Canada and WW1 Flashcards
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What caused the Great Powers to expand their territories?
(this is one of the causes of WW1)
Industrialization drove the Great Powers, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia, to expand their territories.
What is Imperialism?
The policy of one nation acquiring, controlling, or dominating another country or region.
Why were the great powers so prepared to engage in war?
Because since the 15th century, many powerful countries practiced imperialism. By establishing colonies all over the world to create empires.
At the beginning of the 20th century which country was still struggling to establish itself?
Germany was struggling to establish itself as an imperial power.
What is militarism?
A nation’s policy of enlisting, training, equipping, and maintaining armed forces ready for war.
How did the Great Powers use militarism before WW1?
As they expanded their empires, the Great Powers developed their military resources to protect their interests and intimidate each other. They glamorized their armed forces, and the size of their armies and navies became essential to national prestige.
War was seen as an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
At the beginning of the 20th century what was happening between Britain and Germany regarding the navy?
Britain had created the largest navy in the world and so Germany decided to become one of the major powers in Europe it needed to be able to match Britain’s naval strength. Then Britain also increased their navy and so on. This fight for the biggest military force cause France to also build up its military to be able to stay in power.
What was Balkans?
Balkans was geographic region in southeaster Europe which 3 different empires were fighting for (Russia, Austria-Hungary, Ottomans).
What is an alliance?
a union or agreement among groups working toward a common goal
What is the Triple Alliance?
the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy prior to the First World War. HOWEVER Italy did not follow the triple alliance to war it switched to the triple entente.
What is the Triple Entente?
The alliance of France, Britain, and Russia before WW1. Also know as the Allies
What is nationalism?
devotion to and support of one’s culture and nation, sometimes resulting in the promotion of independence
What was the Black Hand?
a terrorist group of Bosnian Serbs that was determined to free Bosnia from Austria-Hungary (a group willing to fight for their nationalist goals). Killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife.
What is the problem with forming alliances?
Results in a larger war. Because Allies promised to protect one another so if anyone of them is involved in conflict all the allies would fight.
What assassination helped start WW1?
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife by the Black Hand.
How did all the countries become involved in WW1?
- Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination and gave them and ultimatum.
- Serbia didn’t agree and declared war.
- Russia announces its mobilization (countries demand that Russia stop, but they don’t).
- Germany declares war on Russia.
- Germany then declares war on France.
- Then Britain declares war on Germany (Canada automatically in).
At the beginning of the war, what was the attitude in Canada?
Canadians were enthusiastic and felt the need to defend their mother country. Many volunteers. Aboriginal peoples were not accept and Canadians were reluctant to take African and Japanese Canadians.
Who was the Sam Hughes?
The minister of militia. Responsible for training and supplying everything for the troops. Poor administrator.
What was the Canadian army called?
Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF)
What was the Canadian rifle?
The ross rifle. Canadians hated it because it jammed so they picked up the Lee Enfield rifles from dead british soldiers.
What is the War Measures Act?
An Act that gives the federal government emergency powers during wartime, including the right to detain people without laying charges.
When was the War Measures Act introduced?
1914 by Prime Minister Borden
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
Germany’s plan to stage a two front war with Russia in the east and France in the west. Ended up not working.
What were the conditions in the trenches?
Trenches were cold and damp nad often flooded. Many rats. Men spent weeks in the trenches.
What was an issue of the new weapons?
Commanders failed to understand how the new technologies demanded new tactics.
What is war of attrition?
A military strategy based on exhausting the enemy’s manpower and resources before your s are exhausted, usually involving great losses on both sides. Later on soldiers were protected by armoured tanks when crossing no mans land.
What happened on April 22, 1915?
The Second Battle of Ypres. Germans used chlorine gas, which killed many. Battle continued for a month.
Describe the Battle of the Somme.
July 1916. The Allies launched a massive attack against a line of German trenches near the Somme River in France. Attack failed. Lasted 5 months. Minimum achievment (allies got 13 km) both sides suffered heavy losses.
Describe the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
- Germans took control of Vimy Ridge. For more than two years, both French and British forces tried to capture the ridge but were unsuccessful. Significant because Canada had gained a lot of ground, taken more prisoners, and captured more artillery than any previous British offensive in the entire war. Lieutenant General Julian Byng planned attack.
What was Passchendaele?
In 1917 were asked to break through German lines and retake the town of Passchendaele in Belgium. Germans soon recaptured the town.
What were the women who served in WW1 part of?
The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
What was some of the new war technology created?
