Cardiac Rehabilitation II & III Flashcards
What is Phase 1 of Cardiac Rehabilitation?
Inpatient Period
What is Phase 2 of Cardiac Rehabilitation?
Early Post-Discharge Period
What is Phase 3 of Cardiac Rehabilitation?
Supervised outpatient program, including structured exercise
What is Phase 4 of Cardiac Rehabilitation?
Long-Term follow-up/maintenance of primary care
On Day 1 of Post OP Recovery, what activities are performed & at what MET ranges?
OOB in chair (within hours of surgery) / 1-2 MET
On Day 2 of Post OP Recovery, what activities are performed & at what MET ranges?
Walk in Room / 2-3 MET
On Day 3 of Post OP Recovery, what activities are performed & at what MET ranges?
Hallway walking 3-5 min x2-3/day (3-4 MET)
On Day 4 of Post OP Recovery, what activities are performed & at what MET ranges?
Hallway walking 5-10 min x3-4/day (3-4 MET)
How long should the warmup be in an exercise program for a patient in Phase II (Early Post-Discharge Period)?
2-5 min (gradually increase pulse, reduce injury risk, mentally prepare patient)
Warmup exercises should consist of?
3-5 reps of each exercise 1-2x daily.
What is FITT for cardiac walking?
F: x3 walks per day (preferably outdoors)
I: RPE (Patient Exercise Effort Scale)
T: Work up to 20m (Increase by 2m each day)
T: Assisted Cardiac Walk
When should the RPE scale be used in training of a cardiac rehab patient?
During Exercise
How long should you wait before obtaining a patients heart rate?
5 min
What is the upper heart rate limit for a patient in the early recovery period?
Not higher than 20 bpm above avg. RHR.
What are some signs to stop & rest during exercise with a cardiac rehab patient?
If warning sign symptoms during exercise are not relieved after 2-5 minutes of rest, what is the next course of action?
Have the patient take nitroglycerine (if prescribed)
When should you end the session if warning signs continue to persist & who should you notify?
End after 15-20 minutes of of persisting symptoms and call 911.
How long should strength activities be abstained from after open-heart surgery?
3 months
When is it ok to resume strength training exercises in a open heart surgery patient?
After the patient’s sternum is healed (light to moderate RPE)
If the patient is sick for a few days, what does that do to the training calendar for cardiac rehab?
How ever many sick days there are, go back and complete those sessions & extend the program.
What are some ways to reduce stress?
Learn Progressive Relaxation Techniques
Reduce Perfectionism
Find Humor in the Situation
Find a Relaxing Place
What is the ideal time for a GXT for post-CABG?
> 3-4 weeks post-op
How often does an individualized treatment plan need to be reviewed by the the physician?
every 30 days
What life saving equipment should be present in the facility in case of emergency during cardiac rehab?
Oxygen, CPR Equipment, Defibrillator
A patient is considered High-Risk if the have?
One or More of:
A patient is considered Moderate-Risk if they have?
Patient meets neither High-Risk or Low-Risk standards.
A patient is considered Low-Risk if they have?
If all of the following factors are present:
What is the lead placement for 3 electrodes during exercise?
Right Mid-Clavicular (2nd Intercoastal Space)
Left Mid- Clavicular (2nd Intercoastal Space)
Left Lower Rib (5th or 6th Intercoastal Space)
Which lead on telemonitoring is indicating rhythm?
Lead II
What are outpatient FITT Recommendations for Aerobic?
F: Minimum x3 /wk / Preferably > x5/wk
I: 40-80% HRR
T: 20-60 min
T: Upright Cardio Equipment or Walks
What are outpatient FITT Recommendations for Resistance Training?
F: 2-3 days/wk
I: 10-15 reps @ 40-60% 1RM
T: Full Body Lifting
T: 1-3 sets, 8-10 exercises, 8-12 reps
- Non-Consecutive Days
What are outpatient FITT Recommendations for Flexibility?
F: >2-3 days/wk
I: stretch to point of tightness or discomfort
T: x4 reps of 15 sec hold
T: Static, Dynamic, PNF