Cardio Flashcards
built up clot
deprovation of O2
Myocardial Necroses
Acute Mayocardial Infarction, Dead heart cells
Material build up in vessels
Angia Pectoris
ischemic, On set by some execration. last less than 30 min. Take Nitro
acute myocardial infarction
What happens during a AMI
Heart cells die, coronary arteries blocked. injured cells near dead cells misfire pulse causing ventricular fibrillation
AMI vs Angia Pectoris
AMI usually not caused by exertion, severeity of pain 9-10.
Congestive Heart Failure
CHF is
Not a disease, determined by amount of dead heart cells. causes back up of blood (Right side failure blood to body) ( left side failure blood to lungs)
Skin trudger
Pinching of skin looking for tenting or Pitting
hypertension emergency
over 160, rush to ER