Canada and WW2 Flashcards
What is a dictator?
a ruler with unrestricted power, without any democratic restrictions
What does totalitarian mean?
describes political philosophies that put the state above all else, including the rights of the individual
What is a totalitarian state?
a dictatorship in which the government uses intimidation, violence, and propaganda to rule all aspects of the social and political life of citizens. The government has total control over all aspects of politics and society.
What were some totalitarian states of the 1930s?
Germany, Italy, Spain, Soivet Union and in a different way Japan
What were the five-year plans?
Stalin’s plans for economic development in the Soviet Union over five years, to industrialize the country and give the government complete control of the economy.
How did Stalin come to power?
1917 Communists had taken control of Russia. 1924 Stalin became the leader of the Communist Party. by 1928 had total control
Describe the five-year plan?
First step was to collectivize argiculture (seizing all privately owned land). Next he created industrial projects, focused on building industry and military.
Describe life under Stalin.
Government controlled all media and imposed strict censorship and travel restrictions on everyone. Secret police arrested anyone deemed to be a threat, government controlled the courts.
How did Benito Mussolini come to into government?
After WW1 Italy suffered chaotic economic and political conditions, Mussolini took advantage of this. Established the Fascist Party; emphasized nationalism and challenged Italy’s democratic government.
What does fascist mean?
a form of authoritarian government that is totalitarian and nationalistic
What are Blackshirts?
Mussolini created the Blackshirts, gangs of fascists who intimidated their opponents by attacking communists and socialist in the streets. Their favourite tactic was forcing bottles of castor oil down a victim’s throat.
How did Benito Mussolini come to power?
In 1922, Mussolini led the March on RomeL he gathered 26 000 Blackshirts outside the city and demanded that the government be turned over to him. Once he was leader, he brought all communications, industry, agriculture, and labour under fascist control and turned Italy into a totalitarian state.
What is Weimar Republic?
the democratic government in Germany after WW1
How did Hitler come to power?
In 1920 he joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, also known as the Nazis. 1921 he was the leader of the party. Nazis gained support by criticizing the Weimar Republic and humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Convinced germans that he could save Germany from the Depression. In 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
Once Hitler was in power how did he rule the country?
Through intimidation and fear. Banned all political parties other than the Nazis and use the secret police to enforce his rule. Stopped reparation payments. Unemployment went down and the economy improved.
Who were the Nazis?
members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party; the Nazis were extreme nationalists who took power in 1933 and controlled every aspect of German life through police state
What is the “master race”?
Nazi Party believed that the German people were a master race of Aryans, a supposedly pure race of northern Europeans. Non-Aryans, including Jewish people, Roma, and Slavs were considered inferior. People with mental or physical disabilities were despised because they destroyed the image of the master race. Communists and homosexuals were also undesirables.
The Nazis banned…
Non-Aryans and undesirables from teaching or attending schools and universities, holding government office or writing books.
What was the Nuremberg Laws?
forced Jewish people to wear the Star of David at all times, banned marriages between Jews and Aryans and made it illegal for Jewish people to be lawyers or doctors. Nazi government also encouraged violence against Jewish people.
What was the Kristallnacht?
a coordinated attack against Jewish people and their property carried out by Nazis in Germany
What does persecution mean?
to oppress or ill-treat because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs
What was the Holocaust?
the Nazi Imprionment and murder of 6 million Jewish people and 5 million other peoples during WW2
How did Francisco Franco come to power?
Franco led Nationalists (fascist rebels) to try and overthrow the elected socialist government. Resulted in a brutal civil war lasted 3 years. Military support from Hitler and Mussolini won the war and became the ruler of spain in 1939.
How did Franco rule?
Brutal totalitarian dictator who ruled by intimidation and violence.
What factors contributed to the second world war?
Many countries had nationalistic ambitions to expand their territory and resources. Germany and Italy felt that they had been cheated by treaties at the end of WW1 and wanted fix this. Japan wanted access to more resources to help support its industries.
What did Hitler do to unite the “master race” of germans and help start another war?
- Ordered his troops into Rhineland (violation of treaty, nothing happened)
- Germany took over Austria (violation of treaty, nothing happened)
- Threatened to invade Sudentenland (given to the Czechoslovakia at the Paris Peace Conference) British and French leaders met with him in Munich to try to negotiate
- In exchange for Sudetenland, Hitler promised not to invade. Hitler broke promise and invaded Czechoslovakia.
