Canine GI Flashcards
tissue layer of the esophagus in the neck
loose connective tissue
esophageal hiatus
where the esophagus goes through the diaphragm and enters the abdomen
4 Muscles that form the Linea Alba
- External abdominal oblique m.
- Internal abdominal oblique m.
- Transversus abdominis m.
- Rectus abdominis m.
tissue layer of the esophagus in the thorax and abdomen
What type of muscle runs the entire length of the esophagus in the dog?
striated muscle
Two Sphincters of the Esophagus
- Cranial Sphincter
- Lower Esophageal Sphincter (Cardiac)
serous membrane of the abdominal cavity
In what sex dog is the peritoneal cavity fully enclosed?
parietal peritoneum
not on organ
visceral peritoneum
on or supporting an organ
Which organ DOES have parietal peritoneum, and on what surface?
Kidneys (on their ventral surface)
peritoneal structure associated with the stomach
greater omentum
expands/folds, connects greater curvature of stomach to the intestines
lesser omentum
connects stomach to the liver
gastrosplenic ligament
runs between greater omentum and hilus of the spleen
omental bursa
space formed between the superficial and deep leaves of the greater omentum
epiploic foramen
opening to access omental bursa; close to caudate process of the liver, caudal vena cava, and portal vein
4 Layers of the Stomach
- Serosa/visceral peritoneum
- Smooth muscle
- Submucosa
- Mucosa
gastric pits
holes and indentations in the mucosa of the stomach
folds of the stomach lining (submucosa)
4 Parts of the Stomach
- Cardiac part
- Fundus
- Body
- Pylorus
Cardiac part
where the esophagus enters the stomach
dome-shaped, blind area that is left and dorsal to cardiac part
pylorus (pyloric part)
distal 1/3 of stomach (measured along lesser curvature)
Average pH of the stomach?
What part of the stomach secretes more than just mucus, and what does it secrete?
Fundus - also secretes HCl and proteolytic enzymes
Where does the stomach sit in the body when it is empty?
lies more to the left of midline
What happens to the fundus when full of food?
protrudes dorsally and to the left
Overall movement of stomach after a meal?
extends caudally and ventrally
Where is the cardiac part of the stomach fixed at?
Does the pylorus sit to the right or left of midline?
Which way does the greater curvature of the stomach face?
left and ventral
Major duodenal papilla
hole/bump where bile and pancreatic ducts enter the duodenum
Minor duodenal papilla
hole/bump distal to the maajor duodenal papilla where the accessory pancreatic duct enters
In what species [of anatomy lab] is the cranial duodenum the smallest?
3 Parts of the Small Intestine
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- Ileum
attaches duodenum to the dorsal abdominal wall
At what ICS is the cranial duodenual flexure?
ICS 9 (right side)
Parts of the Duodenum (5)
- Cranial duodenum
- Cranial duodenal flexure
- Descending duodenum
- Caudal duodenal flexure
- Ascending duodenum
How far caudally does the descending duodenum go?
to the 4th to 6th lumbar vertebrae
What vertebra is associated with the root of the mesentery?
Junction of the Duodenum and Jejunum?
duodenojejunal flexure
What part of the GI tract occupies the majority of the ventral portion of the abdomen?
Define mesentery.
folds connecting the parietal and visceral parts of peritoneum
Where will you find mesenteric lymph nodes?
along vessels in the mesentery [of the jejunum]
How do you distinguish ileum from jejunum?
find the ileocecal fold
Ileocecal fold
attachment from cecum to the length of the ileum; contains blood vessel
Where does the cecum open into?
[ascending] colon
Cecocolic orifice
singular opening between cecum and the colon
Ileocolic orifice
opening between ileum and ascending colon
Ileocecocolic junction
where the cecum, ileum, and colon come together
3 Parts of the Colon
- Ascending
- Transverse
- Descending
What are the two turns in the colon called?
right and left colic flexures
Which way does the transverse colon flow?
right to left
What is the colon called once its in the pelvis?
Most cranial organ in the abdomen?
Bile duct is formed from what other ducts?
cystic and hepatic ducts
What animal doesn’t have a gallbladder?
How many liver lobes does the dog have?
Six (6)
What are the six lobes of the liver in the dog?
- Right lateral lobe
- Left lateral lobe
- Right medial lobe
- Left medial lobe
- Quadrate lobe
- Caudate lobe
Which liver lobe has multiple parts?
caudate lobe
2 Parts of the Caudate Lobe
- Caudate process
- Papillary process
Which way does the parietal surface of the liver face?
towards the diaphragm (cranially)
Between what two liver lobes will you find the gallbladder in a dog?
quadrate and right medial lobes
spleen function
store blood, remove particulates from circulation,destroy worn out erythrocytes, and produce lymphocytes
Exocrine function of the Pancreas
digestive juices to enter duodenum through ducts
Endocrine function of the pancreas
produce insulin, glucagon, and gastrin
3 Parts of the Pancreas
- Left lobe
- Body
- Right lobe
mesentery from colon to abdominal wall
The median ligament of the bladder is a developmental remnant of what two structures in the fetus?
urachus and umbilical arteries
connects bladder to the umbilicus in a fetus
Coronary ligament
attaches liver to the diaphragm
Left and Right Triangular Ligaments
attach lateral liver lobes to diaphragm
Falciform ligament
also attaches liver to diaphragm, between left and right medial lobes
Jejunal Arcades
anastamosing arterial arches between aterial branches of the mesentery [of the jejunum]