Cardiovascular training adaptations part 2 Flashcards
training adaptations in the heart
cardiac hypertrophy
increased left ventricle size
what happens to coronary blood flow with CV training?
increased capillarization, diameter of coronary arteries and ability to dilate, greater O2 delivery, increased mitochondrial mass & respiratory enzymes
what happens to blood volume with endurance training?
increases because of increase in plasma volume, increase in RBC mass
why does SV increase at rest, submax and max with training?
increased plasma volume, increased venous return, LV volume, contractility, ventricular filling
what happens to Q at rest, sub-max and max?
similar at rest
decrease/similar at submax
increase max
what is the peak Q max in elite athletes
why is Q the same at rest in trained athletes and untrained?
because their HR lowers and SV increases
why does a-vO2 difference increase during exercise?
increased distribution to active muscles and increased capacity of the muscle to extract and use O2 (also leading to increased mitochondrial density and respiratory enzymes)
with training what happens to size of arteries and veins and muscle capillarization at max exercise?
they both increase
true or false:training increases ability to catabolize fat during sub-max exercise. why or why not?
true because increased ability to mobilize, delver and oxidize fatty acids and CHOs are preserved for max
what happens to bp with CV training
decreases at rest and submax
SBP may increase at max
after a period of prolonged training, what happens to substrate utilization?
improve your ability to use more fat for energy
True or false: during an intense exercise bout, a well-trained person will have higher bp values than an untrained person
true, because of higher SV therefore a higher Q which is directly related to bp
true or false: after a period of prolonged training, ventilation increases during sub-max exercise at a given workload
false, it would decrease
After a period of prolonged training, what direction would you expect the O2 dissociation
curve to shift during a sub-maximal exercise bout (given workload) in comparison to before
expect a shift to the left because the temperature doesn’t increase as much, wont be as acidic, ess CO2 and less need for O2 at a higher intensity
what happens to Ve with training
stays the same at rest
decreases sub-max
increases max
what are 3 perks of increased strength and endurance of respiratory muscles?
become fatigue resistant, reduced lactate production, decreased work of breathing
true or false: ventilatory threshold increases with training
what happens to blood lactate levels with training?
decreased blood lactate levels and delayed OBLA
what does the “live high-train low” approach do?
increase VO2 max and performance because of increased RBCs and hematocrit
multifaceted, neuromusular, physchological, metabolic, hormonal
what is overtraining characterized by?
- consistent poor performance
- prolonged recovery, moodiness, decreased immunity & appetite
- increased resting HR, painful muscles
- overuse injuries