What is the policy of appeasement?
giving in to an aggressor’s demands in the hopes that no more demands will be made
What is a non-aggression pact?
an agreement between two countries not to attack each other
Why did Hitler sign a non-aggression pact with Stalin?
Even though the Nazis hated communists and vice versa, both countires pledged not to fight each other if one of them went to war, agreed to divide Poland between them. He did this so that he could invade Poland without being attack by Stalin.
Why did Britain and France declare war?
Because Germany ignored their deadline to get out of Poland.
Weakness of the League of Nations?
Was to weak to prevent nationalistic aggression in parts of the world. Did not have the military force to enforce its decisions.
How did Japan and China go to war?
Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria. League of Nations condemned Japans action and tried to negotiate. Japan withdrew from the League and continued with its policy of aggression.
What is a refugee?
a person displaced from his or her home and territory by war and other acts of aggression
Why did Canada not allow Jewish people to immigrate?
Country shared the view of anti-semitism. Because of the rise unemployment Canada only accepted immigrants from Britain or US that could support themselves.
What was the SS St. Louis?
A boat with 907 Jewish people trying to escape persecution. Denied entry in Cuba, South America, and the United States. Canada was last hope. Canadian government refused to let the St. Louis dock in any port because the passengers did not qualify for entry as immigrants. Ship was forced to return to Europe. Many people aboard died in concentration camps.
How/why did Canada decide to go to war?
September 8, King called Parliament to decide whether Canada would join the war. King was for war. Only Woodsworth was against war.
How did Canadians feel about going to war again?
Canada was not prepared. No people cheering on the streets. No trouble finiding volunteers. Many people still felt strong ties to Britain and volunteered from a sense of duty.
What was the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP)?
a program to train pilots and aircrew during WW2; it produced half of all Commonwealth aircrew and is the largest air training program in history. Canada hosted it.
What does total war mean?
the mobilization of the entire resources of a nation for war
What are crown corporations?
businesses and industries owned by the Canadian government
Allies during WW2?
countries fighting against Germany, including Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and US and USSR
Axis during WW2?
alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan
What is blitzkrieg?
German war tactic of surprise attacks by tanks and fighter planes
What was the phony war?
Between October 1939 to April 1940 nothing happened and many people started to believe there might not be a war.
How and which countries did Germany quickly conquer at the beginning of WW2?
Using the tactic blitzkrieg, he attacked Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium.
What was the evacuation of Dunkirk?
port town in France from which a massive Allied evacuation took place in May 1940, when German forces conquered France. France surrendered.
What was the Luftwaffe?
the German air force
What was “operation sea lion”?
Hitlers plan to invade Britain. For this to plan to succeed the Royal Air Force had to be defeated. Germans didn’t succeed, because even though they had a larger force the british had a very advanced radar system.
What was the Blitz?
the heavy, frequent bombing attacks on London and other British cities b Nazi
What was the Battle of Britain?
an air campaign launched in 1940 by the Royal Air Force to stop the Germans from achieving air superiority
What was the three year campaign?
Also known as Desert War in the deserts of North Africa. Struggle for the control of valuable resources and strategic positions.
What was Operation Barbarossa?
Germany’s unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941-1942, which broke the non-aggression pact and ultimately led to the Soviet Union joining the Allies
Why did Hitler invade the Soviet Union?
raw materials, agricultural land, and labour for the german army
Why stoped the german troops from further invading the soviet union?
The cold winter, they were ill-prepared for it. The Germans then surrendered.
Why did the US join the world?
Japan knew that countries including the US would come afters its valuable resources. So it surprised the US by bombing Pearl Harbor and the Philippines (US territory). Surprise bombings stunned the Americans, US joined the Allies and declared war on Japan. Japans allies Germany and Italy declared war on the US.
What was Pearl Harbor?
the Japanese bombing of the U.S naval base in Hawaii.
What was the Battle of Hong Kong?
Japan’s attack on the British colony of Hong Kong in which there were heavy Canadian losses.
What was Black Christmas?
December 25, 1941, the date Hong Kong fell to the Japanese. Every Canadian was either killed or taken prisoner.
