Cardio Exam Flashcards
What is pulsus alternans?
Alternate strong and weak beats in radial pulse
What is orthopnoea?
SOB on lying
What does radial radial delay indicate?
Dissecting aortic aneurysm
What does holosystolic mean?
Throughout systole
AKA Pansystolic
What are splinter haemoorhages? What do they indicate?
Linear haemorrhages in nail bed that lie parallel to the long axis of the nail
Usually trauma, infective endocarditis can cause it
What might you do to examine for an aortic dissection?
The BP isn’t the same of both arms
What is Xanthelasma?
A sharply demarcated yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on or around the eyelids
Sign of some types hyperlipidaemia
Mechanistically, why does orthopnoea occur?
Blood flows into the central circulation causing increase pulmonary capillary pressure
What might a loud S2 indicate?
What is PND?
Paroxysmal noctural dyspnoea - SOB and coughing that occurs at night
What are Korotkoff sounds?
The sound of turbulent blood flow when taking a manual blood pressure
A loud P2 is indicative of what?
Pulmonary hypertension
How does the carotid pulse vary in aortic stenosis vs aortic regurgitation?
AS - slow rise, low volume
AR - collapsing, high volume
What is Schamroth’s sign?
Loss of diamond-shaped space that is formed when the nails of two similar fingers are held facing each other
- Indicative of clubbing
What is the name of the scar produced from a CABG?
Medial stenotomy
What are Janeway lesions?
Non-tender erythematous, maculopapular lesions containing bacteria
Occur very rarely on palms or pulps of fingers in patients with infective endocarditis