Abdomen: Vasculature and Nerves Flashcards
What does the descending aorta become once it enters the abdomen?
Abdominal aorta
Hole in diaphragm for aorta
aortic hiatus
Three Main Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
- Celiac a.
- Cranial mesenteric a.
- Caudal mesenteric a.
Are the three main branches of the aorta paired?
Lumbar arteries
paired arteries extending dorsally from the aorta
What are the two terminal branches of the lumbar arteries and what do they supply?
- Spinal branch - intervertbral foramen and spinal cord
- Dorsal branch - supplies muscle and skin above the lumbar vertebrae
Celiac artery location
b/n crura of the diaphragm
3 Branches of the Celiac Artery
- Hepatic a.
- Left gastric a.
- Splenic a.
Hepatic artery
first branch of the celiac artery that travels cranially to the mesoduodenum and then to liver in the hepatoduodenal ligament
Does the hepatic artery branch?
Yes - additional hepatic branches (vary in number)
Cystic artery
comes off the last hepatic artery branch and supplies the gallbladder
Hepatic artery termination (2)
- Right gastric a.
- Gastroduodenal a.
Right gastric artery
extends from pylorus toward the cardia, supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach
Do the right and left gastric artery anastamose?
Gastroduodenal artery
supplies pylorus, relatively short
Gastroduodenal artery termination (2)
- Right gastroepiploic a.
- Cranial pancreaticduodenal a.
Right gastroepiploic artery
supplies greater omentum and greater curvature of the stomach
Does the right gastroepiploic artery anastamose with the left?
Cranial pancreaticduodenal artery
Runs along the mesenteric border of descending duodenum and supplies that as well as the right lobe of the pancreas
Left gastric artery
supplies left side of lesser curvature of stomach and runs to the cardia
Splenic artery
supplies L lobe of pancreas before dividing into dorsal and ventral splenic branches
Dorsal branch of the splenic artery
supplies dorsal end of spleen and branches into many short gastric aa. and also the L gastroepiploic a.
Cranial mesenteric artery
comes off abdominal aorta caudal to the celiac artery
Branches of the Cranial mesenteric artery (4)
- Common trunk
- Caudal pancreaticduodenal a.
- Jejunal aa.
- Ileal aa.
3 Components of the Common Trunk of the Cranial mesenteric artery
- Middle colic a.
- Ileocolic a.
- Right colic a.
Middle colic artery
runs cranially off the common trunk and supplies left colic flexure and descending colon
What does the middle colic artery anastamose with?
Left colic artery
Right colic artery
runs towards right colic flexure and supplies that as well as transverse and ascending colon
Ileocolic artery
supplies the ileum, cecum, and ascending colon
Which artery is associated with the right colic lymph node?
ileocolic a.
3 Branches of the Ileocolic Artery
- Colic branch
- Cecal artery
- Mesenteric ileal branch
What will the colic branch anastamose with?
right colic artery
What surface of the cecum does the cecal artery run on?
dorsal surface
What does the cecal artery become and where does it run?
Antimesenteric ileal artery, runs in the ileocecal fold
What is the caudal pancreaticduodenal artery a branch of?
cranial mesenteric artery
Where do you find the caudal pancreaticduodenal artery?
branches off the cranial mesenteric a. just distal to the common trunk and runs to descending duodenum at the caudal flexure
What does the caudal pancreaticduodenal artery supply?
distal descending duodenum, caudal duodenal flexure, ascending duodenum, right lobe of the pancreas
What does the caudal pancreaticduodenal artery anastamose with?
cranial pancreaticduodenal artery
What does arcade mean?
Jejunal arteries
come off caudal surface of the cranial mesenteric artery and form arcades
Termination of the cranial mesenteric artery?
Ileal arteries
What do the ileal arteries anastamose with?
mesenteric ileal artery
What is the name of a common trunk from the aorta and what is is made up of?
Phrenicoabdominal artery (caudal phrenic and cranial abdominal aa.)
Caudal phrenic a.
supplies diaphragm
Cranial abdominal a.
supplies abdominal wall
Is the caudal mesenteric artery paired?
Caudal Mesenteric Artery
arises near end of aorta and runs to descending colon
Termination of caudal mesenteric artery? (2)
- Left colic a.
- Cranial rectal a.
Left colic artery
supplies mesenteric border of descending colon (distally) and anastamoses with middle colic a.
Deep circumflex iliac a.
arises just distal to the caudal mesenteric a. off the aorta and supplies the caudodorsal abdominal wall
Portal vein
brings blood from the digestive tract to the liver so it can be filtered before it goes through the heart
Where does the portal vein drain blood from?
abdominal viscera - stomach, small intestine, cecum, colon, pancreas, spleen
Hepatic veins
veins located inside the liver that deliver the blood to the caudal vena cava to be carried to the heart
What two veins coming together indicate where the portal vein starts?
Cranial and caudal mesenteric veins
Gastroduodenal vein
drains the right side of the cranial abdomen
Splenic vein
drains the left side of the cranial abdomen (from deep leaf of greater omentum)
Left gastric vein
drains the lesser curvature of stomach into the splenic vein
What does the cranial mesenteric vein drain?
jejunum, ileum, caudal duodenum, right lobe of pancreas
What does the caudal mesenteric vein drain?
cecum and colon
The vagus nerve enters the abdomen through the __________ as ___________.
esophageal hiatus; dorsal and ventral vagal trunks
Ventral vagal trunk
supplies liver, parietal surface of stomach, and pylorus
What does the ventral vagal trunk terminate as?
Trick question, dumbass, it just stops
Dorsal vagal trunk gives off what other nerve?
celiac nerve
Dorsal vagal trunk heads where?
dorsocaudally, contributing to celiac and cranial mesenteric plexus; innervates digestive tract
Where does the sympathetic trunk narrow?
just before the major splanchnic n.
Where does the major splanchnic n. leave the sympathetic trunk?
T12-13 sympathetic ganglion
Where do the minor splanchnic nn. leave the sympathetic trunk?
T13 and L1 sympathetic ganglia
What does the minor splanchnic nn. supply?
adrenal glands
Where does the minor splanchnic nn. terminate?
celiacomesenteric ganglia and plexus
Lumbar splanchnic nn.
arise from L2-L5 sympathetic ganglia
Where do the lumbar splanchnic nn. go?
aorticorenal, cranial mesenteric, and caudal mesenteric ganglia and plexus
Celiac ganglia
located on right and left surface of the celiac artery
Celiacomesenteric ganglion
combination of cranial mesenteric and celiac ganglia (so close they mesh together); on caudal surface of cranial mesenteric artery
Caudal mesenteric ganglion
wraps around caudal mesenteric artery; serves as end point for lumbar splanchnic nn. before they become caudal mesenteric plexus
Hypogastric nerves
two (2) nerves that leave the caudal mesenteric ganglion and go caudally into the pelvic canal
Where does the lymph of abdominal viscrea drain?
cisterna chyli