Cardiovascular Diseases in Large Animals Flashcards
Ventral Septal Defect (VSD)
Most common congenital cardiac defect in large animal
Opening in the ventricular septum (high membrane)
What is VSD caused by?
Failure of fusion between endocardial cushion and muscular part of the septum or between truncal septum and concal septum
Pathophysiology of VSD
L to R shunt between LV and RV causes volume overload of RV → pulmonary hypertension and dilation of RV and LA → LV fails from chr. volume overload → congenital heart failure , excessive turbulence, endocarditis, and aortic regurg
Cs of VSD
Pansystolic murmurs
Palpable cardiac thrill
Poor growth, leth., dyspnea
Diagnosis of VSD
Clin path: polycythemia
Rads: cardiomegaly, lung vascularization
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Connects the pulmonary artery and aorta
Single defect or a complex anomaly
Pathophysiology of PDA
L. to R. shunt from aorta to pulmonary artery →↑ the volume load on the RV → RV fails or dilates and hypertrophies → pulm. hypertension and congestion
Leth, dyspnea, exercise intolerance and CHF
Continuous murmur (high pitch and of alt intensity)
Sx in neonates
Small PDA asymptomatic, large= poor prog
Tetralogy of Fallot
- Over-riding aorta
- Pulmonic stenosis with obstruction of pulm. arterial flow
- RV hypertrophy due to obstruction of pulm. arterial flow
Pentaology= 5. atriall septal defect
What is tetralogy of fallot caused by?
Abnormal development of the conal septum in the embryonic heart
More common calves than foals
Pathophysiology of tetralogy of fallot
Obstruction → severely reduced pulm. circulation → severe cyanosis
CS of tetralogy of fallot
Cyanosis of mm, nose and skin
Exercise intolerance, slow or stunted growth
Loud pansystolic murmur (crescendo-decrescendo or plateau shaped), palpable thrill
Dx of tetralogy of fallot
Clin Path: ↑ PCV and RBC count from polycythemia
Poor prog
Atrial fibrillation
Cardiac dysrhythmia by lack of coordinated atrial electrical activity
Causes of atrial fibrillation
Abnormal impulse condition due to uni-directional conduction block and random re-entrant activation of atria
Atrial enlargement due to myocarditis
Electrolyte or acid-base imbalance, anesthetic drugs or AV valve regurg
Where is atrial fibrillation commonly seen?
Dairy cattle more than beef
GI dz/ abdominal pain, footrot or pneumonia in cattle
Horses due to high resting vagal tone (standardbred, thoroughbred, draft horses)
Pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation
Atrial contraction not coordinated → ventricular filling more passive → reduce blood flow to other organs → ↓ milk production, GI motility and colic
Pathophysiology of chr. atrial fibrillation
Progressive cardiac dz (fibrosis due to reduced myocardial blood flow)
CS of atrial fibrillation
Asymptomatic @ rest
Anorexia, ↓ milk production in cattle
Exercise intolerance, poor performance and colic in horses
DX atrial fibrillation
Clin path: met alk. due to GI dz, ↓ Ca, K and Cl
Electrocardiography: Irreg R-R interval, absent P waves replaced by fine undulation of baseline (f waves)
Tx for atrial fibrillation
Quinidine in cattle and horses (beg ionotrope) → make sure animal is hydrated with norm acid-base levels `
Ventricular tachycardia
Cardiac dysrhythmia characterized by a rapid rhythm originating in the ventricle below the bundle of His
What causes ventricular tachycardia
Disorder in impulse formation or conduction due to myocarditis, fibrosis, bacterial endocarditis, ischemia, and hypoxia, etc
________________ may be the leading cause of sudden death in horses and reported in all large animals
Ventricular tachycardia
CS of ventricular tachycardia
Asymptomatic @ rest
Exercise intolerance, severe CHF, pulm. edema, resp. distress, coughing, ventral edema
Rapid HR with irreg or reg rhythm
Jug pulses
What is ventricular tachycardia secondary to in cattle?
Sepsis and toxemia with signs of anorexia and ↓ milk production
Dx of ventricular tachycardia
ECG: series of 4 or more ventricular premature depolarizations (ventricular complex)
QRS larger and longer than normal
TX of ventricular tachycardia
Correcting primary dz or electrolyte imbalance
Severe CHF or rate of ven trachy high: Lidocaine and Mg. sulfate in bovine
What is the most common atrial septic defect
Ostium secundum defect (patent foramen ovale):
O secundum- opening in high septum primum of embryonic heart where foramen will be
O. primum- opening low in the septum primum where AV valve will be
Where is patent forman ovale common?
Calves (associated with PDA)
What is patent foramen ovale caused by?
Failure of the septum primum to adhere to the crista dividens and close the foramen after birth
CS of patent foramen ovale
Often asymptomatic
Holosystic crescendo-decrescendo murmur @ left heart base
Enlarged RA, dilation of LA and RV
Dx of patent foramen ovale
Echo will visualize enlarged RA, LA, RV and defect