BWL - Management Accounting Flashcards
cost volume profit relationship
how many units do we need to sell to avoid making losses?
-> total cost and revenue change with the activity level
monetary measure of resources foregone to achieve a specific objective
cost object
any activity for which a separate measurement of cost is required
-> cost of something
-> cost of making a product, serving a costumer
product cost
-> attached to the products and included in inventory valuation
-> can be inventoried
manufacturing firm -> product cost = manufacturing cost
merchandise firm -> product cost = cost of goods purchased
Cost collection system
- Accumulate cost by classifying into categories
-> cost of labour, material
-> fixed and variable cost - assign costs to cost objects
direct cost
-> can be specifically identified with a certain cost object
-> can be traced to this object
-> is traceable cost
indirect costs
-> cannot be identified specifically with a certain cost object
-> cannot be traced to this cost object
-> distinction depends on cost object
-> indirect costs are assigned to cost objects
-> overhead cost need to be allocated
revenue - total cost
period cost
-> not attached to the products and not included in inventory valuation
Period and Product costs
-> unsold product cost is recorded as an asset (inventory)
-> becomes expense when the product is sold
-> sold product cost is recorded in an expense in the current accounting period
variable cost
vary in direct proportion with activity
fixed cost
remain constant over wide ranged of activity
relevant cost
change because of a decision
irrelevant cost
do not change because of a decision
-> relevance is relative to the decision
avoidable costs
can be saved by not adopting a given alternative
-> is relevant costs
unavoidable costs
cannot be saved by not adopting a given alternative
-> is irrelevant cost
sunk costs
cost of resources already acquired and are unaffected by the choice between various alternatives
-> irrelevant for decision making
opportunity cost
measures the opportunity that is lost when the choice of one course of action requires that an alternative course of action be given up
-> relevant for decision making
incremental costs
difference of costs between alternatives
marginal cost
additional costs of one additional unit
Assignment of direct/indirect cost
-> total costs are measured against a cost object
-> direct costs can be traced to the cost object
-> indirect costs cannot be traced; need to be assigned to the cost object through traditional costing system or ABC
Overhead rates
-> assign total overhead using a single overhead rate for the entire organisation
-> one fits all
plant-wide overhead rate
-> only justified if all products consume departmental overheads in approximately the same proportions
-> e.g. all products use a proportional amount of machine hours in every department
cost center overhead rate
-> required if products do not consume departmental overhead in the same proportion
-> product X is only produced in department X
-> for each cost center a specific overhead rate is used to allocate the overhead