the bigger the mammal
the slower the heart rate
a healthy heart rate pumps how many liters per min
5 liters
What allows blood to circulate to the body
Blood vessels
the cardiovascular system deliver oxygen and nutrients to remove ___
carbon dioxide
Location of heart
thorax between lungs
apex toward to left hip
size of heart
14 cm long
9cm wide
the heart is __ pumps in ___
2 pumps in 1
the right side of the heart pumps blood
to the lungs through and back to the left side; pulmonary circulation
the left side of the heart pumps blood to the
other tissues to the body back to the right side through systematic circulation
functions of the heart
generate blood pressure
routes blood
ensures one way blood flow
regulates blood supply
pouch surrounding the heart ; double layered sac anchoring and protecting heart
2 types of pericardium
outer side
inner side
2 layers of serous
fluid between parietal and visceral layer
serous fluid (promote cushion)
membrane around hearts cavity
parietal pericardium
membrane on hearts surface
visceral pericardium
space between parietal and visceral
pericardial cavity
3 layers of heart
extend around heart; separate atria from ventricles
coronary sulcus
extends inferiorly from coronary sulcus to the anterior surface of heart
anterior interventricular sulcus
arteries goes
veins go
extends inferiorly from coronary sulcus on the posterior surface
posterior interventricular sulcus
pushes blood to ventricles
separate l & r atria
interatrial septum
separates r & l ventricles
interventricular septum
the atria is thin walled and ventricle is strong walled (T/F)
valves between the atria and ventricles
Atrioventricular heart valves
2 Atrioventricular valves
valves between ventricl and artery
semilunar valves
2 semilunar valves
Pulmonary semilunar
Aortic semilunar
semilunar valve between RV & pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary valve
semilun valve between L.V and aorta
Aortic valve
causes the LUBB sound
Atrioventricular Heart Valves
causes the DUPP sound
Semilunar Heart Valves
has fibrous rings that surround atri and semil valves; electrical insulation; provide rigid attachment site
Cardiac Skeleton
supply blood to heart wall ; base of aorta
coronary arteries
supply blood to anterior heart wall & left ventricle ; 3 branches
Left coronary artery
the blood empties to the right atrium via the
coronary sinus
drains blood from cardiac muscle
cardiac veins
surface of the heart ; connective tissue layer ; parietal
thick middle layer of cardiac ; cardiac muscle
smooth inner surface of heart ; endothelium
changes in membrane channels permeability; produce action potentials
pacemaker potential
how many seconds does skeletal / cardiac muscle action potentials take?
2msec for skel
200-500 msec for cardiac
record of electrical events in heart ; cardiac abnormalities ; electrodes
ECG contains
P waves
QRS complex
T waves
atrial contraction
P wave
ventricular contraction
QRS complex
Ventricular relaxation
T wave
Systole =
Diastole =
volume of blood pumped per ventricle per contraction
Stroke volume
Stroke volume mililiter/beat
70 milliliters/beat
heart rate : beats/min
volume of blood pumped by a ventricle
Cardiac output 6 liters /min
formula of cardiac output
CO = SV x HR
hormones that can increase heart rate
sympathetic nervous system is an
increase of heart rate
parasympathetic nervous system is an
decrease of heart rate
highblood pressure is an
decrease of heart rate
connects arteriole to venule
Vascular shunt
the exchange of vessels ; oxygen & nutrients cross
True capillaries
pressure wave of blood
mechanisms contained within the heart that control cardiac output
Instrinsic regulatiion
amount of blood that returns to heart
venous return
degree of ventricular walls stretched at diastole
pressure on which ventricles mus pump blood
after load
mechanism of nervous system; role in regulating heart function
Baroreceptor reflex
the baroreceptor monitors:
blood pressure in aorta & carotid arteries