Bua sa chomórtas díspóireachta (Translations) Flashcards
One day a new notice hung in the school
Lá amháin bhí fógra nua crochta sa scoil
A group of teenagers gathered around him in the school hall
Bhailigh scata déagóirí timpeall air i halla na scoile
An Irish language debate was to take place
Bhí díospóireacht Ghaeilge le bheith ar siúl
There would be great prizes
Bheadh duaiseanna iontacha ann
These students were interested in discussions
Bhí suim ag na daltaí seo i ndíospóireachtaí
They decided to take part in the debate
Shocraigh siad páirt a ghlacadh sa díospóireacht
The day of the debate came and everyone was in the school hall
Tháinig lá na diospóireachta agus bhí gach duine i halla na scoile
Peter ‘s school was against Mary’ s school
Bhí scoil Pheadair in aghaidh scoil Mhuire
Both teams were positioned on the platform
Bhí an dá fhoireann suite ar an ardán
The hall was black with people
Bhí an halla dubh le daoine
Everyone was really looking forward to the competition
Bhí gach duine ag tnúth go mór leis an gcomórtas
‘Níl aon leigheas i ndán don tír seo’ was the resolution they were discussing
‘Níl aon leigheas i ndán don tír seo’ an rún a bhí á phlé acu
First, John spoke in support of the resolution
Ar dtús, labhair Seán ar son an rún
The judges were sitting behind,.
Bhí na moltóirí ina suí taobh thiar de,.
They seemed enchanted by his speech
Is cosúil go raibh siad faoi dhraíocht ag a chuid cainte
John spoke to the fans clearly and strongly
Labhair Seán leis an lucht leanúna go soiléir agus go láidir
At the end of the debate, one judge announced that Peter’s school had won
Ag deireadh na díospóireachta, d’fhógair moltóir amháin go raibh an bua ag scoil Pheadair
Everyone was overjoyed
Bhí áthas an domhain ar gach duine
The students were screaming with joy, jumping and clapping
Bhí na daltaí ag screadach le háthas, ag léim agus ag bualadh bos
They were extremely happy with themselves
Bhí siad thar a bheith sásta leo féin
It was a great victory for the school
Ba bhua mór é ar son na scoile
Students were presented with a check
Bronnadh seic ar na daltaí
They received a prize of two thousand euros
Fuair siad duais dhá mhíle euro
They were very happy
Bhí siad an-sásta
They were also presented with a trophy
Bronnadh corn orthu freisin
The judge congratulated the students
Rinne an moltóir comhghairdeas leis na daltaí
It was a special occasion
B’ócáid speisialta é
The students went to a local restaurant to celebrate the victory
Chuaigh na daltaí chuig bialann áitiúil chun an bua a cheiliúradh
The judges were also there
Bhí na moltóirí ann freisin
They ate tasty burgers
D’ith siad borgairí blasta
They spent a nice night talking and chatting
Chaith siad oíche dheas ag caint is ag comhrá
They would never forget that night
Ní dhéanfaidís dearmad go deo ar an oíche sin
What was going on according to the announcement?
Cad a bhí ar siúl de réir an fhógra?
Name one school that is on the stage
Ainmigh scoil amháin a bhí ar an ardán
Who was sitting on the platform?
Cé a bhí ina suí ar an ardán?
Who won the competition?
Cé a bhuaigh an comórtas?
How much was on the check?
Cé mhéad a bhí ar an seic?
Where were the students in this picture?
Cá raibh na daltaí sa phictiúr seo?