Building a nervous system Flashcards
What do electric synapses do?
Connect heart muscle fibres - vital for cardiac function
More common in NS than previously thought, but role is unclear
They can propagate action potentials through channels that are able to pierce both the synaptic bouton and dendrite, connecting both cells as if they were one cell, so that the AP can pass straight through
What do chemical synapses do?
Great majority of synapses in vertebrates
Many types with many roles
Target for neuro-active chemicals
These release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, which then bind to receptors on the post-synaptic membrane
How are neuropeptides synthesised?
Synthesised using protein making machinery within the cell body
They can be transported to the synaptic terminal via the cytoskeleton of the axon
How are catecholamines synthesised?
They can be synthesised locally, in the synaptic terminal itself
How are neurotransmitters packaged?
Axons ‘bite’ off a bit of their synaptic membrane, and use it to package the neurotransmitter into synaptic vesicles.
These vesicles are then held to the pre-synaptic membrane by proteins
What triggers the release of neurotransmitters?
Depolarisation - usually because of arrival of action potential
The release of the neurotransmitter is Ca2+ dependent
An AP causes the VgCC to open, allowing calcium to diffuse into the presynaptic membrane
Calcium attaches to the proteins holding the vesicle to pre-synaptic membrane, and triggers them so that they drag the vesicle into the presynaptic membrane, allowing the vesicle to fuse with the membrane, releasing the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
The neurotransmitter will then attach to the post-synaptic receptors
How are neurotransmitters removed from the synaptic cleft?
NT must be removed to clear synapse, so that synapse can continue to respond to incoming action potentials
Some peptides are able to just diffuse out of the synaptic cleft, where they are removed by non-specific peptide degrading processes.
Ach and MAO for example, are broken down via enzymatic degradation. Enzymes attached to the other membranes can break down the neurotransmitter.
Some neurotransmitters can be reuptaken into the synaptic terminal (these re-uptake transporters are alpha-2 receptors), and they can be repackaged and reused.
Fast neurotransmitters such as glutamate and GABA, are taken back into astrocytes (glia), where they break the neurotransmitters up, and then send them back to the synaptic terminal where they can be used again
Describe the transmission that occurs at ligand-gated (ionotropic) receptors
What neurotransmitters can bind here?
- Fast, time-dependent transmission
- Signalling molecules that acts as ligands bind to binding sites of ligand-gated receptors, causing the opening of the VgNa channels, allowing depolarisation inside the cell, producing excitatory postsynaptic potentials
NTs = Glutamate (CNS), Ach (NMJ)
Describe the inhibition of action potentials at ligand-gated (ionotropic receptors)
What neurotransmitters can bind to these receptors?
- Ligand (In particular GABA) binds to VgCl channels, causing these to open, allowing chloride ions to enter the cell
- For APs to be inhibited, chloride ions must enter a cell, as they are anions and, therefore, increase the negativity inside the cell, leading to more polarisation (hyper polarisation) of the cell, inhibiting the action potential.
- This is then know as an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (ipsp)
- NTs = GABA, glycine
Describe metabotropic (modulatory) receptors and their effects
What neurotransmitters can bind to these receptors?
- Slow, non-time dependent effects
- Have a receptor molecule with neurotransmitter binding site, but has no channel within it
- Instead there’s an active site on the inside, which then activates a G protein embedded within the membrane
- Activated G proteins can have multiple functions such as:
- Opening and closing protein channels
- Producing secondary messengers (intracellular signalling molecules) - These messengers can open and close ion channels, or they can diffuse into the cell where they can trigger other things, such as protein synthesis
- Metabotropic receptors tend to produce diverse, subtle effects, so they don’t depolarise or hyperpolarise a cell, but rather they adjust how the cell responds to its incoming fast synaptic inputs
- NTs = Dopamine, Ach, serotonin, NA
What is the main structural difference between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors?
Ionotropic receptors contain ion channels, allowing for the flow of ions in or out of the cell
Metabotropic receptors have a large protein with a binding unit for a neurotransmitter, which then activates a G protein embedded within the cell membrane, and this G protein can then activate ion channels, or release intracellular messengers (secondary messengers)
Why do therapeutic drugs have selective effects?
There are many steps in synaptic transmission:
- Production + packaging NT
- Depolarisation and opening of VgCC for Ca2+ entry
- Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of NT
- NT binds to receptors
- Receptors activate + produce postsynaptic effects
- NT removed from cleft and hence receptors
- Receptor action terminate
Drugs can be designed to target any of these steps, so pharmacological manipulation allows for events in a synapse to be altered
There are many different neurotransmitters, and each can act on different types of receptors.
In this way, different neural pathways use different combinations of transmitter and receptor
Drugs that target different types of synapse have selective effects on different pathways
What is synaptic plasticity?
