Building Life Meaning Flashcards
3 ways to Help Identify and Build Lasting Sources of Meaning (Qualities of Action and Overarching Goals)
- Explore sources of meaning.
- Emphasize intrinsic reinforcement.
- Emphasize positive reinforcement.
3 ways to explore sources of meaning
- Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals.
- Encourage the reconnection with sources of meaning through perspective taking
- Encourage the creation of sources of meaning by exploring potential actions and goals.
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals? (6pts)
|Use coordination framing to draw attention to similarities
|Use distinction framing to draw attention to differences
|Use comparative framing to explore differences along dimensions
|Use analogical framing to explore similar and different functions
|Use conditional framing to identify function of actions and goals
|Use hierarchical framing to identify higher purpose
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using coordination framing to draw attention to similarities. (1 exemple)
“What do all of these actions/goals/interests have in common?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using distinction framing to draw attention to differences? (1 exemple)
“Why this goal and not another?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using comparative framing to explore differences along dimensions? (1 exemple)
“What about this action is more rewarding than that action?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using analogical framing to explore similar and different functions? (1 exemple)
“How is the purpose of this action similar/different from the function
of this other action?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using conditional framing to identify function of actions and goals? (1 exemple)
“If you achieved that goal, how would your life be improved?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the derivation of lasting sources of meaning from specific actions and goals Using hierarchical framing to identify higher purpose? (1 exemple)
“What is this action part of? What does it contribute to?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the reconnection with sources of meaning through perspective taking? (2 pts)
|Use interpersonal deictic framing to explore different social contexts
|Use temporal deictic framing to explore different times
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the reconnection with sources of meaning through perspective taking Using interpersonal deictic framing to explore different social contexts? (3 exemples)
- “When you were holding your newborn baby, what did you wish for her?”;
- “If I asked your best friend what matters most to you, what would they say?”;
- “If you were [someone the client admires], how would your life be different?”
Exploring sources of meaning. How to Encourage the reconnection with sources of meaning through perspective taking Using temporal deictic framing to explore different times? (3 exemples)
- “When you were a kid, what did you imagine for yourself as an adult?”;
- “If you could time travel and visit yourself in 10 years, what would you want to see?”;
- “Take me back to a time in your life when you were most satisfied.”
Exploring sources of meaning: How to Encourage the creation of sources of meaning by exploring potential actions and goals. (2pts)
|Use conditional framing to encourage imagination
|Use conditional and comparative framing to encourage imagination
through comparison
Exploring sources of meaning: How to Encourage the creation of sources of meaning by exploring potential actions and goals Using conditional framing to encourage imagination ? (2 exemples)
- “What if anything were possible?”;
- “If you had a billion dollars to donate or invest, where would you put your money?”
Exploring sources of meaning: How to Encourage the creation of sources of meaning by exploring potential actions and goals Using conditional and comparative framing to encourage imagination through comparison ? (2 exemples)
- “If your life got bigger, what would you have room for?”;
- “If you had more time for yourself, what would you be doing?”