Care of The Infant - Gross and Fine Motor Development Flashcards
Body: flexed with pelvis high when prone; asymmetric posture (tonic neck reflex)
1 month
Head: held parallel with body in prone position
1 month
Turns side to side when prone; can lift momentarily from flat surface
1 month
Holds head erect for short time; can raise chest supported on forearms
2 to 3 months
Bears some weight on legs when held in standing position
2 to 3 months
Holds rattle when placed in hand
2 to 3 months
Grasp, tonic neck and Moro reflexes fading
2 to 3 months
step or dance reflex disappears Play with fingers and hands
2 to 3 months
reflexes present in 1 month old infant
tonic neck, moro, grasp, step or dance
Sits when back is supported
4 to 5 months
knees flexed and back rounded
4 to 5 months
balances head
4 to 5 months
Maintains symmetric body position
4 to 5 months
Sustains portion of own weight when held in standing position
4 to 5 months
Reaches for and grasps object with whole hands; misjudges distances
4 to 5 months
Moves own hand or object to mouth at will
4 to 5 months
Rolls over from abdomen to back
4 to 5 months
Lifts head and shoulders at 90-degree angle when prone
4 to 5 months
Early reflexes (eg, grasp, tonic neck, Moro) have disappeared
4 to 5 months
urns over from stomach to back and back to stomach
6 to 7 months
Sits unsupported when placed in forward-leaning position
6 to 7 months
Lifts head when supine as if trying to sit up
6 to 7 months
Approaches toy and grasps it with one hand
6 to 7 months
can transfer toy from hand to hand and from hand to mouth
6 to 7 months
Plays with feet; puts them in mouth
6 to 7 months
Landau reflex lasts for
6-8 months to 12-24 months
when suspended in horizontal prone position, head is raised, legs and spine are extended
Landau reflex
Parachute reflex lasts for
Parachute (7-9 months, persists indefinitely)
when suspended in horizontal prone position and suddenly thrust forward, hands and fingers extended forward as if to protect from falling
Parachute reflex
Sits steadily alone; pulls self to standing position; stands holding onto furniture
8 to 9 months
Develops hand-to-mouth coordination
8 to 9 months
Develops pincer grasp, hand preference
8 to 9 months
Crawls; may go backward at first
8 to 9 months
Creeps (abdomen supported off floor)
10 to 12 months
Stands alone for short time; walks with help; moves around by holding onto furniture (cruising)
10 to 12 months
Sits down from standing position without help
10 to 12 months
Eats from spoon; drinks from cup with help; prefers using fingers
10 to 12 months
Plays “pat-a-cake” and “peek-a-boo”; holds crayon to mark paper
10 to 12 months
Helps with dressing (eg, putting arm through sleeve)
10 to 12 months