Surviving nerve cells recircuited/rewired (undergo adaptive changes) to have new functions, resulting in the strengthening or weakening of synaptic connections
Describe LTP and what happens when a single synapse is activated, and when a group of synapses are activated
- Long-term potentiation
- LTP is important for learning, as it’s the basis for laying down memories
- Effects fast-excitatory synapses
- Strengthens effective synapses
- Weakens useless synapese
- This allows it to create a more effective neural circuit
If a single synapse activates on its own:
- Produces tiny depolarisation, not very effective
- The more often this happens, the weaker the synapse becomes and it loses its machinery, so will eventually stop being used
If a group of synapses are activated:
- Activate all at the same time, as they’re all taking part in a single circuit, so are driven by the same processes
- Their inputs summate - they join together to strongly depolarise the cell
- These synapses become stronger, as the post synaptic cell sends messages back letting the LTP know that that was an effective synapse
- These synapses then gain machinery to make transmitters, release transmitters and gain more receptors, so that the next action potential is stronger
- The singular synapse does not receive more support, so becomes weaker
What are the specific conditions under which a synapse potentiates?
Synaptic bouton releases glutamate just before postsynaptic cell strongly depolarises
This is important for the LTP, as glutamate helps neural communication, memory formation, learning and regulation
How do metabotropic receptors enhance LTP?
- Some secondary messengers produced by activation of metatrobic receptors can enhance LTP.
- Activation of some metabotropic receptors increase input strength and hence depolarisation
What is convergence?
Many different excitatory or inhibitory inputs synapse onto one neurone
Describe synaptic integration
Nerve cells have multiple inputs that can be excitatory or inhibitory
Excitatory inputs will result in small depolarisation of the cell by the synapse
If Inhibitory inputs fire, there will be a dip in the membrane potential as it will become transiently hyperpolarised
Graded (electrotonic) potentials generated by synapses can summate, resulting in a larger depolarisation
So for a cell to fire an action potential, several excitatory inputs must fire at once in a period when there aren’t many active inhibitory inputs
Describe presynaptic inhibition
This is when an inhibitory input is contacting the presynaptic bouton of an excitatory input.
If both inputs fire at the same time, the effect of the excitatory input is cancelled out by the inhibitory input
If the inhibitory input fires on its own, it will have no effect on the cell as it’s not in direct contact with the cell, and if another excitatory input fires that this inhibitory one is not in contact with, the inhibitory input will also have no effect on that input.
Presynaptic receptors can be targeted selectively by therapeutic drugs
What is divergence?
Each cortical cell gives input to 100s of other cells, allows one neurone to communicate with many other neurones in a network
Explain what determines if and when an action potential is produced by the post-synaptic cell
Summation of electrotonic potentials must exceed threshold value to generate action potential
What do nerve cell circuits use frequency for? Use vision as an example
Encode stimulus strength
AP firing frequency is directly proportional to stimulus strength.
For example, if you were to increase brightness of a patch in the retina, frequency of APs would greatly increase
Using vision as a model, how do nerve cell circuits get triggered?
By salient changes (salience = detecting, filtering and determining importance of external and interoceptive stimuli)
Salient features are important within the image, but completely homogeneous brightness or darkness is not.
They only capture information when the image changes
The cortical circuitry identifies the characteristics of contrast boundaries, and this will determine whether there is an excitatory or an inhibitory response
What are the key characteristics of specific pathways?
- Have precise (e.g. topographic) connections
- Fast synapses (use ionotropic receptors)
- Time-dependent signals (pattern of AP firing matters)
- Highly selective responses (cells respond to specific events)
- Information-rich signals (carry precise information)
How is the primary visual pathway an example of a specific pathway?
- Inputs arise from retina
- Form very localised and precise connections
Describe the modulatory inputs that control the primary visual pathway
- Modulatory inputs arise primarily from brainstem
- Form widespread, sparse connections
How do modulatory pathway effects change when somebody falls asleep and then stays sleeping?
When you’re falling asleep, the brainstem withdraws modulatory inputs
To stay asleep, thalamic cells become insensitive to retinal input
The thalamic cells ignore signals from the retina, and instead fire spontaneous action potentials, so that all thalamic cells are synchronised.
Thalamic cells change their state without modulatory inputs
What does modulation control?
How neurones respond to specific inputs, without altering the information being processed.
This is why many therapeutic drugs are targeted towards this type of synapse.
What do modulatory pathways depend on?
Signals that have:
- Diffuse, imprecise connections
- Slow, persistent synapses (metabotropic receptors used)
- Non-time-dependent, information-poor signals
- Activity linked to:
- Changed from sleep to waking
- Changes in level of concentration and attention
- Mental state
What does serotonin do in the visual cortex?
Maintains pattern of firing when you’re not really using your visual cortex that much, but firing is much weaker meaning there are fewer APs.
What does acetylcholine do in the visual cortex?
Increases APs being generated, frequency response increases. This is when your visual cortex is in more intense use, and concentration levels have greatly increased.
Therefore, increased activity of cholinergic modulatory input increases responses to inputs from the retina.
Greater concentration = Greater activity of cholinergic inputs