Cardiovascular Flashcards
What blood vessel Carries blood away from the heart
What blood vessel Carries blood to the heart
What forms transitions between arteries and veins
The heart is located where in the thoracic cavity
The heart in contained in a fibrous sac called
The pericardium
What are the three wall layers of the heart ?
Myocardium, epicardium, endocardium
The middle and thickest layer of the heart which is the muscular layer is the
The outermost layer of the heart wall is
The membrane that lies on the internal surface of the myocardium. It is composed of thin, flat, simple squamous epithelium and forms the lining of the heart chambers
The not so smooth inside surface of the myocardium that forms ridges and nipple like projections is called
Papillary muscles
The _______ ventricular wall is thinner than the _____
Right, left
Blood cycles through the body in a “____________”
Figure 8
Why is cardiac muscle considered autorythmic
It can create its own contractions and relaxations through its internal conduction system
Why is the wall of the right ventricle thinner than the wall of the left ventricle
The left ventricle does most of the work and is much larger
What is the function of the chordae tendonae
To shut and open valves
The large vein that brings deoxygenated blood from the systematic circulation to the heart
Vena cava
What in the heart is considered the pace maker
SA node
Where is the SA node located
The wall of the right atrium
At rest the cardiac muscle is
(A) polarized
(B) depolarized
(A) polarized
When the cardiac muscles are at rest where are the ions located ?
Na and Ca are located on the outer membrane of the cell and K is located inside the cell
Is the myocardium contracting, causing a chamber to to empty itself of blood
The myocardium relaxing and repolarizing after a contraction, allowing the chambers to fill with blood again. The resting phase
The sound lub is produced when then ______ and _______ valves snap shut (AV valves)
Tricuspid and mitral
The sound dub from the heart is produced after ventricular systole and the _______ and _______ valves snap shut (SV valves)
Pulmonary and aortic
A heart condition where one or more of the cardiac valves don’t close all the way which produces a murmur
Valvular insufficiency
The volume of blood that is ejected out of the left ventricle over a unit of time, usually a minute
CO, Cardiac Output
Cardiac Output is determined by
Stroke volume and heart rate
What is a heart rate
The rate of spontaneous SA node depolarization
Stroke volume is a measurement of what ?
The volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle during in contraction
What is the normal heart rate for a dog ?
What is the normal heart rate for a cat
The inner layer that lines the lumen of the vessel is_______. It is composed of of thin tissue and is continuous with the endocardium that lines the chambers of the heart. Provides a smooth surface for the least amount of friction
What is the largest elastic artery in the body
Heart —> arteries—> ________—>capillaries—>_____—> veins —> heart
Atrioles, Venules
Microscopic blood vessels from branching arterioles
The smallest branches of the arterial tree
In order to get blood back to the heart the capillaries Join together to form tiny veins called
Newborns receive oxygen through
Their own lungs
A fetus receives oxygen through
The blood of it’s mother
The oxygenated blood from the mother flows from the placenta into the fetus through the __________.
Umbilical vein
The rate of alternating stretching and recoiling of the elastic fibers in an artery as blood passes through it with each heartbeat
How is blood pressure measured
The amount of pressure flowing blood exerts on arterial walls
The highest number when taking blood pressure, it is produced by ejection of blood from the left ventricle into systematic circulation by way of the aorta.
Systolic blood pressure
The lowest number when taking blood pressure. It measures the pressure remaining in the artery during left ventricular diastole when the ventricle is relaxing and refilling with blood.
Diastolic pressure
A method of measuring blood pressure using a cuff placed over the area of an artery and inflated until blood flow either stops or nearly stops.
Oscillometric method
A method to determine blood pressure using an ultrasound instrument that measures arterial blood flow as air is released from an inflated cuff attached to a meter.
Doppler ultrasound
Thoracic radiography is used to evaluate
The size and position of the heart
Electrocardiography is used to evaluate
The electrical activity of the heart
Echocardiography is used to evaluate
The size, shape and movement of heart structures
The measurement of blood pressure is used to evaluate
Cardiac output
The amount of blood the ventricle receives from the atrium
The physical resistance presented by the artery the ventricle is ejecting blood into:
After load
What is the normal systolic pressure in dogs
What is the normal systolic pressure in cats
Hypertension ?
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Regular blood pressure