C10 chemistry of the environment Flashcards
tests for water
cobalt(II) chloride
copper(II) sulfate
describe test for water using cobalt(II) chloride
- when anhydrous, it is blue
- when exposed to water, changes to pink
describe test for water using copper(II) sulfate
- white in anhydrous
- when exposed to water, changes from white to blue
fixed points of pure vs impure substances
pure: exact fixed points
impure: range of temperatures for change of state
why is distilled water used in practical chemistry rather than tap water
contains fewer chemical impurities
describe the treatment of domestic water supply
- sedimentation and filtration to remove solids
- use of carbon to remove tastes and odours
- chlorination to kill microbes (pathogens)
composition of air
- 78% nitrogen
- 21% oxygen
- mixture of noble gases and carbon dioxide
source of carbon dioxide as an air pollutant
complete combustion of carbon-containing fuels
source of carbon monoxide and particulates as an air pollutant
incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels
source of methane as an air pollutant
- decomposition of vegetation
- waste gases from digestion in animals
source of oxides of nitrogen as an air pollutant
car engines
source of sulfur dioxide as an air pollutant
combustion of fossil fuels which contain sulfur compounds
adverse effects of carbon dioxide (air pollutant)
- higher levels of CO2
- increased global warming
- leads to climate change
adverse of carbon monoxide (air pollutant)
toxic gas
adverse effects of methane (air pollutant)
- increased global warming
- leads to climate change