Canada in the Post-War World: 1950s Flashcards
Baby boom
the increase in the birth rate that occurred after the second world war
outlying areas of cities, land was less expensive
Women in the fifties
Suburban life was centered on traditional middle class family, stay at home mother and father who worked. Women’s magazines supported this.
long, full skirts, narrow waists, and high heels.
Attacks on rock’n’roll
strong rhythms and rebellious lyrics shocked older generations. Banned in many places. Elvis Presley’s hip swiveling was called obscene. TV producers banned camera shots below his waist.
Massey Commission
a body set up by federal government to study the state Canadian culture
What did the Massey Commission find?
Suggested that Canadian culture needed to be protected from U.S influences.
- Canadian television would be used to promote national communication and for cultural education
- National Film Board would be strengthened
- Government would become involved in funding universities and the arts. Canada Council for the Arts was created, awarded grants.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
would regulate the amount of foreign material broadcast over the airwaves and impose rules requiring Canadian content
displaced persons
those who are forced to leave their native home because of war or for political reasons
Why did the Immigration rate increase?
War brides, displaced persons, immigrants were attracted by new possibilities in Canada
Were all soliders given the same benefits?
No aboriginals weren’t
What was the purpose of residential schools?
Isolated from their home communities and families and forced to abandon their culture and language. Purpose was the assimilation of Aboriginal children into mainstream canadian culture
Changes to the Indian Act
Women gained the right to vote in band elections, and potlaces and wearing traditional regalia were no longer illegal.
Louis St. Laurent
Kings successor. First person to use the media to gain support, form then on media has played an influential part. Brought in hospital insurance.
What did Louis St. Laurent do to increase Canadian autonomy?
- appointed the first Canadian born Governor General, Vincent Massey
- Made the Supreme Court of Canada the highest court of appeal for Canadian cases
- negotiating with Britain to give the Canadian Parliament the power to amend portions of its own constitution
someone who appeals to the concerns of ordinary citizens
the process of referring a political question to the people for a direct vote
John Diefenbaker
Canadians loved him. Next prime minister after Laurent.
Newfoundland joining Canada
King had set in motion that Canada expand, St. Laurent was part of the negotiations that resulted in Newfouldland joining Canada. Newfoundland was given a referendum with 3 options:
1. Continue be governed by special commission
2. self-governing dominion within the British Empire
3. Join Canada
No clear majority won. Another vote without the option of commission.
Maurice Duplessis
Quebec Premier, party Union Nationale. Strong Quebec nationalist.
Quebec education
Schools and universities focused on traditional subjects such as languages and philosophy. Quebec produced many priests, lawyers, and politicians.
Duplessis era=
the Great Darkness for many Quebecois
Veterans and jobs
New lawas ensured that they got their old jobs back if they wanted them and that the years they had been at war were counted as years of service on the job. Government policy encouraged women to leave factories to make room for men. Veterans who wished to attend university or trade school received free tuition and living allowances.
C.D. Howe
Two decades as a Cabinet minister, was responsible for railways, canals, airlines, munitions, war supplies, transition to peacetime, pipelines, trade, and commerce.
Boom town
a town that enjoys sudden prosperity or develops quickly
Boom and bust cycle
a term used to describe a healthy (booming) economy and/or one that is failing (bust)
Inventions of the 1950s
Ballpoint pen, satellite, heart pacemaker, vinyl, television
large scale construction projects that require a huge capital investment; the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway is an example
St. Lawrence Seaway
system of locks that would allow large ships from the Atlantic to travel all the way to Lake Superior.
Trans-Canada Pipeline
natural gas pipeline to carry gas east from Alberta all the way to Quebec
What did Canadian workers win?
Strikes were frequent and workers won higher wages, 5-day 40 hour workweek and paid vacations
Igor Gouzenko
clerk at the soviet embassy in ottawa. Found out the there was a soviet spy ring operating within the canadian government. Likely trying to discover information about the atomic bomb.
Cold War
a period lasting approzimately from 1945-1989 when there was tension and hostility between the communist Soviet Union and its allies and the capitalist United States and its allies
US and most Western countries were capitalist. Economies were based on private enterprise, with individuals investing in business for profit. Citizens had basic freedoms such as freedom of the press and freedom of speech.
the term used to refer to the United States and Soviet Union in the post-WW2 period when both were engaged in building up powerful arsenals of weapons of mass destruction as deterrents (disincentive) against aggression
Red Menace
refers to the threat from the communist Soviet Union and its allies
middle power
a nation that is not a super power but has international influence (Canada)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
the mutual defence organization set up to protect several western european countries, Canada and the US from possible aggression from the USSR after WW2. An attack on one NATO member was to be treated as an attack on all.
Warsaw Pact
A military alliance with Eastern European communist countires and the Soviet Union to counter NATO
What did Canada commit to when it joined NATO?
it agreed to keep a full army brigade and several air squadrons in Europe
North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD)
a defense agreement signed in 1958 between Canada and the United States . Continetal air defence against the threat of attacks from the Soviet Union
Distant Early Warning (DEW) line
radar stations in northern Canada set up between 1958 and 1960 to detect Soviet activity over the North Pole
Intercontinental ballistic missiles
missiles equipped with nuclear warheads that have a range of 550 kilometres
United Nations
an organization established in 1945 to bring peace and security to the world. Membership open to all nations. General Assembly and the Security Council govern the UN
World Health Organization (WHO)
the United Nations health organization responsible for providing leadership for global health
The General Assembly
Each member nation has a seat. Provides a forum in which members can debate issues. Has three powers it can use against aggressor nations:
1. condemn the actions through speechs and resolutions
2. use economic sanctions
3. deploy armed forces
Each member votes for decisions.
The Security Council
5 permanent members (Britain, France, US, Russia, and China). 10 non-permanent members, each holding a two year term. Maintain peace and security, deploy peacekeeping missions. Decisions need the consent of 9 members.
Korean Conflict
North Korea invaded South Korea. UN called on its members to assist South Korea. Pearson, Canadas Minister of External Affairs, urged all sides to agree to a ceasefire (truce). 1953 ceasefire was reached.
How did the Suez Crisis start?
When Egypts president took over the Suez Canal and threatened to ban ships travelling to and from Israel. Israel, Britian and France planned “Operation Musketeer” to regain control of the canal. Ignoring a UN Security Council resolution they landed troops in the canal zone.
Lester Pearson contribute to the Suez Crisis?
Went to UN to try and find a solution. He proposed that a multinational peacekeeping force be created and installed in the war zone to maintain ceasefires and oversee the withdrawal of troops. UN agreed and formed United Nations Emergency Force, crisis ended peacefully. Won nobel peace prize.