cardiovascular system-heart: functions of the heart Flashcards
heart is surrounded by
pericardial sac
the pericardium has what 4 things:
outer parietal membrane
inner visceral membrane
pericardial sac
pericardial fluid
fibrous pericardium
tough fibrous outer layer
Prevents over distention; acts as anchor
serous pericardium
thin, transparent, inner layer
simple squamous epithelium
parietal pericardium
lines the fibrous outer layer
visceral pericardium
covers heart surface
the serous pericardium consists of what 2 pericardium?
parietal pericardium
visceral pericardium
the parietal and visceral pericardium are
continuous and have a pericardial cavity between them filled with pericardial fluid
pericardial fluid prevents
friction due to pumping action of the heart
the heart wall has how many layers
the 3 layers of the heart is:
outermost layer
visceral pericardium
consists of exposed mesothelium and an inner loose areolar tissue attached to myocardium
covers the heart
middle layer
muscular wall of the heart
forms the atria and ventricles
made up of cardiac muscle tissue
innermost layer
lines the chambers of the heart, including heart valves and endothelium of the attached blood vessels
left half of the heart contains
oxygenated blood
right half of the heart contains
deoxygenated blood
there is no _____ of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
which part of the heart receives blood
atria receives blood
which part of the heart pumps blood out of the heart
great veins and arteries at the
pointed tip is
heart consists of 2 upper chambers
heart consists of 2 lower chambers
ventricles made of cardiac muscles
which part have thinner walls
which part of the heart has thicker walls
what separates atria
interatrial septum
what separates the ventricles
interventricular septum
the right atrium has what 2 things
foramen ovale
pectinate muscles
foramen ovale
before birth, is an opening through interatrial septum
connects the 2 atria
seals off at birth, forming fossa ovalis
pectinate muscles
prominent muscular ridges on atrial walls
to the right atrium opens
superior venacava
inferior venacava
superior venacava
brings deoxygenated blood from above the heart to the right atrium
the head, neck, upper limbs and chest
inferior venacava
brings deoxygenated blood from below the heart
body, trunk, viscera, lower limbs
the cardiac veins return the blood to the
coronary sinus opens into the right atrium inferior to the connection with the superior vena cava.
to the opening lies near the posterior edge of the interatrial septum
to the left atrium opens ___ pulmonary veins
4 pulmonary veins
the pulmonary veins
brings oxygenated blood from the lungs
from the _____ _____ leaves ____ ____
from the right ventricle leaves pulmonary artery
pulmonary artery
carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation
conus arteriosus (superior end of right ventricle) leads to
pulmonary trunk
brachiocephalic trunk
divided into 2 branches
right common carotid artery
right subclavian artery
deoxygenated blood from right arm/head to the heart for oxygenation
right common carotid artery
oxygenated blood to right side of neck/head
right subclavian artery
oxygenated blood to the right arm
left common carotid artery
oxygenated blood to left side of neck and head
left subclavian artery
oxygenated blood to left arm
tricuspid valve
prevents backflow from right ventricle to right atrium
pulmonary semilunar valve
prevents backflow from the pulmonary artery to right ventricle
aortic semilunar valve
prevents backflow from aorta to left ventricle
bicuspid valve
(mitral valve)
prevents backflow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium
carries oxygenated blood from left ventricle to different parts of the body
chordae tendinae
attaches valves to ventricle walls
all veins carry oxygenated blood except
pulmonary veins
atrial systole:
atrium contracts
opening of valves due to
what separates ventricles and atria
atrioventricular groove
what is a atrioventricular groove is a
fibrous skeleton which consists of 4 rings of dense connective tissue
what is the ring of the atrioventricular groove called
annulus fibrosus
has a heart valve attached to it
2 major circuits
pulmonary circuit
systemic circuit
pulmonary circuit
circulation between the heart and lungs and back to the heart
systemic circulation
circulation between the heart and body and back to the heart