What was the Battle of the Atlantic?
the struggle between the Allies and the Axis powers to control the Allies’ shipping route across the Atlantic Ocean. German U-boats were patrolling the Atlantic.
What is a corvette?
small, fast warships built in Canada to help protect convoys in the Atlantic Ocean
What were womens jobs in the war?
women trained as clerks, cooks, hospital assistants, drivers, telephone operators, welders, instrument mechanics, and engine mechanics.
What was the Bomber Command?
the section of the RAF that directed the strategic bombing of Germany
What are some key inventions used in WW2?
Radars, atomic bomb, german V-2 rocket, penicillin (antibiotic)
Describe Battle of Sicily.
Allied forces invaded Sicily. Allies captured the island after 38 days. This victory quickly led to Mussolini’s downfall, he was overthrown and the new Italian government surrendered.
Describe Battle of Ortona.
Canadians were given instructions to capture Ortona. Had to capture several other smaller villages first. Canadians capture the town.
What was D-Day?
June 6, 1944; the day Allied armies including Canada invaded France; the biggest Allied invasion of WW2. Called “operation overlord”.
What was the D-Day attack plan?
Allies launched their attack by landing their troops on five beaces code named Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah. Dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines and bombing targets on the beaches.
(D-Day attack) what beaches were used by which countries.
American forces on Utah and Omaha, British Forces on Gold and Sword, Canadian forces on Juno.
Describe Battle of Rhineland.
Allies attacked to drive the Germans back over the Rhine River and out of the Netherlands. Germany withdrew to the east bank of the Rhine River.
Canadians were given the task of liberating the Netherlands…
It took another month of fighting to drive the Germans out of the Netherlands. Allies negotiated a truce with Germany, allowing them to bring much needed supplies to the Dutch people.
Was Hitler captured?
No he committed suicide in a bunker before he could be captured.
When did the war in europe end?
On May 7, 1945 when Germany surrendered to the Allies.
What was the Manhattan Project?
the code name during WW2 for the Americans plan to develop the first atomic bomb
What is an atomic bomb?
a bomb containing radio-active material, capable of destroying an entire city or region
What was Enola Gay?
The American bomber plane that dropped an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
When did WW2 end?
On August 14, 1945 when Japan realized they could not compete with the US and surrendered.
What is crimes against humanity?
widespread attacks against civilians, including murder, enslavement, deportation and torture.
What was the Final Solution?
the Nazis plan to systematically kill all European Jews
What is genocide?
the systematic extermination of a religious or ethnic group
What are concentration camps?
Hitler ordered all Jewish and undesirable to go. When they arrived they were stripped of cloths and valuables, shaved their heads, and separated families. Weak, old, and young, were immediately killed in gas chambers. Healthy people worked as slave labourers. When they became week they were murdered.
What is a holocaust?
Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale.
What is a tribunal?
court of justice
Japanese POW camps…
terrible war crime, mass killings, human experimentation, famine, torture, and forced labour.
What did Canada do to avoid a massive debt again?
encouraged Canadians to buy Victory Bonds, increased income taxes, in 1941 froze all wages and prices to try to prevent inflation, food rationing (limited the amounts of certain goods that canadians were allowed per week.)
What is “cradle to grave” social security?
social assistance provided by the government, from birth to death.
What was the National Resources Mobilization Act?
an Act passed in 1940 enabling the government to do whatever was necessary for the war effort; it was ameded in 1942 to allow conscription
What is a plebiscite?
a vote on a particular issue
What are enemy aliens?
nationals living in a country that is at war with their homeland
What does arsenal of democracy mean?
a slogan coined by President Roosevelt in December 1940 promising to help the Allies fight the Germans by providing military supplies while staying out of the actual fighting
How did the war affect the Canadian economy?
every sector of the canadian economy boomed. Many jobs were created in production, transportation, processing, and providing services for the new industries.
How did the war affect the society?
the war helped raise the profile of women and promote their rights as workers (they had jobs during the war). Canada eventually loosened some of its immigration restrictions to allow more people to come to Canada to meet the growing demand for labour.
What were the Wehrmacht?
the unified armed forces of the Nazi
What were internment camps?
Japanese Canadians were sent to different internment camps in the interior of BC. After the bombing of Japan.