Cardiorespritory, Endocrine, & Digestive Systems Flashcards
Cardiorespiratory system
The system of the body composed of the heart,blood vessels, lungs and airways.
Cardiovascular system
A system of the body, also known as the circulatory system, that transports blood to tissues of the body.
Thoracic cavity
Chamber within the chest that contains the heart and lungs
The space in the chest between the lungs that contains all the internal organs of the chest(e.g., heart, esophagus) except the lungs.
Cardiac muscle
Muscle of the heart
Skeletal muscle
The type of muscle tissue that connects to bones and generates the forces that create movement.
Smooth muscle
An involuntary nonstriated muscle type that is found in organs
The contractile components of a muscle cell; the myofilaments (actin and myosin) are contained within a myofibril.
The structural unit of a myofibril, composed of actin and myosin filaments between two z-lines.
Atrium (atria)
Superior chamber(s) of the heart that gathers blood returning to the heart.
Inferior chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs and the body.
Intercalated discs
Found in the heart, these formations help hold together muscle cells
Resting heart rate (RHR)
The number of heart beats per minute while at complete rest
Sinoatrial (SA) node
Located in the right atrium, this node initiates an electrical signal that causes the heart to beat.
Atrioventricular (AV) node
Located between the atria and ventricles, this node delays the impulses from the sinoatrial node before allowing it to pass in the ventricles.
Stroke volume
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
End-diastolic volume
The filled volume of the ventricle before contraction
End-systolic volume
The volume of blood remaining in the ventricle after ejection
Heart rate (HR)
The measurement of the number of times a heart beats within a specific time period (usually 1 min).
When the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute
When the heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minute.
Cardiac output (Q)
The overall performance of the heart (heart rate x stroke volume).
Fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins; it Carries nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body and also transports waste products from the body to other compartments or organs for either processing (e.g. liver) or excretion (e.g., kidney)
Growth factors
Substances within the blood that attach to cells, aid in growth and development, and help with healing after injury.
Stem cells
Cells within the body that divide and develop into specialized cells, such as Brian cells, blood cells, heart cells, and bone cells.
Blood vessels
Network of hollow tubes that circulates blood throughout the body
Vessels that transport blood away from the heart
The smallest blood vessels and the site of exchange of elements between the blood and the tissues.
Vessels that transport blood back to the heart
Small arteries that eventually divide into capillaries
Small veins that allows blood to drain from capillaries into the larger veins
The formation of new capillaries
The formation of new capillaries from Existing blood vessels.
Venous pooling
The accumulation of blood into the extremities due to slow blood flow through the veins (venous return) of backflow.
Blood pressure (BP)
The outward pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls; reported as systolic/diastolic.
Peripheral resistance
The amount of resistance in the arteries that must be overcome for blood flow.
What is the right side of the heart referred to as?
The pulmonic side
Respiratory system
A bodily system, also known as the pulmonary system, that brings oxygen into the lungs from breathed air while removing carbon dioxide from the lungs into the outside air; includes airways, lungs, and the respiratory muscles.
Respiratory pump
Composed of skeletal structures (bones) and soft tissues (muscles) that work together to allow for proper respiratory mechanics as well as pumping blood back to the heart during inspiration.
The process of contracting the inspiratory muscles to move air into the body.
The process of actively or passively relaxing the inspiratory muscles to move air out of the body.
What are the bones of the respiratory pump?
Sternum (breastbone)
Vertebrae (spine)
What are the inspiration muscles of the respiratory pump?
External intercostals (muscles between individual ribs)
Scalenes (side of neck muscles)
Sternocleidomastoid (front of neck muscles)
Pectoralis minor (small chest muscle)
What are the expiration muscles of respiratory pump?
Internal intercostals (muscles between individual ribs)
Valsalva maneuver
A process that involves expiring against a closed windpipe, creating additional intra-abdominal pressure and spinal stability.
The process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body.
Respiratory rate that is too fast; greater than 24 breaths per minute.
Respiratory rate that is too slow; fewer than 8 breaths per minute
Shortness of breath or labored breathing
What does oxygen uptake refer to?
Oxygen consumption
Diaphragmatic breathing
Breathing deeply by allowing the expansion of the abdominal area.
