of two blocks
15 months
creeps up stairs
15 months
throws objects and picks them up
15 months
Drinks from cup with spillage
15 months
uses spoon clumsily
15 months
Runs clumsily
18 months
climbs stairs or up on furniture
18 months
Imitates strokes in drawing
18 months
Drinks from cup
18 months
manages spoon
18 months
Builds tower of three to four cubes
18 months
Gross motor skills refined
2 years
Walks up and down stairs, one step at a time, holding onto rail
2 years
Builds tower of six to seven cubes; uses cubes to form a train
2 years
Walks on tiptoe
30 months
stands on one foot momentarily
30 months
Builds tower of eight blocks
30 months
Copies horizontal or vertical line
30 months
May attend to won toilet needs during day
30 months
May begin to hold crayons with fingers rather than fists
30 months
Begins to start to color within the lines of a picture