Machine guns, dirigibles (inflatable airhsips), planes, U-boats (submarines), tanks, and gas masks.
What are biplanes?
An airplane with two sets of wings, one on top of the body and one underneath
What is reconnaissance?
military search or exploration
What is an ace?
A fighter pilot who has shot down five enemy aircraft
If you wanted to be a pilot in Canada what would you do?
Canada did not have its own air force so pilots joined the British Royal Flying Corps
Who was Billy Bishop?
A top Canadian and British ace. Had the second most kills. He had 72.
What is allegiance?
loyalty or faithfulness
What were the thoughts of the french Canadians?
They felt canada should not automatically support Britain in war. Created tension with English Canadians.
What is merchant marine?
civilian ships and sailors that transported food, weapons, and munitions
How did Germans compensate for having a smaller navy than britian?
U-boats, could travel underwater without being detected. The Allies later developed a underwater listening device.
Why did the United States enter the war?
Germany sanked a British passenger liner with Canadian and American civilians. Germany announced that they would sink any ship within the war zone around Britain. American ships became targets encouraging the US to enter the war on the side of the Allies on April 2, 1917.
How did the war help the Canadian economy?
Production had to be put to the maximum to feed the troops overseas. Production and export of goods reached reached highs.
How much did the war cost Canada by 1918?
$2.5 million daily
What the government do to raise money?
Victory Bonds, Honour rationing, income tax, and corporate tax.
What are victory bonds?
Canadians could buy them, which they could cash in for a profit when the war was over. (raised $2 billion)
What is honour rationing?
an effort to consume less and conserve supplies
What is income tax?
tax of 1-15 percent of their income
What is corporate tax?
charging businesses 4% of their revenues
Did Canada raise enough money?
No had to borrow money from other countries.
How were womens jobs affected by the war?
More jobs opened up during the war. But employers assumed that women would return home once they were no longer needed.
Describe the Halifax Explosion.
- SS Mont Blanc carrying more than 2500 tonnes of explosives was accidentally hit by another ship. Destroyed much of the Harbor and the city
How did the aboriginal people contribute to the war and why?
Giving money, and volunteering for armed forces. Becaused they felt strongly about their relationship with the British crown.
What was the conscription crisis?
At the beginning of the war, Prime Minister Bordon promised no conscription. Not even volunteers. In 1917 introduced the Military Service Act which made enlistment compulsory. Had some exemptions.
Who are conscientious objectors?
a person who opposes war for religious or moral reasons
Why did the French Canadians not want to fight in the war?
They felt no connections to Britain or France.
Who was Henri Bourassa?
Quebec nationalist, outspoken critic of conscription.
What is the Military Voters Act?
allowed men and women serving overseas to vote
What is the Wartime Elections Act?
gave the vote to all canadian women related to servicemen
What is the khaki election?
the name given to the 1917 federal election because of Borden’s efforts to win the military vote
What is the Union Government?
the coalition government formed by conservatives and liberals and independents that governed Canada from 1917 to 1920
What is a socialist?
a believer in a political and economic system in which the means of production and distribution in a country are publicy owned and controlled for the benefit of all members of a society
Who are the central powers?
The german empire, the austro-hungarian empire, the ottoman empire and the kingdom of Bulgaria
Why did the United States declared war on Germany?
Because Germany promised to support Mexico if it attacked the United States
What was the Hundred Days Campaign?
The final Allied offensive against the Central Powers
What was the Paris Peace Conference?
a meeting in Paris in 1919 to discuss the terms of a peace agreement after the WW1. Canada got a seat and gained international recognition as an independent nation.
What is a socialist?
a believer in a political and economic system in which the means of production and distribution in a country are publicy owned and controlled for the benefit of all members of a society
Who are the central powers?
The german empire, the austro-hungarian empire, the ottoman empire and the kingdom of Bulgaria
Why did the United States declared war on Germany?
Because Germany promised to support Mexico if it attacked the United States
What was the Hundred Days Campaign?
The final Allied offensive against the Central Powers
What was the Paris Peace Conference?
a meeting in Paris in 1919 to discuss the terms of a peace agreement after the WW1
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
one of the treaties that ended WW1; it imposed strict sanctions on Germany
What is the War Guilt Clause?
Germany had to agree to it in the Treaty of Versailles. Made Germany responsible for starting WW1.
What was the League of Nations?
founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference. Principle was to maintain world peace.
What did Canadian Veterans return to?
No steady pensions, medical services, few jobs. Not much changed for Aboriginals.
What was the Flu Pandemic of 1918?
Influenza virus spread across europe which many returning soldiers brought to North America.