The breakdown and utilization of fat for energy
A substance in the body that causes a specific reaction or change.
Cells that release substances into the bloodstream (such as hormones) or other surface of the body.
Chemical messenger released from a gland that travels to cells to activate a specific function.
Target (receptor) cell
Cell that receives a message from a hormone or enzyme. Target cells exert an action after being stimulated or activated.
What does the term endocrine mean?
Hormone secreting
A gland located inside of the brain that communicates with the pituitary gland
Pineal gland
A small gland in the brain that secretes the hormone melatonin which helps regulate sleep cycles
An organ with numerous functions, including the production of insulin, glucagon and digestive juices.
Thyroid gland
An endocrine gland, located in the anterior neck, responsible for the secretion of many hormones including thyroxin and calcitonin
Pituitary gland
An endocrine gland that controls the secretion of many hormones, including growth hormone.
Adrenal gland
A gland, located just above the kidneys, responsible for the secretion of catecholamines and cortisol.
Reproductive glands
Glands, such as the ovaries or testes, that serve sex-specific functions.
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that is responsible for glucose metabolism.
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates blood glucose and functions opposite to insulin.
Intermediate forms of nutrients used in metabolic reactions to create adenosine triphosphate.
Glucose that is deposited and stored in bodily tissues, such as the liver and muscle cells; the storage form of carbohydrate.
Type 1 diabetes
Pancreas is not able to produce sufficient insulin
Type 2 diabetes
(Adult onset diabetes) cells become resistant to insulin
What are the steps in insulin response to elevated blood sugar?
Meal consumed
Glucose enters the blood, raising blood glucose levels
Pancreas releases insulin in response to elevated glucose levels
Insulin binds to glucose in the blood
Insulin escorts glucose to muscle fat and liver cells to be used as energy
Blood glucose levels drop
Growth hormone
An anabolic hormone produced by the pituitary gland that is responsible for growth and development
Hormones produced by the adrenal glands that are part of the stress response known as the fight or flight response.
What are the two catecholamines?
Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and norepinephrine- hormones produced by the adrenal glands,which are situated in top of each kidney. Produced by the inner adrenal medulla. These hormones help prepare the body for activity; they are part of the fight or flight response.
Metabolic process that breaks down molecules into smaller units used for energy
The formation of glucose from non carbohydrate sources (proteins and fats)
A hormone producing secondary male sex characteristics
Metabolic process that synthesizes smaller molecules into larger units used for building and repairing tissues .
Insulin-like growth factors (IGF)
Anabolic hormone produced by the liver, which is responsible for growth and development.
Mechano-growth factor
The process by which IGF (insulin-like growth Factors) is synthesized (made) in the muscles and tendons
Potent anabolic hormone similar to IGF.
As a result, mechano-growth factor is released in response to the overload of a muscle or tendon which in part places a role in growth, repair, and recovery.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
The amount of energy required to maintain the body at rest
Thyroid hormone that helps the body use calcium properly to aid with maintaining bone mineral density.
Glucose intolerance
A condition that results in elevated blood glucose levels
Gall bladder
An organ found below the liver, on the right side of the body, that receives bile from the liver and secrets it into the duedenum.
An organ in the upper right abdominal cavity with numerous functions, including the production and secretion of bile, which is stored and concentrated in the gall bladder prior to release into the duodenum.
In the digestive system, refers to movements of the anatomical structures that allow contents to pass through.
The mechanical process whereby the oral muscles break down food.
The muscle action of the gastrointestinal system that pushes food through the body during digestion.
Multistep process that describes the passage of food through the body
The process of nutrients being absorbed into the body during the digestive process.
The anatomical part of the digestive tract that allows food to pass from oral cavity to stomach.
The act of taking food, liquid, or other substances into the body in perpetration for digestion.
A semifluid mass of digested food that Is passed from the stomach to the small intestine
Part of the small intestine that resides between the stomach and the jejunum.
Part of the small intestine that resides between the duodenum and the ileum.
The final section of the small intestine,located between the jejunum and the Cecil and leads to the large intestine.
What is the nervous settlement in the GI tract knows as?
The enteric nervous system
What component of breathing improved blood flow back to the heart?
Inspiration with a decrease in intrathoracic pressure
The cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together to remove what waste product?
Carbon dioxide